Good Morning Athletes and Warriors!
Seems as though as we wind down 2016 and tool up for a great 2017, that the holidays for many are all about making your ab muscles disappear. And spending January and on looking for them again. Let's stop this vicious cycle by first as I always say, making fitness a lifestyle for a lifetime. Then and only then will the particular methods of exercise have the long lasting effect of a healthier leaner body that we are looking for. With that in mind let's get after that six pack with the help of our friends at BPISports! -Nate
(Video)10 Minutes At Home Ab Workout - 6-Pack Training
Are you looking for a fast and effective ab workout routine to lose belly fat and get lean 6-pack abs?Now despite all the myths you may have heard you don’t have to do 1,000’s of reps to get great abs – in fact all 3 of the exercises we’re going to do today require only 15 repetitions per set and the whole workout will only take about 10 minutes to finish. You only need to do this routine twice a week to get the maximum benefits. REVERSE CRUNCH To do this exercise correctly, we’re going to eliminate the first part of that motion where it was all hip flexors – so starting with the thighs perpendicular to the floor and a 90 degree bend in the legs. To maximize the contraction we are going to bring our head up off the floor – make sure not to pull on the back of your head or neck. From here we are going to slowly and in a controlled movement lift our pelvis off the floor in a reverse crunch motion. Focus on bringing your knees closer to your head versus up toward the ceiling. Slowly lower back to the starting position and repeat for 15 reps, and 3 sets of this, but not back to back. PLANK TUCK: First, I take a small towel and put it down on a smooth floor. I put my feet on the towel in a push-up position. Starting with my back straight and my abs tight I tuck my pelvis and pull my feet up by contracting my abs. Squeeze your abs at this point and then slide your feet back out to starting position before repeating. As you can see we get a nice curvature of the low spine, bringing the lower part of our ribs closer to our pelvis – the two insertion points of our rectus abdominis. This means we’re getting a nice full contraction. We’re going to do this for 15 reps. We’ll do this for 3 total sets but not back to back. From here we’re going to jump into our next exercise. CRUNCHES: To correctly perform a simple crunch, we need a fuller range of motion by bringing our head toward our knees, not the ceiling. When we do this you can see we get that curvature we’re looking for. Make sure to start the move slowly, not using momentum and not pulling on your neck or head - squeeze it at the top before slowly lowering back down. Make sure to go as high as you can – just before your low back comes off the ground – if it comes off the ground then you’re doing an old fashioned sit-up – which is an effective exercise if it weren’t for the stress on the low back. We’re going to do this exercise for 15 reps. NOTE: All VIEWERS are advised to consult their physician before beginning any exercise and nutrition program. BPI and the contributors do not accept any responsibility for injury sustained as a result of following the advice or suggestions contained within the content of this VIDEO.
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Showing posts with label flat belly program. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flat belly program. Show all posts
Monday, December 5, 2016
10 Minutes At Home Ab Workout - 6-Pack Training
Friday, November 4, 2016
Vigorous Exercise Helps Women Quit Smoking, Stay Smoke Free
Hello there Athletes and Warriors!
