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Thursday, April 16, 2020

Munroe Global Featuring: The Principle of Kingdom Law and Righteousness | Dr. Myles Munroe and A Lost Revelation

You can purchase the complete album via the link below. Available in CD, DVD, MP3 and MP4

Kingdom Laws For Kingdom Living Volume 3 Titles: 

Disc 1 – The Principle of Kingdom Law and Righteousness 
Disc 2 – Understanding Kingdom Law and Righteousness Part 1 
Disc 3 – Understanding Kingdom Law and Righteousness Part 2 
Disc 4 – Breaking The Law of Sin and Death

 In this series, Dr. Munroe details the words of God, or how he explains it, the laws of God. The Kingdom of God allows it’s citizens to be in the world but not of the world because of the laws of God. Dr. Munroe fully explains how obeying God’s laws allows you to experience the world differently from how others do simply because of obedience to the law.

A Lost Revelation

By: Ian Conza

Job 28:12: But where shall wisdom be found? and where is the place of understanding?

We walk day after day in this fallen world and many times cry out for a miracle from our Heavenly Father.

As He sits there upon His throne in Heaven and hears the heart cry of one of His children whom He loves so dearly, tears flow down His face as He listens so attentively to the words being cried out into the heavens.

This one is poor in spirit the Heavenly Father says as He sends his answer, if only, if only He would ask me for my wisdom for the circumstance he finds himself in and I would give it to him liberally.

For where my wisdom is, understanding is found there as well.

If you are in the wilderness and been crying out for a miracle of God, why not stop asking for a miracle and start asking for His wisdom on how to deal with the situation you find yourself walking in.

Proverbs 4:5: Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth.

Our Heavenly Father would say, I have told them what the curses are and what the blessings are and yet they want to walk their lives upon this earth miracle to miracle and not under my blessings.

They have failed to see and understand that if they walk in my wisdom and have my understanding then my blessings will fill their lives beyond measure.

Proverbs 16:16: How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver!

Many in my kingdom chase and seek with all that they are the gold and silver of this world and wonder why their lives have become so desolate, barren of the things that they need in their lives to complete the work I have for them upon this earth.

My words to these children would be to stop asking for a miracle and ask me for wisdom on how to manage and apply what you have been given and then you will begin to see my blessings come upon your lives.

Faith and works go together as my do my children who are neatly being fitted together as spiritual building blocks with my Son - Jesus Christ as the chief cornerstone.

If you do not have faith in me to supply all your needs then you will not have any works, therefore I cannot work in your lives.

Proverbs 18:21: Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

Speak to me about wisdom and I will speak to you about life, your life, and you shall eat the fruit thereof as my plan for you is to be a lender and giver to all in all things that I place in your hands.

A giver of my word and my way to all men you shall be and you shall eat of the good fruit of these men in these lands.

My kingdom is a kingdom of power and not of word and when men have their eyes opened they shall truely see that I am alive and rule from my heavenly throne room and my heart is for those that turn their hearts towards me.

Who am I (and who are you)? I am a soldier in the Lord Jesus Christ, called upon not to be of this world but to die to it and myself.

I am not a citizen of any country of this world but a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven.

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