The US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning team is picking up right where we left off in 2016. On the quest to help 1 Million Athletes and Fitness Warriors live healthier, stronger, and longer.
Our partners at Hitchfit of course closed 2016 out doing what they do best. Helping warriors like the one profiled here meet and exceed their fitness goals. Whose next? -Nate Bikini Body Plan Changes This Mom and Business Owners’ Life ![]() Today’s transformation really puts a smile on my face. Desiree lives in the Kansas City area, so she was able to come and work with me in person. She has gone through so much in her 36 years. Part of her struggles included being at 250 pounds 3 different times in her life. Her weight is something she has struggled with her entire life. The first day she came into the gym, she was hopeful, but uncertain. Her weight was at 178 pounds at that time, she just wanted to get to a place where she felt comfortable and confident. She wanted to wear a bikini with confidence. She wanted to see her abs for the first time in her life. She had tried so many things, and nothing seemed to work to get where she wanted to be. I took a look at where she was, and explained that we would be aiming for a little over 20 pound loss to get there, and I assured her it was possible if she was willing to follow the plan. She said, “I’ll do whatever you tell me.” She was ready. Desiree is a busy mother and business owner. But she was committed to the process. She did her Bikini Body Plan and supplemented that with coming in to the gym to see me twice a week. She was diligent and committed, and we started to see the scale come down and body fat start to reduce. She started to see changes in her body. Some days I’d have her do an exercise in front of the mirror so she could see what I did as far as new definition in her muscles. To see her face light up every time she saw a new muscle pop through was priceless. In 16 week’s Desiree’s body had totally transformed. She nailed her goals, and got the bikini body that she was aiming for. She shared with me that one of her dreams was to take Bikini pictures on a truck that she could show her husband. Well, we got to do just that for her after pix! Even though it was pretty darn cold out, she got in that bikini and took those pictures she had dreamed of being confident enough to do. It was an amazing day. I’m so proud of this gal, so proud of her diligence and dedication, and so proud of her inspiring success! Congrats Des!! ![]() ![]() ![]() Desiree’s Stats: Starting weight at Hitch Fit: 178 Starting body fat: 26% Ending weight: 154 Ending body fat: 16% ![]() ![]() ![]() Desiree’s Story: “To me it sounds like the typical story.. I have weighed 250 lbs 3 times in my life. The first time I lost weight with a “fad diet” but put it right back on. The second time I had hit the turning point in my life. I knew if I didn’t change my eating habits and lifestlye that it would kill me. So I started doing cardio everyday. Within 6 months I weighed 175. I stayed at this weight for years until I got pregnant with my beautiful daughter. Which put me right back at 250 pounds. It took me 6 months of cardio to lose the weight again back to 175. At this time I had a lot of extra skin that hung from my body. I called a plastic surgeon and thought this is the way to “see the abs” that I feel under my skin. I went threw with lower body lift. And still after that I continued my cardio and still my abs never came. Trying every fat loss pill on the market. They still never came. I have always watched people At the gym an thought wow how do they look like that. Muscle definition was my new goal. I didn’t care to “lose weight” because I had never been smaller than 175 since I was 13 years old. I did not believe it was possible. I told my husband that I wanted a trainer so he sent me to a football coach!! “Thanks babe” That did not work out AT ALL because the no-carb diet made me crash within two weeks. I have always known it had to be the way I eat. I ate healthy foods but would starve myself if I saw the scale get to 178. I decided that if I got a trainer I wanted it to be someone that looks like they work out. Not someone that is bigger than me telling me what I need to do. I wanted my trainer to “walk the walk”. I searched diligently online for a female trainer. Even after the first time I met Diana. I was still skeptical. She told me to see my abs I would I have to weigh 154. I said ok but I can’t get to that. I have never weighed that. Diana put together my nutrition plan. Again I thought NO WAY can I eat that much food in one day. I was used to drinking coffee all day to curb hunger and maybe eat once a day. 16 weeks later. Here I am! Goal weight met! I can see my abs! And I honestly can not believe that I look like this. For the first time in my life I got in a bikini and was proud! This has completely changed my life! There were some days I would go into the gym and think I do not have time today. Or would be so stressed out from work that I could not even think. So busy running a business and being a mommy. Diana made me relax every time I was around her. She helped build my strength mentally and physically. God put her in my life at the most needed time. She is such an inspiration to me as a business owner, a trainer, and in her faith! Diana, I hope you know how much your story has touched me & and how much your tools have changed my life. Thank you for everything I am so thankful to have met you! And to Micah…the first day I felt so Intimidated when you said you want to see your abs “start running”. I thought, “Great I can only jog 2 mins at a time. Now I can run 30-45 minutes straight and have been able to since the end of my second week of training. Blame it on the food, blame it on Micah’s words, blame it on NEVER GIVING UP! Thank you HITCH FIT, you changed my life. “ ![]() ![]() If you live in the Kansas City area an are interested in Personal Training with Diana in person at Hitch Fit Gym write to . Not in Kansas City? No Problem! Check out the Hitch Fit Online Bikini Body Diet and Exercise plan ![]()
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Showing posts with label booty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label booty. Show all posts
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Bikini Body Plan Changes This Mom and Business Owners’ Life
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Lose Weight and Get Pregnant – 33 pounds lost and baby on the way!
