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Showing posts with label Personal fitness trainer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Personal fitness trainer. Show all posts

Friday, April 1, 2016

Get Into Great Shape With This Great Plan!

If it's time to get serious about your fitness, you need a structured program. We'll tailor a program specific to your goals and abilities, that will contain:

Fully customized workouts, listing: exercises, sets, reps and weights.
Exercise videos and descriptions demonstrating proper technique for every exercise.
A built in feedback system and email contact with me anytime.
Using the world's most powerful online training tool I can design and deliver a 12-week fitness program fully customized to your personal fitness goals, abilities, and schedule.
For more information about my background,and how to get started, go to:

US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning

Contact Me:
Nathan Lewis
US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning

Athlete/Coach Resources...
Do you care about your BRAIN? EHT Supplement for the Brain, Discovered and Patented at Princeton University Endorsed By Professional Athletes!
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The 91 Exercises Every Athlete Should Know!
Add 10 Inches Or More To Your Vertical Leap-The Jump Manual
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US Sports Recruiting Assistance.

Athletes! All Registered Athletes Will Have Their Huddl Or other Highlight Video Reel Priority Posted on Our Athlete Highlight Video Reel Center! We have Thousands Of College Coaches and Recruiters Visiting Our Network Daily. Get More Exposure With US Sports Recruiting Assistance!
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Check out the US Sports Elite Athlete Highlight Reel Center:
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Saturday, February 27, 2016

train with me 24/7

Hello Athletes and Warriors! Nate here with another special message!

Look, I know you want to do something to improve your fitness level… I know you want to get in the best shape of your life. In fact I know that if you had the time, you'd be in here working out with me a few times per week. But the reality is you're a busy person. You've got places to go and people to see families to raise and folks to take care of. Not to mention the fact that I train in the Washington D.C. Area and you may be somewhere else in the world, So you need another solution.

And so because of that, I've crafted a personal training program that involves technology, where you can actually login and do your workouts, in the middle of the night, early in the morning, anytime throughout the day, when you're traveling… in between taking your kids to school and picking them up. You do it in the comfort of your own home or in the gym. You select what exercises you want to do, based on the equipment you have. And best of all, each workout is crafted to be completed in only 30 minutes or less.

Oh, and one more thing, it's only 48 cents per day.

I know, that's not a typo… it's only 48 cents per day. But there's oooone more thing that I want to tell you and that one more thing is… You don't have to pay a dime for the first 7 days.
Just fill out the fitness profile form to get started

I want you to try it out. See if it's right for you… drop a few pounds, lose a few dress sizes… …and then you're welcome to hop on board for only 48 cents per day where you get direct personal access to my big brain of workout knowledge.

To your success,
Nate Lewis
US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning

P.S. I bet you have a friend or family member who would love their very own personal trainer for just 48 cents a day. Go ahead and forward this message over to them :)

Athlete/Coach Resources...
Do you care about your BRAIN? EHT Supplement for the Brain, Discovered and Patented at Princeton University Endorsed By Professional Athletes!
The World's Best High School, College, and Pro Athlete's Highlight Reels and Training Videos.
The 91 Exercises Every Athlete Should Know!
Add 10 Inches Or More To Your Vertical Leap-The Jump Manual
BodyByBoyle OnlineShapeShifter Yoga
Discount Sports Supplements

US Sports Recruiting Assistance.

Athletes! All Registered Athletes Will Have Their Huddl Or other Highlight Video Reel Priority Posted on Our Athlete Highlight Video Reel Center! We have Thousands Of College Coaches and Recruiters Visiting Our Network Daily. Get More Exposure With US Sports Recruiting Assistance!
For just a one time fee of $25 we guarantee your highlight reel will be seen by over 5000 coaches, recruiters, and administrators.
Check out the US Sports Elite Athlete Highlight Reel Center:
Sign up for US Sports Recruiting Assistance here. Recovery Supplements

Friday, September 5, 2014

Ten Reasons To Eat More Veggies And Fruits

Hey I have no problem stating the obvious! As long as it means a healthier, happier life for you! All US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning Programs come with our state-of-the-art nutritional planning software program. Click here to to get your program today!
Medical Tribune
The American Institute for Cancer Research, Washington, D.C., has compiled a list of "ten good reasons" to eat more vegetables and fruits. Topping the list is cancer prevention.

A report by AICR researchers on diet's role in the prevention of cancer estimates that eating at least five servings of vegetables and fruits each day could prevent up to 20 percent of all cancers.

