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Showing posts with label tone and firm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tone and firm. Show all posts

Monday, June 26, 2017

Entrepreneur and Father of 3 Got RIPPED with Hitch Fit

In 12 weeks Ben Transformed his body inside and out sharing with us all how he achieved Happiness and Amazing 6 pack abs.  It was a honor to work with Ben.  He 100% committed to the process and the results show.  Now he understands the importance of balanced eating, hard work and proper lifestyle so he can stay FIT For Life!!  Perfect example of Hitch Fit. Proud to call you my friend .  Now go and Inspire the World Dj Shredded
Bens Stats
Week 1- 
Weight- 174 lbs
Bodyfat%- 14.25%
Week 12-
Weight- 159 lbs
Stomach- 31 1/4″
Bodyfat%- 6.06%
Ben’s Story
 HitchFit has changed my life.  Not only from a physical standpoint but through each endeavor I face moving forward now.  I started doing HitchFit because I was scared of one day not being able to have the energy to run around with my 3 kids and be as active as they needed Daddy to be.  A few years back I suffered from a string of anxiety/panic attacks that landed me in the emergency room on 3 separate occasions due to insomnia, dehydration & stress.  At that point in my life I was about 182 pounds and a one pack stomach.  A wake up call came when I went to see my doctor and he said that I had high cholesterol and that I needed more Vitamin D.  I had to cut back on fast food a lot more and also take Vitamin D3 capsules every day.

 Ben Rich’s Favorite Program- Fitness Model 


Friday, January 6, 2017

Thought you needed this

Why are you still living in a body that you're unhappy with? In my experience, people carry ‘unwanted’ pounds for very specific reasons. These reasons are subconscious, which is where things get tricky.Michelle-Transformation-001-2.jpg
US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning Client Michelle's Transformation

Self-sabotage is your subconscious way of protecting yourself.

Sounds crazy, but it makes sense when you realize that it is a defense mechanism meant to keep things in your life from changing. You say that you want to lose weight to look and feel amazing, but your subconscious is pulling the strings behind the scenes, keeping your goals just out of reach. As long as your subconscious believes that you are safer being out-of-shape then you'll be stuck. Your most valiant efforts will be undermined by self-sabotage every single time. Frustrating, right?

But don't give up. There's a way to turn everything around, and it all starts with finding out the reason that your subconscious views being out-of-shape as being safe. Once you turn the light on to that reason then it will no longer have any power over you. So, lets dig around for your reason.

Do you believe...Change is bad? It’s common to fear the unknown, but this could very well be the reason that you’re not reaching your goal. Being comfortable with where you are today could be the reason that you sabotage your efforts to improve your life through change.

Do you believe...Success will bring loss? If you met your weight loss goal, would it bring out resentment and jealousy in your friends and family? Are they counting on you to be the ‘screw-up’?

Do you believe...You don’t deserve it? Has someone in your life made you believe that you aren’t worthy of success? Or that they wouldn’t accept you if you were more successful than they are?

Do you believe...You’re not capable? Are you unable to imagine yourself at your goal weight? Does the possibility of achieving your goal not seem real?

Spend time thinking about these tough questions and discover why it is that you aren’t meeting your goals. Once your whole mind is primed for success, then nothing will be able to stop you.

What the mind believes the body achieves. 

Exercise is a huge part of the equation when it comes to achieving weight loss.

I am passionate about seeing my clients achieve results—without wasting time, energy and effort on mistakes.

Call or email me today. I’d love to get you on the exercise program that will change your body and your life for the better.
Reach 6 Million New Customers Every Week With US Sports Marketing. Home Of The All-Biz Advertising Specials. Effective, Affordable Sports Marketing With Your Positive Bottom Line The Top Priority
Let's Boost Your Business Today!

US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning Powered By RAIN's SOUL!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Bikini Body Plan Changes This Mom and Business Owners’ Life

The US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning team is picking up right where we left off in 2016. On the quest to help 1 Million Athletes and Fitness Warriors live healthier, stronger, and longer.
Our partners at Hitchfit of course closed 2016 out doing what they do best. Helping warriors like the one profiled here meet and exceed their fitness goals. Whose next?