This transformation shows once again that if you love yourself where you are right now, you will always have another level in front of you. Make minute step-by-step changes and before long you have taken giant leaps! Let today's transformation inspire you to take those "baby steps" forward.

Lose Weight and Get Pregnant – 33 Pounds lost and new baby on the way for Jessica!
Lose Weight and Get Pregnant – Jessica’s lost 33 pounds and finally became pregnant after trying for 3 years!
I LOVE Jessica’s story, and I’m so happy to share it today! Jessica had been trying to get pregnant for 3 years to no avail. She was about to give up, but had discovered Hitch Fit. She realized that she needed to first put some focus on herself and getting to a healthier place! She tackled the 16 week Hitch Fit Online Weight Loss Plan –Lose Weight Feel Great. Despite an extremely busy schedule, working as a police officer and caring for her children, she did an incredible job, placing her health as a top priority. She lost 33 pounds in 16 weeks, but what was more amazing was with one week left in her plan, she discovered…she was Pregnant!!! I am so excited for Jessica and the new addition to she and her husband’s family. Here is her inspiring story, and I have a feeling you will be seeing her again post baby!!
(A note: losing weight does not guarantee that you will get pregnant if its something you are struggling with, but doctors do recommend losing weight if you are having trouble conceiving since being a healthy weight has a major impact on the ability to do so. Being overweight can cause a list of pregnancy complications, as does being underweight.)
Jessica’s Stats:
Starting weight: 215
Ending weight: 182
Starting body fat ( online calculator): 46%
Ending body fat ( online calculator): 36%
Before and After weight loss photos – Jessica lost 33 pounds and was able to get pregnant.
Before and After weight loss side photos of Jessica – 33 pounds lost.
Before and After weight loss photos – Jessica lost 33 pounds and was able to get pregnant!
Jessica lost 33 pounds with the Hitch Fit Online Weight Loss Plan – Lose Weight Feel Great.
Jessica’s Story:
“I have always been the “bigger girl.” In high school, I struggled to find clothes that fit and looked like what everyone else was wearing. I had to shop in the “special” (segregated) sections for plus size women. I had NEVER felt comfortable in my own skin. I kept picturing myself in cute, smaller clothing. What I saw in my head, did not match what I saw in the mirror.
In college, I lost some weight. But that was because I was a poor college student who didn’t want to spend too much money on food, so I didn’t. Of course I lost weight, but it came right back.
After I started my career as a police officer, my weight leveled out for a while. I had to get into shape to graduate from the academy. I was shown how to do some weight lifting, but my workouts were mainly running to pass the physical fitness test.
I then met the love of my life, a fellow law enforcement officer. We got married in 2006. My husband is a gym enthusiast. He got me interested in the gym life, but it wasn’t enough. I would always find a reason not to go to the gym. We work opposite shifts, so without him there to push or pull me to the gym, I just didn’t feel like going.
We decided to start a family. I quickly became pregnant. I know my starting weight was 206 lbs. In June of 2008, our first son was born. I don’t know what my post pregnancy weight was because, I didn’t care. How could I? We were too focused on our beautiful baby boy.
We then decided to add to our family. After trying for 11 months, I became pregnant. Again, my starting weight was 206. In December of 2011, our second son was born. I noticed that I had gained and retained more weight that time. At one point, I weighed 230 lbs. I looked at photos of me from the baptism in July of 2012. I was not happy with what I saw.
I began to try to work out more, but without my husband there, I had no idea of what to do in the gym. I felt out of place and uncomfortable. I began searching for something to help. I joined the “2013 New Year’s Challenge” at our community center’s gym. I found a 12-week online workout plan. It helped give me confidence in the weight room. It told me what to do, how many to do, and in what order. However, it did not give me a nutrition plan. I continued to eat the way I had been for years. In fact, sometimes, my husband and I would “reward” ourselves for a good workout by eating out or partaking in ice cream.