Vegetables and fruits are rich in naturally occurring antioxidants - substances shown to provide protection against free-radicals (reactive substances that damage cells and initiate cancer) - and other phytochemicals that help to detoxify cancer-causing substances.

Number 2 on AICR's top ten list is to keep trim. Many vegetables contain 50 calories or fewer for a whole cup, while only five potato chips or one small cookie has the same number of calories. If you satisfy your appetite with hearty servings of vegetables and fruits, hunger won't be a problem and you will eat smaller portions of higher-calorie meats and desserts.

Prevent heart disease is number 3. Eating more vegetables and fruits - while cutting back on meat and dairy - can help you limit heart-damaging saturated fat and cholesterol in your diet. The antioxidants and certain other phytochemicals in these foods also help prevent fatty deposits from forming in blood vessels. Vegetables and fruits supply soluble fiber, which helps lower blood cholesterol. They also provide folate, a B vitamin that helps lower blood levels of homocysteine, high levels of which are a risk factor for heart disease.

Benefit number 4 of veggies and fruits is they lower blood pressure levels. Many people think blood pressure can be controlled only through eating a low-salt diet and controlling weight. Yet several studies in which people followed a high vegetable and fruit diet achieved a significant drop in blood pressure. How? Researchers believe potassium and magnesium in these foods should be credited.

Prevent stroke is number 5. Results of recent studies suggest that diets high in vegetables and fruits can decrease the risk of stroke by up to 25 percent. The boost in potassium they provide may be responsible, as well as the antioxidants and other phytochemicals they contain.

Eye protection is number 6. Eating more vegetables and fruits may lower your risk for two of the most common causes of adult blindness: cataracts (which occur in almost half of all Americans over the age of 75) and macular degeneration. Scientists link this protection for the eyes with antioxidants like vitamin C and certain carotenoids.

Next is to avoid diverticulosis. One-third of people over the age of 50 and two-thirds of those over the age of 80 are estimated to have this intestinal disorder. Diverticulosis occurs when pressure in the intestine creates small pouches in the intestine wall, which can become inflamed and painful. The best defense against developing these pouches (diverticulae) is eating a high-fiber diet. Fruits, and especially vegetables, are major sources of the type of fiber considered to be most helpful.

Fruits and vegetables help avoid diabetes. Fruits and vegetables seem to raise blood sugar less than other foods that contain carbohydrates, and their fiber content slows the absorption of sugar into the blood. A gradual rise in blood sugar is more easily handled by the body than an abrupt rise.

Fruits and vegetables can also satisfy your sweet tooth. When you turn to fruit for a sweet taste and quick energy, you get an added boost - nutrition that works for you - instead of just "empty calories" found in sweets like candy bars and soft drinks.

Finally, "experience pure pleasure." Adding the vibrant colors of vegetables and fruits - the reds, oranges, purples, greens and yellows - can make any dish more visually appealing. Also, the diversity of textures and tastes of these foods will add interest and flavor to many meals. Experiment with new ways to prepare and season vegetables and fruits - and experience pure pleasure!

Copyright  Medical PressCorps News Service. All rights reserved.


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Excess calories, not sugar, make people fat

Simple equation: If you burn more calories than you intake, Your 'trained body' has to adapt, by buring fat. All US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning Programs come with our state-of-the-art nutritional meal planning software. Sign Up Today. Try it FREE
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) -- There is no link between obesity and sugar intake, according to two studies presented this week at the North American Association for the Study of Obesity annual meeting in Charleston, South Carolina.
"The bottom line is increased calories are the culprit" behind obesity, not sugar, Dr. Maureen Storey said in an interview with Reuters Health. "Choosing smaller portions is difficult," she added, but "people need to eat less and exercise more."
Storey and Dr. Rich Forshee, of Georgetown University in Washington, DC, studied data from a survey conducted by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). They constructed a model that estimated how closely people follow the USDA Food Guide Pyramid, and the percentage of the US recommended daily allowance of selected nutrients they consume, based on the amount of added sugars, carbohydrates, protein, fat, and alcohol they consume.
According to the model, "added sugars have a minimal... negative effect on consumption of most of the food groups and nutrients," Storey and Forshee report. The researchers found that alcohol had a much larger negative effect on diet than sugars.
"According to our model, it would take 1,695 additional grams of added sugars or 43.5 (12 oz.) cans of soda pop to replace one serving of dairy foods," the investigators explain. In comparison, "an additional 182 grams of alcohol, the equivalent of 14 (12 oz.) cans of beer or 18 (3.5 oz.) glasses of red wine, reduced the predicted number of dairy servings by one."
"Pragmatically, added sugars have virtually no effect on diet quality whereas other dietary components, such as alcohol, have a relatively greater negative impact on diet quality," Storey and Forshee conclude.
In the second study, Dr. D.R. Keast and colleagues, of the Michigan State University in East Lansing, asked nearly 16,000 adults about their consumption of sugar, fat, carbohydrates, and total calories. They also measured the participants' body mass index (weight divided by height).
Keast's group reports that obese adults consumed fewer total calories than non-obese adults, but fat made up a higher percentage of their calories. The obese adults obtained a lower percentage of their calories from carbohydrates and total sugars than the non-obese adults.
These results held true in both men and women, the investigators say. The research team concludes that there is a "seesaw" relationship between sugars and fat: as fat intake goes up, body mass index goes up, but as sugar intake goes up, body mass intake goes down.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Exercise guards against physical effects of stress

