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Showing posts with label toned legs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label toned legs. Show all posts

Friday, January 13, 2017

The Cold, Hard Truth About Cellulite

In the fitness world, this is often a hot-button issue.
Here is the shocker Athletes and Warriors, that mysterious term "Muscle tone" and even more mysterious "Skin tone" are brother and sister.
The more dense (not big) and active your muscle mass, then your skin will slowly and gradually follow suit. Its just another truth that no gimmick, magic cream, pill, or fad can get around. Now I turn the floor over to the smart folks in lab coats who are really smart so please pay attention to them! :)
And we will have a funeral in a few months for that cellulite that intruded on your body many years ago.
Related image

The Cold, Hard Truth About Cellulite
(From Prevention Magazine,) - Are there any proven methods for getting rid of cellulite? Many people lose weight but the dimples won't go away. Do cellulite creams really work?

In reality, money spent on cellulite creams would be better spent on a set of dumbbells or a health club membership.

The active ingredient in cellulite creams is usually an asthma drug called aminophylline or theophylline. The theory is that these chemicals break fat molecules down into fatty acids, which are then excreted through the bloodstream. But, according to dermatologist Zoe D. Draelos, MD of Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC, "What works in a lab dish hasn't been proven to work on women's legs (or anywhere else on her body)."

Also, human skin is effectively designed to keep things out; it would be very difficult to get the active ingredients in these thigh creams to reach the fat cells just by rubbing them in.

Exercise and a healthy, low-fat diet are the best ways of combating cellulite. Losing weight can help too, but only if you're doing it healthfully -- no crash dieting. That may actually make cellulite look worse, because crash dieting can cause you to lose muscle tone. If you aren't exercising, start now, and make sure you include strength training exercise like weight lifting to shape and tone your muscles. That will help those trouble spots start looking better.

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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Lose Weight and Get Pregnant – 33 pounds lost and baby on the way!

This transformation shows once again that if you love yourself where you are right now, you will always have another level in front of you. Make minute step-by-step changes and before long you have taken giant leaps! Let today's transformation inspire you to take those "baby steps" forward.
Lose Weight and Get Pregnant - 33 Pounds lost and new baby on the way for Jessica!Lose Weight and Get Pregnant – 33 Pounds lost and new baby on the way for Jessica!

Lose Weight and Get Pregnant – Jessica’s lost 33 pounds and finally became pregnant after trying for 3 years! 

I LOVE Jessica’s story, and I’m so happy to share it today! Jessica had been trying to get pregnant for 3 years to no avail. She was about to give up, but had discovered Hitch Fit. She realized that she needed to first put some focus on herself and getting to a healthier place! She tackled the 16 week Hitch Fit Online Weight Loss Plan –Lose Weight Feel Great. Despite an extremely busy schedule, working as a police officer and caring for her children, she did an incredible job, placing her health as a top priority. She lost 33 pounds in 16 weeks, but what was more amazing was with one week left in her plan, she discovered…she was Pregnant!!! I am so excited for Jessica and the new addition to she and her husband’s family. Here is her inspiring story, and I have a feeling you will be seeing her again post baby!!

(A note: losing weight does not guarantee that you will get pregnant if its something you are struggling with, but doctors do recommend losing weight if you are having trouble conceiving since being a healthy weight has a major impact on the ability to do so. Being overweight can cause a list of pregnancy complications, as does being underweight.)

Jessica’s Stats:

Starting weight: 215

Ending weight: 182

Starting body fat ( online calculator): 46%

Ending body fat ( online calculator): 36%

Before and after weight loss photos - Jessica lost 33 pounds and was able to get pregnant.Before and After weight loss photos – Jessica lost 33 pounds and was able to get pregnant.

Before and After weight loss side photos of Jessica - 33 pounds lost. Before and After weight loss side photos of Jessica – 33 pounds lost.

Before and After weight loss photos - Jessica lost 33 pounds and was able to get pregnant. Before and After weight loss photos – Jessica lost 33 pounds and was able to get pregnant!