At the end of the 12 weeks, I had lost about 25 pounds. I made it back to 206 lbs. I could have sworn that I was destined to stay at 206 for the rest of my life. I could NOT get below 200! I continued to use the workout plan, but I started to notice that my weight was beginning to creep back up. I began to lose motivation. Why should I continue to work out, if it was not going to help?
Meanwhile, life continued to get more hectic. Our boys were getting older. They began to have more school functions and they are getting more involved in activities. So my gym time became less important as the schedule became fuller and fuller. Also, at the end of 2013, my husband and I decided to try for a third child. I tried to not tax my body too much. I pulled back on the intensity of my workouts and stopped taking some of the supplements I had been taking.
In 2014, I began to hear about Hitch Fit. I graduated high school with Hitch Fit Trainer, Sara Sutherland. I had seen her progress and results on Facebook. I was very intrigued. Then while I was on the treadmill at the gym, I saw multiple segments about Hitch Fit on Better Kansas City. I became more and more interested. I went home and looked over the website. I shared what I found with my husband. What I was seeing was really making sense to me, but I just wasn’t ready. I mean I was trying to get pregnant, why would I buy a weight loss program that I would have to stop or put on hold. But it always stayed in the back of my mind.
In 2015, I was still not pregnant and my weight had gotten up to 215 lbs. I had begun to give up on getting pregnant, I needed to start focusing on me. I had put off Hitch Fit because I wanted to get pregnant, but maybe I needed to get myself healthy and in shape for that to even happen.
I had wanted to do the bikini body program, but I was carrying so much extra weight I had to start with getting down to a healthier weight. So in July of 2015, I purchased the 16 week “Lose Weight, Feel Great” program. I was soon contacted by Diana. I filled out a questionnaire and explained why I needed to start this journey. I had LOTS of questions. With my shift work, I was concerned about eating my 5-6 meals at the optimal times. My sleep schedule, workout time and duration were different for each shift, which also threw off my meal times. I was determined to get it right this time
There were also lots of challenges. Like I had mentioned, my husband and I work different shifts, so while one of us is at work, the other is alone with our boys. We are what we call “married, single parents.” When we are not at work, we have the sole responsibility to take the boys to their activities, keep up the house work, make meals, etc. So finding time to get to the gym (when the daycare was open) AND make the healthy meals that my body needed, was not easy. My husband helped by cooking meat in batches, so all I needed to do was get the veggies and carbs cooked. We never got into the “meal prepping” we just had items available in the fridge, which worked for us!
I kept in contact with Diana, weekly. I updated her with my weight and measurements, my workouts, and my nutritional adherence. It kept me motivated. I loved reporting that my weight kept going down; my measurements were getting smaller. If I had any questions, I could ask and would have an answer!
By the end of my 16 week program, I had lost 33 lbs and about 9-10 inches off of my body! I had gone from 215 lbs to 182 lbs. But my most welcome surprise was that with only one week left in my program, I found out that I was pregnant with our third child! I had gotten my body healthy enough, so that after almost 3 years of trying, I had finally become pregnant.
This is only my beginning! You have finished reading only the first chapter of my story. After the birth of my baby, I plan on getting back to this weight and then moving forward with the bikini plan. I have goals that are yet to be met, so watch for me, I plan on going far.”
Lose Weight and Get Pregnant – Jessica lost 33 pounds, improved her health and was able to conceive after trying for 3 years!
Jessica’s Plan of choice: Hitch Fit Online Weight Loss –Lose Weight Feel Great Plan


Lose Weight and Get Pregnant – Jessica’s lost 33 pounds and finally became pregnant after trying for 3 years!
I LOVE Jessica’s story, and I’m so happy to share it today! Jessica had been trying to get pregnant for 3 years to no avail. She was about to give up, but had discovered Hitch Fit. She realized that she needed to first put some focus on herself and getting to a healthier place! She tackled the 16 week Hitch Fit Online Weight Loss Plan –Lose Weight Feel Great. Despite an extremely busy schedule, working as a police officer and caring for her children, she did an incredible job, placing her health as a top priority. She lost 33 pounds in 16 weeks, but what was more amazing was with one week left in her plan, she discovered…she was Pregnant!!! I am so excited for Jessica and the new addition to she and her husband’s family. Here is her inspiring story, and I have a feeling you will be seeing her again post baby!!
(A note: losing weight does not guarantee that you will get pregnant if its something you are struggling with, but doctors do recommend losing weight if you are having trouble conceiving since being a healthy weight has a major impact on the ability to do so. Being overweight can cause a list of pregnancy complications, as does being underweight.)