I teach many of my clients to use their emotions during exercise to get the most out of it. This is one of the best ways to reduce and ultimately eliminate stress. 

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) -- Long known to help stave off heart disease, stroke and some types of cancer, regular exercise can also help protect against the physical effects of daily stress, according to a report in the November issue of the Annals of Behavioral Medicine.
In the study of 135 college students, those who exercised on a regular basis were more likely to take life's daily stresses in stride, compared with their less physically active counterparts.
Previous studies have shown that mental stress takes a toll on physical health, causing such problems as increases in blood sugar levels among diabetics, worsening of joint pain in people with arthritis, and symptoms of psychological distress such as anxiety and depression.
Study participants filled out questionnaires assessing the daily hassles they encountered during the past week -- such as car trouble, running late for appointments, or arguments with co-workers -- as well as questionnaires on major life events, mood, physical activity, and overall health.
"Minor, everyday stress contributes to the development and exacerbation of physical and mental health problems, However, people experiencing minor stress develop different degrees of symptoms, depending on their level of physical activity," explained lead researcher Dr. Cindy L. Carmack of the University of Texas M.D Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, in a written press release.
During periods of high stress, those who reported exercising less frequently had 37% more physical symptoms than their counterparts who exercised more often. In addition, highly stressed students who engage in less exercise report 21% more anxiety than students who exercise more frequently, the investigators add.
Exercise helps people get their mind off of stressors -- "providing a time-out period." This "allows for a temporary escape from the pressure of stressors and thus acts as a kind of 'rejuvenation' process," Carmack and colleagues conclude.
Source: Annals of Behavioral Medicine

click me
Personal Trainers: Train More Clients, Make More, Have More Freedom
VIDEO Reveals SECRETS to Transform Your Body Faster

If your looking to put in 110% then this is the place to go!! you push until you meet your limit and that bar is only set higher and higher for you! me personally had a great time workout out with nate great man and a amazing trainer!! he gave me all the tips i need to get better at football and covered eating right, stretching and obviously strength and conditioning. Nate is a great trainer if your looking to get stronger faster and simply put, fit he take his workouts serious and if you do too and wanna get better at any sport Nate can help so much he honestly did for me!!!

Richard P.
Serious? Click Here To Train with Nate and Our Team of top notch coaches and Pro Athletes Today!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Last call, only 3 spots left (hurry up)

I had a feeling I was going to get a bunch of people who were interested in my 14 Day Fat Furnace program...

I originally had 15 spots open, and since the previous email (& announcement) I sent out got such a huge response... I only have three spots left for my 14 Day Fat Furnace program.

But you can still get one of these three remaining spots if you click here and sign up for US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning (Specify the 14 Day Fat Furnace Program During Forms Section of Sign up)

The program starts this Monday.

And, in case you missed the last email, here are the details of the 14 Day Fat Furnace program Free for the first 7 days then continue on the program for only $9.99 per month (cancel at any time):

It’s simple: you'll come and workout at your gym or favorite workout space three to five days per week for two weeks (14 days), and eat the foods that I've outlined for you in the program. That’s it!

You’ll experience some soreness in your muscles. It won’t be too bad, but definitely a little soreness letting you know that you just had an awesome full-body workout.

I'm totally against starvation diets so the nutritional guidance that you’ll get is totally safe and very, very healthy. It's actually a decent amount of calories manipulated in a crafty way to help your body burn maximum fat and to retain muscle tone during the 14 days.

So be sure to take one of the three remaining spots and join us this Monday for the kick start of your 14 Day Fat Furnace program.

To lock in your spot just click here and choose the first option US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning With 7 Day Free Trial

Looking forward to seeing you online this Monday!

