Man Gets Ripped Abs in 12 Weeks!
In only 3 months Craig changed into a new person inside out.. amazing!!!
Craig lost 37 lbs of fat, 15% body fat and reached his goal of getting rock hard 6 pack abs.
My name is Craig Schumer and I’m 32 years old. You probably wouldn’t know it from my before pictures but I have lead a pretty active lifestyle. I played soccer growing up and the gym has always been a big part of my life. For the past couple years my workouts have been focused primarily on strength. I wanted to move as much weight as I could every time I was in the gym. Heavy weight with low reps and I incorporated very little cardio into my workouts. Over the last two year I’ve seen some significant strength gains. However, I wasn’t getting the visual results I wanted. I was lifting harder then I ever had and thought I was making decent diet choices. I chalked it up to the fact that my body had slowed down with age. My time had past and I accepted the fact that I wasn’t going to have the lean physique anymore.My wife (who looked fantastic) was also active at the gym but wasn’t happy with the results she was getting. She had been asking me for help with her workouts for quite some time. Although I know how to workout and I’m comfortable at the gym, I’m no trainer. I began looking for a way to help her and heard about Micah and his Hitch Fit program through some friends and family. After a few conversations with Micah, I didn’t know if I believed that I could get the results he talked about, but I definitely wanted to believe him. My wife and I felt like it was time to make some changes and we wanted to get the results that Micah saw were possible.A lot of people focus on the external benefits of living healthy and being fit. I’m not going to lie to you – I set out to make these changes to look better and now I walk a little slower when I pass a mirror and I definitely have the shirt off when I mow the yard but the way I look now is not the most significant of the benefits. There is no way to describe how pushing yourself, achieving your fitness goals and making healthy decisions will make you feel but it spills over into every part of your life. This experience has given my wife and I a shared passion that has brought us even closer and a new focus and energy to every part of our lives. We can’t thank Micah enough for seeing the possibility, inspiring us to make the change and giving us the tools to make us successful.
There is no magic pill to get results but there are a few things that I’ve learned through my transformation that have helped me.Set specific goals, with a time frame and say it out loud – I was around 230 lbs. and over 20% body fat. When Micah told me that he thought I could get below 10% and see my abs in 12 weeks I laughed and thought others would laugh as well. It’s easy to think about a goal but it becomes real when you say it out loud. In my opinion, this is the hardest first step due to the fear of failure that we all have. We’re scared to tell people around us what our goals are because we might not accomplish them. The truth is, when you set a goal and say it out loud you begin to develop your own support group and put positive pressure on yourself to stay focused.Push outside your comfort zone –
Before this experience I would never have considered working with a personal trainer. It just wasn’t me. It sounds like common sense, but a lot of us don’t seem to realize that when you keep doing the same thing, you’re going to keep getting the same results. I know now that it sometimes takes someone else to see what is possible and it’s your personal trainers’ job to push you harder then you would on your own. When you train with a personal trainer you start to surprise yourself every time you go to the gym by doing one more rep, sprinting a little faster or running a little further then you did last week. I don’t mean to say that I will (or you should) work with a trainer the rest of my life. I’m at a point now where I feel like I push myself further every day and I’ve surrounded myself with positive pressure. However, I wouldn’t have gotten here with out Micah and I’m sure there will come a day that I get comfortable and need to be pushed again.Write it down –
Keep a journal that includes your workouts, cardio and your daily diet. I thought I had a decent diet. Micah encouraged me to keep a journal. What I learned was that there was a significant difference between how I thought I was feeding my body and what was actually occurring. Losing weight and getting lean is depriving yourself. A journal helps you to identify what you need and then hold yourself accountablePut the scale away –
By itself, your weight means absolutely nothing. A guy that weighs 200 pounds with 15% body fat is going to look completely different then a guy weighing 200 pounds with 5% body fat. Additionally, when I weigh myself first thing in the morning, eat a clean and healthy diet all day and then weigh myself before I go to bed, I typically gain 3 – 6 pounds. Our bodies weight changes all the time for a variety of reasons. If you’re constantly stepping on the scale you’re going to drive yourself crazy.

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