Jessica’s Stats:
Starting weight: 215
Ending weight: 182
Starting body fat ( online calculator): 46%
Ending body fat ( online calculator): 36%

Jessica’s Story:
“I have always been the “bigger girl.” In high school, I struggled to find clothes that fit and looked like what everyone else was wearing. I had to shop in the “special” (segregated) sections for plus size women. I had NEVER felt comfortable in my own skin. I kept picturing myself in cute, smaller clothing. What I saw in my head, did not match what I saw in the mirror.
In college, I lost some weight. But that was because I was a poor college student who didn’t want to spend too much money on food, so I didn’t. Of course I lost weight, but it came right back.
After I started my career as a police officer, my weight leveled out for a while. I had to get into shape to graduate from the academy. I was shown how to do some weight lifting, but my workouts were mainly running to pass the physical fitness test.
I then met the love of my life, a fellow law enforcement officer. We got married in 2006. My husband is a gym enthusiast. He got me interested in the gym life, but it wasn’t enough. I would always find a reason not to go to the gym. We work opposite shifts, so without him there to push or pull me to the gym, I just didn’t feel like going.
We decided to start a family. I quickly became pregnant. I know my starting weight was 206 lbs. In June of 2008, our first son was born. I don’t know what my post pregnancy weight was because, I didn’t care. How could I? We were too focused on our beautiful baby boy.
We then decided to add to our family. After trying for 11 months, I became pregnant. Again, my starting weight was 206. In December of 2011, our second son was born. I noticed that I had gained and retained more weight that time. At one point, I weighed 230 lbs. I looked at photos of me from the baptism in July of 2012. I was not happy with what I saw.
I began to try to work out more, but without my husband there, I had no idea of what to do in the gym. I felt out of place and uncomfortable. I began searching for something to help. I joined the “2013 New Year’s Challenge” at our community center’s gym. I found a 12-week online workout plan. It helped give me confidence in the weight room. It told me what to do, how many to do, and in what order. However, it did not give me a nutrition plan. I continued to eat the way I had been for years. In fact, sometimes, my husband and I would “reward” ourselves for a good workout by eating out or partaking in ice cream.
At the end of the 12 weeks, I had lost about 25 pounds. I made it back to 206 lbs. I could have sworn that I was destined to stay at 206 for the rest of my life. I could NOT get below 200! I continued to use the workout plan, but I started to notice that my weight was beginning to creep back up. I began to lose motivation. Why should I continue to work out, if it was not going to help?
Meanwhile, life continued to get more hectic. Our boys were getting older. They began to have more school functions and they are getting more involved in activities. So my gym time became less important as the schedule became fuller and fuller. Also, at the end of 2013, my husband and I decided to try for a third child. I tried to not tax my body too much. I pulled back on the intensity of my workouts and stopped taking some of the supplements I had been taking.
In 2014, I began to hear about Hitch Fit. I graduated high school with Hitch Fit Trainer, Sara Sutherland. I had seen her progress and results on Facebook. I was very intrigued. Then while I was on the treadmill at the gym, I saw multiple segments about Hitch Fit on Better Kansas City. I became more and more interested. I went home and looked over the website. I shared what I found with my husband. What I was seeing was really making sense to me, but I just wasn’t ready. I mean I was trying to get pregnant, why would I buy a weight loss program that I would have to stop or put on hold. But it always stayed in the back of my mind.
In 2015, I was still not pregnant and my weight had gotten up to 215 lbs. I had begun to give up on getting pregnant, I needed to start focusing on me. I had put off Hitch Fit because I wanted to get pregnant, but maybe I needed to get myself healthy and in shape for that to even happen.
I had wanted to do the bikini body program, but I was carrying so much extra weight I had to start with getting down to a healthier weight. So in July of 2015, I purchased the 16 week “Lose Weight, Feel Great” program. I was soon contacted by Diana. I filled out a questionnaire and explained why I needed to start this journey. I had LOTS of questions. With my shift work, I was concerned about eating my 5-6 meals at the optimal times. My sleep schedule, workout time and duration were different for each shift, which also threw off my meal times. I was determined to get it right this time
There were also lots of challenges. Like I had mentioned, my husband and I work different shifts, so while one of us is at work, the other is alone with our boys. We are what we call “married, single parents.” When we are not at work, we have the sole responsibility to take the boys to their activities, keep up the house work, make meals, etc. So finding time to get to the gym (when the daycare was open) AND make the healthy meals that my body needed, was not easy. My husband helped by cooking meat in batches, so all I needed to do was get the veggies and carbs cooked. We never got into the “meal prepping” we just had items available in the fridge, which worked for us!