Jessica lost 33 pounds with the Hitch Fit Online Weight Loss Plan - Lose Weight Feel Great. Jessica lost 33 pounds with the Hitch Fit Online Weight Loss Plan – Lose Weight Feel Great.

Jessica’s Story: 

“I have always been the “bigger girl.” In high school, I struggled to find clothes that fit and looked like what everyone else was wearing. I had to shop in the “special” (segregated) sections for plus size women. I had NEVER felt comfortable in my own skin. I kept picturing myself in cute, smaller clothing. What I saw in my head, did not match what I saw in the mirror.

In college, I lost some weight. But that was because I was a poor college student who didn’t want to spend too much money on food, so I didn’t. Of course I lost weight, but it came right back.

After I started my career as a police officer, my weight leveled out for a while. I had to get into shape to graduate from the academy. I was shown how to do some weight lifting, but my workouts were mainly running to pass the physical fitness test.

I then met the love of my life, a fellow law enforcement officer. We got married in 2006. My husband is a gym enthusiast. He got me interested in the gym life, but it wasn’t enough. I would always find a reason not to go to the gym. We work opposite shifts, so without him there to push or pull me to the gym, I just didn’t feel like going.

We decided to start a family. I quickly became pregnant. I know my starting weight was 206 lbs. In June of 2008, our first son was born. I don’t know what my post pregnancy weight was because, I didn’t care. How could I? We were too focused on our beautiful baby boy.

We then decided to add to our family. After trying for 11 months, I became pregnant. Again, my starting weight was 206. In December of 2011, our second son was born. I noticed that I had gained and retained more weight that time. At one point, I weighed 230 lbs. I looked at photos of me from the baptism in July of 2012. I was not happy with what I saw.

I began to try to work out more, but without my husband there, I had no idea of what to do in the gym. I felt out of place and uncomfortable. I began searching for something to help. I joined the “2013 New Year’s Challenge” at our community center’s gym. I found a 12-week online workout plan. It helped give me confidence in the weight room. It told me what to do, how many to do, and in what order. However, it did not give me a nutrition plan. I continued to eat the way I had been for years. In fact, sometimes, my husband and I would “reward” ourselves for a good workout by eating out or partaking in ice cream.

At the end of the 12 weeks, I had lost about 25 pounds. I made it back to 206 lbs. I could have sworn that I was destined to stay at 206 for the rest of my life. I could NOT get below 200! I continued to use the workout plan, but I started to notice that my weight was beginning to creep back up. I began to lose motivation. Why should I continue to work out, if it was not going to help?

Meanwhile, life continued to get more hectic. Our boys were getting older. They began to have more school functions and they are getting more involved in activities. So my gym time became less important as the schedule became fuller and fuller. Also, at the end of 2013, my husband and I decided to try for a third child. I tried to not tax my body too much. I pulled back on the intensity of my workouts and stopped taking some of the supplements I had been taking.

In 2014, I began to hear about Hitch Fit. I graduated high school with Hitch Fit Trainer, Sara Sutherland. I had seen her progress and results on Facebook. I was very intrigued. Then while I was on the treadmill at the gym, I saw multiple segments about Hitch Fit on Better Kansas City. I became more and more interested. I went home and looked over the website. I shared what I found with my husband. What I was seeing was really making sense to me, but I just wasn’t ready. I mean I was trying to get pregnant, why would I buy a weight loss program that I would have to stop or put on hold. But it always stayed in the back of my mind.

In 2015, I was still not pregnant and my weight had gotten up to 215 lbs. I had begun to give up on getting pregnant, I needed to start focusing on me. I had put off Hitch Fit because I wanted to get pregnant, but maybe I needed to get myself healthy and in shape for that to even happen.