Interesting guest article here. Not the premise of exercise being a much healthier substitute for smoking, we all know that; but the idea of vigorous or intense exercise that may eliminate the desire to smoke. That means the 2 hour treadmill or elliptical trainer marathons that many will make the mistake of putting into their programs are no where near as effective as a calisthenic or sprint-style workout that barely needs 20 minutes to be effective. Read on and get this revelation, especially if you or someone you know smokes. Male as well as female. Then click here to get your program online that can effectively and safely incorporate intense exercise into your program. ![]() Vigorous Exercise Helps Women Quit Smoking, Stay Smoke Free CHICAGO (AP)--Women who exercise vigorously while trying to quit smoking are twice as likely to kick the habit than wannabe ex-smokers who don't work out regularly, a new study finds. The report also offers good news to female smokers who fear that giving up tobacco and nicotine will lead to weight gain. Researchers found that women who worked out as they tried to quit gained only about half the weight of those who did not exercise. "I can't say that definitively this will help all people, but given all of the other health benefits associated with regular exercise I would certainly encourage people trying to quit smoking to talk to their physicians about starting a program," said Bess Marcus, an associate professor of psychiatry and human behavior at Brown University and the study's lead author. The findings appear in Monday's Archives of Internal Medicine. Researchers at The Miriam Hospital in Providence, R.I., followed 281 healthy but sedentary female smokers who attended a 12-week program to stop smoking. About half of the women participated in supervised workouts three times a week during the program while the others did not. Of the 134 women in the group who exercised regularly, 19.4 percent kicked the habit for at least two months after their program ended while 10.2 percent of the 147 non-exercisers did the same. Three months later, the comparison of those still smoke-free was 16.4 percent to 8.2 percent, respectively, and 11.9 percent vs. 5.4 percent a year later. The women ranged between ages 18 and 65 and had smoked routinely for at least a year. "There seems to be a new drug every day to help you quit smoking," Marcus said in a telephone interview Sunday. "But this study suggests that there's a drug-free alternative to quitting smoking if that's what you prefer." While the researchers at Miriam Hospital studied only women smokers, men who want to quit should expect similar results, said Dr. Michael Roizen, head of anesthesiology and critical care at the University of Chicago's Pritzker School of Medicine. "I don't think it (gender) makes any difference," said Roizen, a health and lifestyle modification enthusiast who was not involved in the study. "I think you almost have to do some sort of exercise to be successful at quitting."
Reach 6 Million New Customers Every Week With US Sports Marketing. Home Of The All-Biz Advertising Specials. Effective, Affordable Sports Marketing With Your Positive Bottom Line The Top Priority
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Monday, July 4, 2016
Superglue: Tricks that Make a Program Stick
Monday, April 25, 2016
Heather Chose Lean Over Lazy...

It is true that no matter what your walk in life entails, that you will come across people who 'will' or ''won't". It's not a matter of wiring, its a matter of choice. The more difficult path to success may cause some to make lazy choices, but the fact that we consider a successful endeavor, tells me that we are wired to seek success. So with that in mind, check out today's transformation of someone who decided to put away any thought of laziness, to sculpt her lean, sexy self to success.
US Sports Recruiting Assistance. Athletes! All Registered Athletes Will Have Their Huddl Or other Highlight Video Reel Priority Posted on Our Athlete Highlight Video Reel Center! We have Thousands Of College Coaches and Recruiters Visiting Our Network Daily. Get More Exposure With US Sports Recruiting Assistance! For just a one time fee of $25 we guarantee your highlight reel will be seen by over 5000 coaches, recruiters, and administrators. We will promote your highlight reels with all updates until you are signed to your desired college or pro team! Check out the US Sports Elite Athlete Highlight Reel Center: Sign up for US Sports Recruiting Assistance here. |
Thursday, April 21, 2016
See How This Couple Dropped 120 lbs – Fit Grandparents
![]() -Nate
See How This Couple Dropped 120 lbs – Fit Grandparents
Rick and Vickie On Tv Do I have an Amazing Inspiration Story for you!! These grandparents dropped 120lbs combined to Get Healthy and Fit!! Vickies Story Fit Grandparents Here I was, 58 years old, at a place I thought I would never be – overweight, frustrated, raging hormones, depressed, not liking myself at all and I felt so alone all of the time. For years I struggled with my looks and my feelings.....more
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
5 Simple Exercises For Sculpted & Toned Legs

Do you dread the thought of wearing shorts-let alone a swimsuit?
Maybe you think your calves are too skinny or you hate that your thighs rub together and your buns jiggle when you walk.
Whatever you don't like about your legs, it isn't going to fix itself. So how can you fix it? Include strength training for your lower body in your regular routine.
To sculpt and tone your legs, try the following five exercises two to three times a week and see the difference they make. You'll be showing off those legs in no time.