I kept in contact with Diana, weekly. I updated her with my weight and measurements, my workouts, and my nutritional adherence. It kept me motivated. I loved reporting that my weight kept going down; my measurements were getting smaller. If I had any questions, I could ask and would have an answer!
By the end of my 16 week program, I had lost 33 lbs and about 9-10 inches off of my body! I had gone from 215 lbs to 182 lbs. But my most welcome surprise was that with only one week left in my program, I found out that I was pregnant with our third child! I had gotten my body healthy enough, so that after almost 3 years of trying, I had finally become pregnant.
This is only my beginning! You have finished reading only the first chapter of my story. After the birth of my baby, I plan on getting back to this weight and then moving forward with the bikini plan. I have goals that are yet to be met, so watch for me, I plan on going far.”

Jessica’s Plan of choice: Hitch Fit Online Weight Loss –Lose Weight Feel Great Plan

US Sports Recruiting Assistance. Athletes! All Registered Athletes Will Have Their Huddl Or other Highlight Video Reel Priority Posted on Our Athlete Highlight Video Reel Center! We have Thousands Of College Coaches and Recruiters Visiting Our Network Daily. Get More Exposure With US Sports Recruiting Assistance! For just a one time fee of $25 we guarantee your highlight reel will be seen by over 5000 coaches, recruiters, and administrators. We will promote your highlight reels with all updates until you are signed to your desired college or pro team! Check out the US Sports Elite Athlete Highlight Reel Center: Sign up for US Sports Recruiting Assistance here. |
Monday, June 6, 2016
How to Get Fit and Healthy in your 40’s with Hitch Fit Training

Before we get to another amazing transformation from our partners at Hitchfit, let's send out a big congratulations and high fives to US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning Team Client the D.C. Divas Women's Football team on winning the Eastern Conference regular season title and locking up home field throughout the playoffs. Besides being one of the most talented squads in the game, your hard working of the US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System in the off season is once again paying dividends on the field. Great work ladies and best of good fortune in another run to the Championship! If you or you team would like train like a champion, feel free to click here, fill out the fitness profile form and I will happily set your team up on a winning program. Watch video highlights of the Divas big win over Boston here
Despite my starting picture not reflecting it, fitness is a hobby for me. I knew I had not been eating as clean as I normally do, but the pictures really opened my eyes. I was still working out, but admittedly, my intensity was inconsistent so it was definitely time to shake things up.
I had first heard about HitchFit through a local fitness magazine, but it was over a year before I decided to give it a try. Before I made the online purchase though, I had reached out to Micah to ask some questions, one of which being the impact my upcoming shoulder surgery was going to have. Fortunately, Micah’s response was that I could start the program when I was ready. My recovery ended up taking much longer than I had anticipated. Once I did start, I found that there were some exercises that my shoulder wasn’t ready for so I made some substitutions. Additionally, I travel quite a bit, and Micah was great about tailoring my workouts based upon what kind of equipment was available. He also took that into consideration when putting my meal plan together.
Over the years, I’ve done different programs with mixed results. For me, the diet portion of the programs I did in the past were either too generic or didn’t necessarily fit with my own goals. The diet Micah wrote up for me was the most strict that I’ve ever used, but it made sense to me and without a doubt, it works.
I set some pretty aggressive goals for myself which definitely helped maintain focus. While I didn’t quite make it to my body fat goal, I am happy with the progress I’ve made and hope to help others by inspiring them or offering support. I will continue to pursue my original body fat goal and once there, I want to begin working on my next transformation.
If you are someone who has tried multiple diets or exercise programs with no success and have found yourself frustrated and in a rut, I would recommend trying HitchFit. It’s not easy, but if your commitment level is there, you’ll be pleased with your results
Age: 45
Starting Weight: 208
Starting Hip Measurement: 41”
Starting Waist Measurement over belly button: 40”
Starting Body Fat: 26%
Finish Weight: 174
Finish Hip Measurement: 36-1/2”
Finish Waist Measurement over belly button: 32-1/4”
Finish Body Fat: 8.8%
Coreys Program Choice-Couples Plan– Online Weight Loss Program
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US Sports Recruiting Assistance. Athletes! All Registered Athletes Will Have Their Huddl Or other Highlight Video Reel Priority Posted on Our Athlete Highlight Video Reel Center! We have Thousands Of College Coaches and Recruiters Visiting Our Network Daily. Get More Exposure With US Sports Recruiting Assistance! For just a one time fee of $25 we guarantee your highlight reel will be seen by over 5000 coaches, recruiters, and administrators. We will promote your highlight reels with all updates until you are signed to your desired college or pro team! Check out the US Sports Elite Athlete Highlight Reel Center: Sign up for US Sports Recruiting Assistance here. |
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