I had wanted to do the bikini body program, but I was carrying so much extra weight I had to start with getting down to a healthier weight. So in July of 2015, I purchased the 16 week “Lose Weight, Feel Great” program. I was soon contacted by Diana. I filled out a questionnaire and explained why I needed to start this journey. I had LOTS of questions. With my shift work, I was concerned about eating my 5-6 meals at the optimal times. My sleep schedule, workout time and duration were different for each shift, which also threw off my meal times. I was determined to get it right this time

There were also lots of challenges. Like I had mentioned, my husband and I work different shifts, so while one of us is at work, the other is alone with our boys. We are what we call “married, single parents.” When we are not at work, we have the sole responsibility to take the boys to their activities, keep up the house work, make meals, etc. So finding time to get to the gym (when the daycare was open) AND make the healthy meals that my body needed, was not easy. My husband helped by cooking meat in batches, so all I needed to do was get the veggies and carbs cooked. We never got into the “meal prepping” we just had items available in the fridge, which worked for us!

I kept in contact with Diana, weekly. I updated her with my weight and measurements, my workouts, and my nutritional adherence. It kept me motivated. I loved reporting that my weight kept going down; my measurements were getting smaller. If I had any questions, I could ask and would have an answer!

By the end of my 16 week program, I had lost 33 lbs and about 9-10 inches off of my body! I had gone from 215 lbs to 182 lbs. But my most welcome surprise was that with only one week left in my program, I found out that I was pregnant with our third child! I had gotten my body healthy enough, so that after almost 3 years of trying, I had finally become pregnant.

This is only my beginning! You have finished reading only the first chapter of my story. After the birth of my baby, I plan on getting back to this weight and then moving forward with the bikini plan. I have goals that are yet to be met, so watch for me, I plan on going far.”

Lose Weight and Get Pregnant - Jessica lost 33 pounds, improved her health and was able to conceive after trying for 3 years! Lose Weight and Get Pregnant – Jessica lost 33 pounds, improved her health and was able to conceive after trying for 3 years!

Jessica’s Plan of choice: Hitch Fit Online Weight Loss –Lose Weight Feel Great Plan

Online weight loss diet and exercise plan.

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Friday, May 27, 2016

Marine Gets Amazing 6 Pack Abs in only 3 Months with Hitch Fit Online Training

Hello Athletes and Warriors! Having grown up with a father who was a WWII and Korean War Vet, I have always had a special place in my heart for all of our military personnel. So when I saw this transformation I had to share it with you. May it inspire you to go further on your fitness journey!
Jake front 1

Jake Did Amazing.. I mean look at those 6 Pack Abs!!! In 12 Weeks we changed what he was doing from before and he put the work in, that mixed with a new way of eating got him in Amazing Shape.. Congrats Jake!!

Back story: An old marine that has always prided myself in being fit/ in shape. I am a fitness enthusiast and have been working out for over 20 years. Although I worked out 5-6 times a week I wasn’t getting the benefits that I had in my youth. As I close in on 40, I noticed I was getting a gut and my pecs were no more, more like man boobs. Often felt like I was spinning my wheels and felt lost on my fitness goals. I was tired of feeling out of shape, even though I worked out like a mad man every day. I remember in my 20’s looking at older friends from the gym that worked out every day but stayed the same or regressed. I would think to myself, why waste the time/ sleep every morning (I work out at 0430 most mornings) if you are not getting results. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I had become that person. I felt I needed a structured diet, and a workout plan that would push me in the gym and get me back in shape.

Jake SIde

When I sat down and looked at the diet, I thought there was no way I could eat that much food and lose weight/ body fat. My skepticism quickly dissolved. Within the first few days I started to feel better, more energy and drive to stay on track. As the days turned into weeks it was exciting to see the changes that were being made with my wife and I. I could fit into clothes that I hadn’t been able to in years and was a lot less self-conscious about some of the clothing I was wearing.

After looking at the workouts, I wasn’t sure about the higher reps and lower weights. I had fallen in the lower reps/ heavier weights mentality that most men do. It didn’t take me long to get over that mentality the first week of workouts I felt burns, and satisfaction from a good workout that I hadn’t felt in a long time. The work outs were challenging and pushed me in the gym, I enjoyed trying to do one more rep or more weight than I did the previous week. Hitch fit changes up the workouts every 4 weeks so it kept it fresh and fun.

