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Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Fearless with Jason Whitlock Featuring: 'Barbie' Pushes Feminism & Rejection of Motherhood | Bronny James Suffers Cardiac Arrest

 “Barbie” opened with a 2023 box-office record over the weekend, spawning a full-on social media and marketing blitz worthy of a summer blockbuster. But this isn’t your mother’s version of the pink-clad, plastic princess. This Barbie fits right into the Hollywood fantasy land where women rule, and men are an optional accessory — sold separately. Jason says the film has one central theme that is not that different from those of “Wonder Woman” and “Wakanda Forever”: men are the bane of female existence and the cause of all societal woes. “Hollywood is hammering a consistent theme: men — regardless of color — owe women a debt. That’s the point of 'Barbie.'” Shemeka Michelle joins “Fearless” to share a female perspective on the film, and Delano Squires stops by to add his thoughts as well. Plus, Steve Kim joins Jason to discuss LeBron James’ son, Bronny. The 18-year-old basketball star suffered a cardiac arrest during a workout at USC on Monday. As soon as the news broke, speculation surrounding the event and a possible connection to the COVID-19 vaccine began, but Jason says he’s reluctant to go that route just yet.

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