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Monday, August 8, 2016

Build Muscle and Get Ripped

United-Games-300x250.pngSchool is fully in session and maybe you or someone you love is away or right at home while studying and preparing for all that life has to offer. Unfortunately it is often a time why fitness takes a back seat to studying and socializing. It is a known fact that healthier students are the more successful ones. Especially after their college years and as they enter the workforce. So share this email with a student that you care about.

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Build Muscle and Get Ripped

The total period of the transformation is about 8 months, with 4 months of bulking and 4 months cutting.


Initial Bulk Cutting

Waist 35.3 40 30.75

Biceps 13 16.40 15.15

Weight 173lbs 210 lbs 163lbs

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Born and raised in India, I was very active throughout my childhood by participating in sports such as Basketball and Cricket. After moving to Canada in 2006, things changed and I was no longer able to keep up with the sports as I got busy with school, work and trying to adopt the new lifestyle. One day my cousin brother took me to his local gym along with him. Being a rookie and very weak, I couldn’t do much at the gym but I absolutely loved lifting whatever I could lift. I came home and started doing some research and created a workout plan for myself. I started working out but didn’t see much results as my diet was nowhere near to what I should be eating. One night I came across a transformation on and read about how Micah created an online plan for him including the workouts and the diet. After doing some more research about Hitchfit, I contacted Micah stating what my goals are and was surprised how quick Micah’s response was to discuss things further. I told Micah I wanted to get ripped but at the same time I don’t want to look skinny ripped. Micah advised me to do a bulking plan first followed by a cutting plan. I trusted Micah and started my first ever bulking plan. It was very hard in the beginning to keep up with all the diet and felt like throwing up sometimes due to the fact I was eating beef for the very first time. After few weeks, people started noticing the difference in my body, which motivated me to work even harder.

After finishing up the bulking phase, it was time to cut the fat and get shredded. But as we all know it’s easier said than done. I got very busy with my university and couldn’t keep up with the diet and workouts anymore and as a result, lost all my gains that I did through bulking. I even stopped contacting Micah as I was embarrassed. It took a lot of motivation but eventually I did the bulking plan for 3 months again and emailed Micah about my new measurements. To my surprise, even though I and Micah were not in contact for a long time, he replied right away congratulating me on finishing the bulking plan. I told him my new goals and Micah readily made changes to my old “Cutting” plan to adjust my new body weight and goals. I followed his advice and his diet plan religiously and got in the best shape of my life. I cannot thank Micah enough! Also I would like to mention, throughout the bulking and cutting phase Micah never insisted on crazy supplements or fat burners or any magic pills. The supplements suggested my Micah were very basic. People always asked what kind of magic pill I am on that I keep shredding and the answer was always the same i.e. good nutrition, good workout routines and cutting down all the negativity that prevents you from getting to your goals. People would laugh and make fun, but I kept going and now those same people ask me for tips.

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This journey wouldn’t have been possible without the support of my family. My mom and dad were very supportive in any decision I took regardless of the fact how crazy it might sound. (It’s very hard to not eat all the delicious Indian food and go on a diet where I was eating beef every day haha). My transformation motivated some of my close friends, and two of them actually got their custom plans from Micah and are currently working on their transformation. I might be in the best shape of my life, but this is not the end. I am finishing my Engineering degree next month, and thinking about competing very soon. For that I have already started bulking up again so I have enough muscle before I contact Micah for the Competition Prep Plan. Nothing comes easy, you have to work for it and Micah is always there if you are ready to put in the work.

Jasit’s Program Choice-Get Big Get Ripped

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