Jake Back

The biggest key for me to help accomplish my goal was having my wife with me during the journey. Teamwork. We kept each other in check and motivated each other when needed. Food prep and workout planning was also key. We often cooked chicken, turkey on Sundays that we could take with us during the week. We planned out our day each morning on what we would eat, made those foods, and took them with us in Tupperware each day. What’s next for me is to continue to live the clean eating/ clean living lifestyle. I don’t have any specific goals other than to continue to try and getter better every day. I am competing in a sprint triathlon this summer and looking forward to being in the best possible shape for the summer. I haven’t felt this Good in a VERY long while. I would like to thank Micah and the Hitch Fit team in reigniting my wife’s and I fitness fire.

Jake’s Program Choice- Couples BootCamp


Check Out Megan’s Transformation (Jakes Wife)

Megan (1) copy

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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

5 Simple Exercises For Sculpted & Toned Legs

Nate-and-Michelle-Miller-Transformation-1997.jpgAre you self-conscious about your legs?

Do you dread the thought of wearing shorts-let alone a swimsuit?

Maybe you think your calves are too skinny or you hate that your thighs rub together and your buns jiggle when you walk.

Whatever you don't like about your legs, it isn't going to fix itself. So how can you fix it? Include strength training for your lower body in your regular routine.

To sculpt and tone your legs, try the following five exercises two to three times a week and see the difference they make. You'll be showing off those legs in no time.

#1: The Lunge
Arguably the best leg exercise, the lunge works pretty much every leg muscle as well as your buttocks. There are many variations to the simple lunge, but to do the basic lunge, stand up straight and tighten your core.

Step forward several feet with your right foot, landing heel first. Bend your right and left leg down until both legs are bent at 90 degrees (never more) and your left knee is about an inch above the floor. Make sure your knee doesn't extend further than your toes. Keep your body upright and work to keep your balance by not wobbling from side to side. Lift your body up and bring your hips forward until you're standing straight again. Then repeat, lunging forward with your left foot.

#2: The Squat
Perhaps the second-best full-leg workout is the squat. This powerhouse of an exercise works your glutes, hips and thighs all in one shot.

Here's how to do a beginner's squat. Stand between two chairs (if needed for balance). Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping your back straight, chest up, and core tight, squat down like you're going to sit in a chair. Bend at the knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold this position, and then stand back up. Repeat without resting.

#3: The Mountain Climber
This leg exercise mimics the movement of climbing a steep mountain. The faster you climb (move your legs) the more of a cardio workout you'll get as well.

Get in a push-up position: hands and toes on the floor holding up your body. Holding in your abs, lift your right foot, bringing your right knee toward your chest. Tap the floor with your right foot then extend your leg back to starting position. Then lift your left leg, bring your left knee up toward your chest and tap the floor. Return to starting position. Repeat right, left, right, left for 20 repetitions.

#4: The Step-Up
Step-ups are great because they mimic movements you perform on a daily basis. This exercise works your legs and gets your heart pumping. When you do this exercise you can hold a dumbbell in each hand to increase resistance. In addition, you'll need some sort of step. This could be a bottom stair, sturdy box, or low stable chair.

Step up with your right foot, and then bring your left foot up. Step back down so both feet are on the floor. Then repeat, stepping up first with your left foot. Continue doing this 20 times.

#5: The Carving Curtsy
A little more complicated but worth the effort, the carving curtsy works the abs, buttocks, and legs (including your inner thighs).

To do the carving curtsy, stand up straight with your arms bent and hands by your chest. Lunge back and to the right with your left leg so your left foot lands behind your right foot and to the right of your body. Bend both knees to a 90-degree angle like you're performing a curtsy.

Swing your left arm forward and up and your right arm back by your side. Then stand up straight, lifting your left knee out to the side, and tap your left knee with your left hand. Do 20 reps on each leg, and then switch sides.

A solid strength training routine will tone your legs, lift your buns, strengthen your core, and will result in healthy weight loss.

If you're ready to begin your body transformation then feel free to reach out to me. Go, email or call to get started today.

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