Bikini Body Plan Changes This Mom and Business Owners’ Life

Bikini Body Plan for Moms

Today’s transformation really puts a smile on my face. Desiree lives in the Kansas City area, so she was able to come and work with me in person. She has gone through so much in her 36 years. Part of her struggles included being at 250 pounds 3 different times in her life. Her weight is something she has struggled with her entire life. The first day she came into the gym, she was hopeful, but uncertain. Her weight was at 178 pounds at that time, she just wanted to get to a place where she felt comfortable and confident. She wanted to wear a bikini with confidence. She wanted to see her abs for the first time in her life. She had tried so many things, and nothing seemed to work to get where she wanted to be. I took a look at where she was, and explained that we would be aiming for a little over 20 pound loss to get there, and I assured her it was possible if she was willing to follow the plan. She said, “I’ll do whatever you tell me.” She was ready.

Desiree is a busy mother and business owner. But she was committed to the process. She did her Bikini Body Plan and supplemented that with coming in to the gym to see me twice a week. She was diligent and committed, and we started to see the scale come down and body fat start to reduce. She started to see changes in her body. Some days I’d have her do an exercise in front of the mirror so she could see what I did as far as new definition in her muscles. To see her face light up every time she saw a new muscle pop through was priceless.

In 16 week’s Desiree’s body had totally transformed. She nailed her goals, and got the bikini body that she was aiming for. She shared with me that one of her dreams was to take Bikini pictures on a truck that she could show her husband. Well, we got to do just that for her after pix! Even though it was pretty darn cold out, she got in that bikini and took those pictures she had dreamed of being confident enough to do. It was an amazing day. I’m so proud of this gal, so proud of her diligence and dedication, and so proud of her inspiring success! Congrats Des!!

Before and After Weight Loss - Bikini Body PlanDesiree right after the birth of her daughter when she was at 250 pounds, and at the end of her transformation with Hitch Fit, 100 pounds gone!

Bikini Body Plan - Mom and Business Owner Weight Loss Story

Bikini Body Plan

Desiree’s Stats:

Starting weight at Hitch Fit: 178

Starting body fat: 26%

Ending weight: 154

Ending body fat: 16%

Bikini Body Plan - Before and After Weight Loss photos of Mom

Bikini Body Plan - Weight Loss Before and After Photos of Busy Mom and Business Owner

Bikini Body Plan - Weight Loss Before and After Photos of Busy Mom and Business Owner

Desiree’s Story:

“To me it sounds like the typical story..

I have weighed 250 lbs 3 times in my life.

The first time I lost weight with a “fad diet” but put it right back on. The second time I had hit the turning point in my life. I knew if I didn’t change my eating habits and lifestlye that it would kill me. So I started doing cardio everyday. Within 6 months I weighed 175. I stayed at this weight for years until I got pregnant with my beautiful daughter. Which put me right back at 250 pounds. It took me 6 months of cardio to lose the weight again back to 175.

At this time I had a lot of extra skin that hung from my body. I called a plastic surgeon and thought this is the way to “see the abs” that I feel under my skin. I went threw with lower body lift. And still after that I continued my cardio and still my abs never came. Trying every fat loss pill on the market. They still never came.

I have always watched people At the gym an thought wow how do they look like that. Muscle definition was my new goal. I didn’t care to “lose weight” because I had never been smaller than 175 since I was 13 years old. I did not believe it was possible. I told my husband that I wanted a trainer so he sent me to a football coach!! “Thanks babe” That did not work out AT ALL because the no-carb diet made me crash within two weeks. I have always known it had to be the way I eat. I ate healthy foods but would starve myself if I saw the scale get to 178. I decided that if I got a trainer I wanted it to be someone that looks like they work out. Not someone that is bigger than me telling me what I need to do. I wanted my trainer to “walk the walk”.

I searched diligently online for a female trainer. Even after the first time I met Diana. I was still skeptical. She told me to see my abs I would I have to weigh 154. I said ok but I can’t get to that. I have never weighed that.

Diana put together my nutrition plan. Again I thought NO WAY can I eat that much food in one day. I was used to drinking coffee all day to curb hunger and maybe eat once a day.