Nathan Lewis CSCS
" He (Nathan) consistently asked for feedback on how I was feeling and if I had any pain, soreness or problems...Nathan your passion and commitment to your work is truly inspiring." Michelle Trainee for 5 months.======================================

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Tips for Exercising Success

Weight lifting, swimming, cycling, jogging, skiing, aerobic dancing, walking or any of dozens of other activities can improve your health. Whether it is a structured exercise program or just part of your daily routine, all exercise adds up to a healthier heart and mind. Here are some tips for exercising success:
  • If you have been sedentary for a long time, are overweight, have a high risk of coronary heart disease or some other chronic health problem, see your doctor for a medical evaluation before beginning a physical activity program.
  • Choose activities that are fun, not exhausting.
  • Add variety. Try not to rely too much on one activity or repeating workout, but develop a repertoire of several that you can enjoy. That way, exercise will never seem boring or routine.
  • Wear comfortable, properly fitted footwear and comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that is appropriate for the weather and the activity.
  • Find a convenient time and place to do activities. Try to make it a habit, but be flexible. If you miss an exercise opportunity, work activity into your day another way.
  • Use music to keep you entertained.
  • Surround yourself with supportive people. Decide what kind of support you need. Do you want them to remind you to exercise? Ask about your progress? Participate with you regularly or occasionally? Allow you time to exercise by yourself? Go with you to a special event, such as a 10K walk/run? Be understanding when you get up early to exercise? Spend time with the children while you exercise? Try not to ask you to change your exercise routine?
  • Share your activity time with others. Make a date with a family member, friend or co-worker. Be an active role model for your children.
  • Don't overdo it. Do low- to moderate-level activities, especially at first. You can slowly increase the duration and intensity of your activities as you become more fit. Over time, work up to exercising three or four times per week for 30-60 minutes.
  • Keep a record of your activities. Reward yourself at special milestones. Nothing motivates like success!
Copyright 1998 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Some Alcohol Good?

DALLAS (CNN) -- Consuming two to six alcoholic drinks per week can greatly reduce the risk of sudden cardiac death, according to a new report from researchers at Harvard Medical School.
The Physicians' Health Study used data from 21,537 men over a 12-year period. Researchers found that men who had two to four drinks per week lessened their risk for sudden cardiac death by 60 percent. Those who had five to six drinks per week lowered their risk by 79 percent.
Though some alcohol is good, more may not be better. Rates of sudden cardiac death increased among people who had more than two drinks per day, the study found.
The research did not look at drinking patterns. However, it is generally agreed among scientists that binge drinking, or drinking large amounts of alcohol in brief periods, can cause abnormal heart rhythms that can lead to sudden cardiac death.
Though the study's findings are considered significant, its authors are not recommending that people start drinking.
"Based on the data, I wouldn't recommend that non-drinkers start drinking," said Christine M. Albert, M.D., lead researcher. "One has to consider all the risks and benefits of drinking alcohol. You don't know how likely a person is to become addicted to alcohol, and there is also the risk of cancer to consider."
Previous studies have found that heavy alcohol consumption may increase an individual's risk of certain types of cancer.
"Consuming two or more drinks per day has been associated with an increased breast cancer risk in women. This study was done only in men, so we can't be sure if our results would apply to women as well," said Albert.
Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is responsible for about half of all deaths from heart disease, the nation's biggest killer. SCD is usually caused by irregular heart rhythms. Heart attack, the death of heart muscle due to loss of blood supply, rarely causes SCD.
Prior studies have pointed to a similar beneficial effect of alcohol when consumed in moderate amounts. This study, however, is the largest to date. It is published in the American Heart Association's journal, Circulation.

VIDEO Reveals SECRETS to Transform Your Body Faster
Personal Trainers: Train More Clients, Make More, Have More Freedom

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Volleyball players! Can You Dig it?


The Volleyball Program was built specifically for developing full body power for use in the sport of Volleyball. Within this program are Olympic movements like Power Cleans and Snatches. Also included are strength development exercises such as the Squat and Bench press. Finally, there are some fun exercises for fine tuning leg power such as the plyometric exercises Tuck Jumps and Static Squat Jumps.

The starting point of the Volleyball Program is based on your initial fitness level. With feedback, the actual progression of the program will follow the body's unique adaptation process to exercise. Fine tune the program to include all the exercises that feel the best!

