The Meaning of the Cross
Jesus came to earth, lived perfectly, died, and rose again to give us access to God and a home with Him forever.
From Intouch Ministries
July 14, 2023
The cross was a tool used by the Roman government to execute criminals. Before Jesus’ resurrection, it was a symbol of damnation and shame. But the moment Jesus rose from His grave, God transformed it into a symbol of hope. Today when we consider the cross, we think about ...
• Jesus’ perfect life. Our Savior left heaven to dwell on earth and become one of us. While here, He accomplished the work His Father had given Him—and He did so without sinning (John 5:19). Because of His perfect life, Jesus was qualified to be our substitute and bear God’s judgment for our sins.
• Crucifixion. Jesus went willingly to the cross in order to reconcile us to God. He suffered a painful death, and through His sacrifice, our sin debt has been paid. God’s justice was completely satisfied that day. No further action is required.
• Resurrection. Three days after Jesus was buried, God raised Him from the dead, and the way to heaven was opened for all who trust in the Son. Our Savior conquered death and made it possible for us to dwell with Him forever.
The next time you see a cross, let it remind you of Jesus’ great love—and how much He wants to have a relationship with you.
Bible in One Year: Proverbs 22-25
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