16 weeks later. Here I am! Goal weight met! I can see my abs! And I honestly can not believe that I look like this. For the first time in my life I got in a bikini and was proud! This has completely changed my life!

There were some days I would go into the gym and think I do not have time today. Or would be so stressed out from work that I could not even think. So busy running a business and being a mommy.

Diana made me relax every time I was around her. She helped build my strength mentally and physically. God put her in my life at the most needed time. She is such an inspiration to me as a business owner, a trainer, and in her faith! Diana, I hope you know how much your story has touched me & and how much your tools have changed my life. Thank you for everything I am so thankful to have met you! And to Micah…the first day I felt so Intimidated when you said you want to see your abs “start running”. I thought, “Great I can only jog 2 mins at a time. Now I can run 30-45 minutes straight and have been able to since the end of my second week of training. Blame it on the food, blame it on Micah’s words, blame it on NEVER GIVING UP!

Thank you HITCH FIT, you changed my life. “

How to get a Bikini Body

Kansas City Personal Trainer Diana Chaloux - LaCerte of Hitch Fit with client Desiree

If you live in the Kansas City area an are interested in Personal Training with Diana in person at Hitch Fit Gym write to . Not in Kansas City? No Problem!

Check out the Hitch Fit Online Bikini Body Diet and Exercise plan

Bikini Body Plan

Reach 6 Million New Customers Every Week With US Sports Marketing. Home Of The All-Biz Advertising Specials. Effective, Affordable Sports Marketing With Your Positive Bottom Line The Top Priority
Let's Boost Your Business Today!

US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning Powered By RAIN's SOUL!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Sean Hyde Takes the Wbff Fitness Stage in Insane Shape with Hitch Fit Comp Prep

There is and there probably never will be the "magic pill" to transform your body to excellence Athletes and Warriors!
It starts with the decision, that becomes a commitment, that becomes a conviction, that becomes a detailed plan, that slowly and gradually becomes a lifestyle of fitness that lasts for a lifetime.
There are a few that will explore the limits of what the human body can progress to like this next example. I will never be satisfied until I hear YOUR transformation story though. I am looking forward to it.

fit shoot -6

Sean Did Amazing. Finishing 4th at His 1st Wbff Show in Male Fitness Model

12 Week Transformation Comp Prep

Day 1



34″ waist

Day of Show


5% bf,

28″ waist t

front (2)

Sean Hyde

Age 25

Long Island, New York

side (3)

Being a high school and college basketball player I’ve always enjoyed working out and staying in shape. After my playing days were done I sought out a new challenge and thought competing would be fun, as well as a great way to build my business as a personal trainer. With help from a friend (Coryn Martin WBFF Pro) she told me about hitchfit and how it helped her reach her fitness goals. With the help of hitchfit not only was I able to compete on November 9th at WBFF New England but I also placed 4th in my first show. Not to mention my clientele has been on the rise since competing. I thank Miach and hitchfit for all their help for enhancing my knowledge about dieting and helping me achieve my physical and personal goals.

Sean hyde back

Seans Program Choice


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Monday, July 4, 2016

Superglue: Tricks that Make a Program Stick

Good Morning Athletes and Warriors!
As they are called the "Dog Days Of Summer" In most of the world August is one of the hottest months on the calendar. That usually is also the time that most fitness enthusiasts lose their "mojo" or more specifically motivation to stick with their programs. Our good friends at Prevention share below ways you can make your fitness program a habit, thus reaping the benefits for life and never having to be concerned about dropping off. Enjoy!
Superglue: Tricks that Make a Program Stick
(Prevention, August ) - You can do almost anything for a week (except hold your breath). It's the second week of an exercise program -- and maybe on into the sixth -- that you find yourself looking for some extra strategies that will bond you and your new routine like superglue. Here are some tricks to help:

Have your stuff handy. Nothing can derail your intentions faster than sneakers that are still soggy from the weekend hike or Walkman batteries that make Frank Sinatra sound like Lurch from the Addams family. Flatten those paper-tiger obstacles by keeping your gear ready to roll and, above all, handy. If you have to trip over your walking shoes on your way out the door, you're one step closer to leaving with them on.

