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Showing posts with label fat burning diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fat burning diet. Show all posts

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Wassup' with this 'Chiro' Thing?

Diego-and-Nate-Senior-Night-2015.jpgI have been associated with our guest writer Paul Becker for over a decade now and he is considered one of the foremost authorities in the world of Natural Bodybuilding and fitness. We have covered this chiropractor issue many times before, but Paul gives us a unique perspective.

Checking in with the Bone Cracker

Working out can sometimes cause your body to get out of alignment or put some other strain on the structure of your body. When this happens it is a wise idea to check in with a good chiropractor and have them help you get back in alignment. Dealing with heavy duty weights on a consistent basis means you need to keep your structure as viable as possible, and a chiropractor is a great way to do so. In fact many of the top bodybuilding pros see a chiropractor on a regular basis and one former multi Mr. Olympia (Franco Columbu) was himself a chiropractor.


How do you know if the chiropractor you are using is good or not? The next time you get a sore back, be deliberately vague on your symptoms. That’s because a good chiropractor can find the problem on his or her own, and a quack can’t. A good chiropractor uses the hands to check the body over and in this checking they find the source of the problem, and then go to work fixing it. So if your chiropractor can get to the issue without you having to be specific, you have a good chiropractor.

Occasional Visit

You don’t need to go to a chiropractor all the time and indeed going too often can drain your wallet. However, an occasional visit is well worth the money and effort and will pay off with big dividends in your training. When your body is free from the impairments that a structure out of alignment causes you can then lift and train at maximum output and that is worth a lot. Also being properly aligned in your structure helps prevent other injuries from occurring.

Consider getting your body adjusted by a chiropractor every now and then to help keep the foundation upon which you build your muscles in top condition.

About The Author: 

Paul Becker is a natural (steroid free for life) bodybuilder and fitness consultant. Visit his website at

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Thursday, April 21, 2016

See How This Couple Dropped 120 lbs – Fit Grandparents

Nate-@-Gilman-2.jpgI hope you are enjoying and are inspired by these transformations as much as I am. Even with all of my knowledge, experience and presiding over so many transformations in 40 years in the fitness biz; I still get a major charge out of seeing not only the actual loss of body fat, building of muscle and the improved aesthetic of a transformed physique, but the joy, confidence, and overall happiness achieved by these folks who decided to get off the diet, and fad exercise train and follow the advice of our friends at HitchFit. Of course if you are ready for reality fitness over the 'fairy tale' advice of a reality show, then clickhere to transform today!

See How This Couple Dropped 120 lbs – Fit GrandparentsVickie-Before-and-After-Front1-768x704.jpgFront-Finished-5.jpg

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