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Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Fearless with Jason Whitlock Barack Obama’s Reaction to ‘Banned Books’ Exposes LGBTQ Legacy | Obama’s Brother's Tweet

 In 2012, Newsweek ran a magazine cover calling Barack Obama “America’s First Gay President.” The article gleefully lauded Obama for his support and endorsement of gay marriage. Obama’s path to becoming the LGBTQIA+ community’s best friend was all but inevitable. Perhaps it was his mission from the outset. Tying the journey of black people to the cause of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders is Obama’s most enduring and impactful legacy. It’s a legacy he guards with vigilance and tremendous courage. Recently, Obama penned a letter to librarians in America, encouraging them to push back over “book bans.” The former president alleges that the books being banned are being attacked because they are by black or LGBTQ authors. By claiming communities are banning books that had a profound impact on Obama’s life, he’s clearly sending a message, a message that prompted his brother to tweet, then delete, a post that left no ambiguity about Obama's sexuality. Jason says the evidence has been here all along. “Some sins are sins and others are an Obamination. The first gay president is a master of deception, confusion, and hiding in the closet.” Royce White and Shemeka Michelle join “Fearless” for the conversation. Plus, Wendy Alexander drops in to help us make sense of a story about an American woman who is facing prison time for screaming in public in Dubai.

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