#1: The Lunge
Arguably the best leg exercise, the lunge works pretty much every leg muscle as well as your buttocks. There are many variations to the simple lunge, but to do the basic lunge, stand up straight and tighten your core.
Step forward several feet with your right foot, landing heel first. Bend your right and left leg down until both legs are bent at 90 degrees (never more) and your left knee is about an inch above the floor. Make sure your knee doesn't extend further than your toes. Keep your body upright and work to keep your balance by not wobbling from side to side. Lift your body up and bring your hips forward until you're standing straight again. Then repeat, lunging forward with your left foot.
#2: The Squat
Perhaps the second-best full-leg workout is the squat. This powerhouse of an exercise works your glutes, hips and thighs all in one shot.
Here's how to do a beginner's squat. Stand between two chairs (if needed for balance). Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping your back straight, chest up, and core tight, squat down like you're going to sit in a chair. Bend at the knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold this position, and then stand back up. Repeat without resting.

#3: The Mountain Climber
This leg exercise mimics the movement of climbing a steep mountain. The faster you climb (move your legs) the more of a cardio workout you'll get as well.
Get in a push-up position: hands and toes on the floor holding up your body. Holding in your abs, lift your right foot, bringing your right knee toward your chest. Tap the floor with your right foot then extend your leg back to starting position. Then lift your left leg, bring your left knee up toward your chest and tap the floor. Return to starting position. Repeat right, left, right, left for 20 repetitions.
#4: The Step-Up
Step-ups are great because they mimic movements you perform on a daily basis. This exercise works your legs and gets your heart pumping. When you do this exercise you can hold a dumbbell in each hand to increase resistance. In addition, you'll need some sort of step. This could be a bottom stair, sturdy box, or low stable chair.
Step up with your right foot, and then bring your left foot up. Step back down so both feet are on the floor. Then repeat, stepping up first with your left foot. Continue doing this 20 times.
#5: The Carving Curtsy
A little more complicated but worth the effort, the carving curtsy works the abs, buttocks, and legs (including your inner thighs).
To do the carving curtsy, stand up straight with your arms bent and hands by your chest. Lunge back and to the right with your left leg so your left foot lands behind your right foot and to the right of your body. Bend both knees to a 90-degree angle like you're performing a curtsy.
Swing your left arm forward and up and your right arm back by your side. Then stand up straight, lifting your left knee out to the side, and tap your left knee with your left hand. Do 20 reps on each leg, and then switch sides.
A solid strength training routine will tone your legs, lift your buns, strengthen your core, and will result in healthy weight loss.
If you're ready to begin your body transformation then feel free to reach out to me. Go, email or call to get started today.
US Sports Recruiting Assistance. Athletes! All Registered Athletes Will Have Their Huddl Or other Highlight Video Reel Priority Posted on Our Athlete Highlight Video Reel Center! We have Thousands Of College Coaches and Recruiters Visiting Our Network Daily. Get More Exposure With US Sports Recruiting Assistance! For just a one time fee of $25 we guarantee your highlight reel will be seen by over 5000 coaches, recruiters, and administrators. We will promote your highlight reels with all updates until you are signed to your desired college or pro team! Check out the US Sports Elite Athlete Highlight Reel Center: Sign up for US Sports Recruiting Assistance here. |
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Are You Ready To Start Your Transformation? See Inside!
![]() No better time than now friends! These outstanding trainers may be new to US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning, but they are not rookies when it comes to helping people from all walks of life transform into outstanding physical specimens! If you are truly ready to transform, then let me introduce you to your trainers: Micah Lacerte & Diana Chaloux - LaCerte![]()
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Where's The Fat?
I often find that stating the obvious, makes it more obvious. My main job is to help at least one of you today to make the decision to live better. Then to give you the comprehensive plan to do so. Email reply me here or fill out the free fitness profile form at US Sports Strength and Conditioning if you are serious about changing you life today.