Select a Program

3 Day Volleyball Program
View a Sample Workout of this Program below
Week 1 - Day 1 (Tuesday) of 3 Day Volleyball ProgramWeek Difficulty:Medium
  View Printer Friendly Version

Click on an Exercise Name to view a description of that exercise
SelectExercise NameSet and Rep Combinations
Warmup and Stretch
8 minutes 
Power Clean Deadlift
5 reps @ 215 lbs,4 reps @ 255 lbs,
3 reps @ 300 lbs,4 reps @ 340 lbs,
3 reps @ 320 lbs  
10 reps @ 310 lbs,5 reps @ 370 lbs,
3 reps @ 435 lbs,2 reps @ 495 lbs,
8 reps @ 435 lbs,10 reps @ 400 lbs,
8 reps @ 370 lbs  
Dumbbell Step Up
12 reps @ 60 lbs,8 reps @ 65 lbs,
8 reps @ 60 lbs  
Side to Side Double Leg Line Hops
8 seconds,6 seconds 
Theraband Internal\External Warmup Rotation (AD)
12 reps,8 reps,
8 reps  
Dumbbell Bench Press
15 reps @ 85 lbs,12 reps @ 85 lbs 
Dumbbell Incline Fly (45 Degree)
15 reps @ 30 lbs,10 reps @ 30 lbs 
Med Ball Chest Pass (standing)
12 reps,8 reps,
8 reps  
Train the right way for your sport! Click here to get this 36 workout program today.

10 Rules of Fat Loss

Personal Trainers: Train More Clients, Make More, Have More Freedom

Thursday, June 5, 2014


Sorry, couldn't help it with the World Cup only a few weeks away.
 Now you can train like the pro and elite level Soccer (Futbol) players and dominate on the field.

The sport of Soccer requires the combination of muscular endurance, strength and the ability to generate explosive sprinting power over and over again. Developing these physical attributes will always be positive no matter what sport one competes in. However, because of the aerobic challenges of playing soccer these physical qualities are even more important. Engaging in a resistance training program like the Competitive Soccer Program will maximize these physical attributes as well as the intangibles of injury prevention and proper body positioning when competiting against an opponent for offensive and defensive ball control. The Soccer Fitness program will also help in the development of these physical attributes, but it focuses primarily on fitness rather than a high level performance!

The Soccer Programs begin with lower weights and higher repetitions to create a solid conditioning base for the muscles. Then, transition from this muscular endurance base into a strength and power focus by using heavier weights and less reps as the weeks progress will occur.

Throughout the length of the Soccer Programs, the manipulation of the sets and repetitions for each exercise will be based on periodization concepts that involve changing the intensity and the volume of the workouts.

The starting point of the program is based on an initial fitness level. With feedback, the actual progression of the program will follow the body's unique adaptation process to exercise. Fine tune the program to include all the exercises that feel the best.

Select a Program

3 Day Competitive Soccer Program
View a Sample Workout of this Program Below*
3 Day Soccer Fitness Program

Week 1 - Day 1 (Tuesday) of 3 Day Competitive Soccer ProgramWeek Difficulty:Medium
  View Printer Friendly Version
Click on an Exercise Name to view a description of that exercise
SelectExercise NameSet and Rep Combinations
Warmup and Stretch
8 minutes 
Back Extension
12 reps,12 reps 
Power Clean
5 reps @ 215 lbs,4 reps @ 255 lbs,
3 reps @ 300 lbs,4 reps @ 340 lbs,
6 reps @ 320 lbs,5 reps @ 280 lbs 
Lat Pulldown Close Grip Front
10 reps @ 160 lbs,10 reps @ 160 lbs 
Barbell Shrug
12 reps @ 250 lbs,8 reps @ 290 lbs,
8 reps @ 270 lbs  
Dumbbell Lateral Raise
15 reps @ 32 lbs,10 reps @ 29 lbs 
Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise
15 reps @ 25 lbs,10 reps @ 23 lbs 
Alternate Leg Bounding (Speed Skaters)
8 seconds,6 seconds,
6 seconds  
Static Squat Jumps
6 reps,4 reps 
Front to Back Double Leg Cone Hops
8 seconds,6 seconds 
*Please consult a physician before attempting any fitness program
Nathan Lewis CSCS
US Sports Strength and Conditioning
If it's time to get serious about your fitness program, you need a
structured program tailored to your goals and abilities.

Using the world's most powerful online training tool, I can design
and deliver a 12-week fitness program fully customized to your personal
fitness goals, abilities, and time constraints. Features include:
Fully customized exercises, sets, reps and weights.
Videos demonstrating proper technique for every exercise.
Routines utilizing equipment available to you — home or gym!
Personal contact with me anytime via built-in email system.
Integrated feedback loop for precise program monitoring.
For more information about my background fee structure and how to get
started, go to US Sports Strength and Conditioning
Just fill out the brief contact form to get started.

Personal Trainers: Train More Clients, Make More, Have More Freedom

10 Rules of Fat Loss