Hitch exercise to an essential. Attaching exercise to something you absolutely have to do every day (until exercise itself becomes that thing) will boost your chances of doing it. Some exercisers leave the house without showering so they have to go to the gym on their way to work. Others leave an essential piece of equipment like eyeliner or concealer in their gym lockers so they either go there or go without.

Be engaging. Sign up your friends, your spouse and anyone else you trust to keep you pointed in the right direction. Most people need something or someone to obligate them to exercise for the first month or two of a new program, says Tedd Mitchell, M.D. For instance, if you've chosen to begin your workday at 8:30 instead of 8, have a friend phone or email you and ask if you've done your workout. Offer to do the same for them.

Find a role model. Oprah is not a role model. Sure, she's lost weight and she exercises. But can she get the kids from baton lessons to baseball practice, put the finishing touches on tomorrow's report, cook dinner and still walk an hour a day during the work week? Find someone like yourself, with your kind of obligations and obstacles, who works out like clockwork. She's the one who proves the point that it can be done.

Acknowledge the cost of doing business. Back when you made that pros-and-cons-of-exercise list, there undoubtedly was a "con" or two. Don't ignore what's there. The person who doesn't give a nod to the fact that exercise may cause some muscle stiffness might pack it in when exercise has that effect.

Drink from the company-only china. Or do whatever else feels like a reward. After you exercise for a while, the glow that you feel after a walk in the park is reward in spades. But in the first few months of a program, you might need to give yourself a blue ribbon now and then. It doesn't have to be extravagant, says psychologist James O. Prochaska of the University of Rhode Island, Kingston. Just remember to reward the behavior, not the outcome. That is, reward yourself for walking five times this week, not for losing a pound.

Don't sweat the skips. Inevitably, real-world obstacles will occasionally come between you and the gym (or your park path). Don't sweat it. "Once you've committed to exercising daily for the next 75 years, missing a day here or a week there isn't catastrophic," says Kerry Courneya, Ph.D. View the "skip" as just that--a temporary skip and go on from there. "People can get back on track quite readily," says James O. Prochaska, Ph.D.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

5 Simple Exercises For Sculpted & Toned Legs

Nate-and-Michelle-Miller-Transformation-1997.jpgAre you self-conscious about your legs?

Do you dread the thought of wearing shorts-let alone a swimsuit?

Maybe you think your calves are too skinny or you hate that your thighs rub together and your buns jiggle when you walk.

Whatever you don't like about your legs, it isn't going to fix itself. So how can you fix it? Include strength training for your lower body in your regular routine.

To sculpt and tone your legs, try the following five exercises two to three times a week and see the difference they make. You'll be showing off those legs in no time.

#1: The Lunge
Arguably the best leg exercise, the lunge works pretty much every leg muscle as well as your buttocks. There are many variations to the simple lunge, but to do the basic lunge, stand up straight and tighten your core.

Step forward several feet with your right foot, landing heel first. Bend your right and left leg down until both legs are bent at 90 degrees (never more) and your left knee is about an inch above the floor. Make sure your knee doesn't extend further than your toes. Keep your body upright and work to keep your balance by not wobbling from side to side. Lift your body up and bring your hips forward until you're standing straight again. Then repeat, lunging forward with your left foot.

#2: The Squat
Perhaps the second-best full-leg workout is the squat. This powerhouse of an exercise works your glutes, hips and thighs all in one shot.

Here's how to do a beginner's squat. Stand between two chairs (if needed for balance). Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping your back straight, chest up, and core tight, squat down like you're going to sit in a chair. Bend at the knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold this position, and then stand back up. Repeat without resting.

#3: The Mountain Climber
This leg exercise mimics the movement of climbing a steep mountain. The faster you climb (move your legs) the more of a cardio workout you'll get as well.

Get in a push-up position: hands and toes on the floor holding up your body. Holding in your abs, lift your right foot, bringing your right knee toward your chest. Tap the floor with your right foot then extend your leg back to starting position. Then lift your left leg, bring your left knee up toward your chest and tap the floor. Return to starting position. Repeat right, left, right, left for 20 repetitions.