Exercise Combined With Diet Cuts Bodyfat, But From Where? Do you lose more weight by cutting calories than you do by exercising more? Recent evidence slightly tips the scales toward exercising. A study in December's Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise followed 26 formerly-sedentary women for 13 weeks. One group of women cycled for a half-hour once or twice a week while cutting 200 calories a day from their diet. Another cycled three to four times a week while eating the same as usual. And a third made no changes. Not surprisingly, the third group lost no fat. But both exercise groups lost similar amounts of visceral fat--deep, hard fat that shapes the typical beer belly. Visceral fat has been associated with heart disease and diabetes. The three-or-four-times-a-week exercise group, however, lost more subcutaneous fat--the kind that lays just beneath the skin, primarily in your arms and legs. Though not harmful, subcutaneous fat makes you look flabby.
WHAT'S YOUR BODY SHAPE? Waist-to-Hip Ratio Tells Where The Fat's At You're not as slim as you'd like to be. But you've never really thought of yourself as being overweight either. So when you read about the benefits of maintaining a "healthy weight," you wonder where you fit in--is your weight OK, or is it putting your health at risk? A simple do-it-yourself evaluation reported in the Mayo Clinic Health Letter can give you an idea of what shape your shape is in, and if you might benefit from shedding a few pounds. The waist-to-hip ratio indicates where most of your fat is located. People who carry most of their weight around their waists are often referred to as "apples." Those who carry most of their weight below their waist--around the hips and thighs--are often referred to as "pears." Generally, it's better to have a pear shape than an apple shape. That's because fat around the waist is associated with an increased risk for diabetes, cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer. Fat around your hips and thighs is considered less of a health risk.
To find out what shape you are, measure your hips at their widest point and your waist at its narrowest (usually at the navel, but this may vary). Divide your waist measurement by your hip measurement. A ratio greater than .80 for a woman and greater than 1.0 for a man indicates an apple shape.
TURN OFF THAT TV! Get Your Kids Up Off The Couch, Excessive TV Watching Is Making Them Fat Knowing that the overweight children of today are likely to become the overweight adults of tomorrow mandates that you pay careful attention to your child's diet, exercise and lifestyle habits. A study reported in a recent issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association reports on dated collected from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which measured the amount of physical activity and television watching among 4,000 children in U.S. households and the relationship to their Body Mass Index (BMI) and percent bodyfat. Overall, approximately 20% of the children reported fewer than three exercise sessions per week (which was even higher among girls); whereas 26% of the children watched more than four hours of television per day. Yes, per day! Not surprisingly, the increased television watching was associated with increased BMI and total bodyfat levels. The authors concluded that increased television watching was associated with the increasing prevalence of overweight children inthe U.S., and that children were increasingly participating in sedentary-leisure activities, such as playing video games, watching television and using computers, and that this trend was more than coincidental. As parents you need to encourage your children to participate in regular exercise, particularly activities that they can engage in for the rest of their lives. Good examples are running, cycling, weight training, soccer, bodybuilding, basketball, swimming and skiing. If we do not stop this trend, the health care crisis will continue to grow to bigger and bigger proportions in this country.
US Sports Strength and Conditioning Case Studies:
"I am greatly appreciative to have relied on the expertise and experience of Nate Lewis and his online training US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System services for our football program here at Annapolis Area Christian School. Since we started to utilize his services, we have seen immediate results; including a recent Championship Season and a 10-0 record! We have been fortunate to win two championships back to back and currently have the longest win-streak in Anne Arundel County* (MD USAHS Football). The workout that our guys endure are very challenging and productive. We have become a more explosive and confident team since utilizing this new training regimen. The beauty of our workout is that we can cater it to all of our athletes, whether they are freshmen or seniors. We appreciate and are thankful for the US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System!" Kenny Lucas Head Football Coach Annapolis Area Christian School *AACS won its third straight MIAA Football Championship in 2011 |
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