#4: The Step-Up
Step-ups are great because they mimic movements you perform on a daily basis. This exercise works your legs and gets your heart pumping. When you do this exercise you can hold a dumbbell in each hand to increase resistance. In addition, you'll need some sort of step. This could be a bottom stair, sturdy box, or low stable chair.

Step up with your right foot, and then bring your left foot up. Step back down so both feet are on the floor. Then repeat, stepping up first with your left foot. Continue doing this 20 times.

#5: The Carving Curtsy
A little more complicated but worth the effort, the carving curtsy works the abs, buttocks, and legs (including your inner thighs).

To do the carving curtsy, stand up straight with your arms bent and hands by your chest. Lunge back and to the right with your left leg so your left foot lands behind your right foot and to the right of your body. Bend both knees to a 90-degree angle like you're performing a curtsy.

Swing your left arm forward and up and your right arm back by your side. Then stand up straight, lifting your left knee out to the side, and tap your left knee with your left hand. Do 20 reps on each leg, and then switch sides.

A solid strength training routine will tone your legs, lift your buns, strengthen your core, and will result in healthy weight loss.

If you're ready to begin your body transformation then feel free to reach out to me. Go, email or call to get started today.

Athlete/Coach Resources...
The Fat Burning Workout! Burn The Fat and Build Muscle. The Workout Program Everyone Is Talking About.
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Friday, December 19, 2014

How to Make Exercise Automatic - Part 1 of 2

Exercise becomes automatic when there is a executable plan. A plan that considers short-term, long-term, and lifetime goals. -Nate
(Prevention,)  - Part 1.
Truth is, people who stay faithful to their exercise plans don't actually have willpower. They don't need it. What they have is a habit. A routine. Exercise for them is like brushing their teeth. They don't spend a single brain cell making decisions about it. They just get up and do it.
And they feel great about it.
"It's been said that if you could put the benefits of exercise in a pill, it would be the single most prescribed medication in the world," says Kerry Courneya, Ph.D., assistant professor at the University of Calgary, Alberta, and author of numerous studies on what makes people stick to an exercise routine. No small part of those benefits is the effect of exercise on weight loss. Studies show that when people have lost weight and acquired an exercise habit, they're more likely to stay trim than are people who try to keep the pounds off through dietary changes alone.
Turning an exercise routine -- and all its benefits -- into a permanent resident in your life is a matter of housecleaning your priorities, setting up a schedule and toning up your motivation (until you're hooked, that is). Here's the five step plan:
Step one: Make exercise a priority
Take a look at the agenda that's behind tomorrow's agenda. That is, take a look at the priorities that are driving your calendar. Put exercise on that priority list. High on that list. Next to working and bill paying and watching Dan Rather. "If exercise is my third priority and it's your fifteenth, you're not going to find the time to exercise, and I am," says Dr. Courneya.
Where people run into trouble is in making something like "getting fit" a priority but then not making the tasks required to get there a priority, too. "I often say if you want to get to the top of the stairs, you must negotiate the steps," says time-management consultant Virginia Bass, who teaches people to organize their lives through Day Timers, Inc. "If you continue to put a lower priority on the task or activities required to reach your goal (exercising in the evenings, for instance) than on the goal itself (improving health, for example), then you're not going to make it."
Step two: Find the time
Waiting for exercise to fit into your life "when I have the time" is like waiting to win the lottery when you haven't bought a ticket. You have to find the time. Try this: For about a week, write down where you've spent your time, as if minutes are checks that you're entering in your checkbook. This gives you a picture of how you're spending your time, says Virginia Bass.
Chances are, there are points that can be nipped and tucked to free a bit of time every day. Maybe you're on the telephone with a neighbor when you could both be walking around the neighborhood together. Maybe your CNN addiction could be sated from the seat of a stationary bike.
If reshuffling this time inventory still hasn't yielded a full 30 minutes for exercise, wipe your schedule clean, reach for your priority list and highlight those activities of highest importance (including exercise) on your daily calendar. Then let the rest of your life flow around those immovable time commitments.
Part 2 will run next week.
No time better than December 19th 2014 to make a plan for a lifetime of fitness success. Click here, and fill out the free fitness profile form to get your customized program