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Thursday, July 27, 2023

The Matt Walsh Show: Why Feminism Is One Of The Deadliest And Most Destructive Forces In Human History


Today on the Matt Walsh Show, people are very upset that I said feminism is one of the most destructive forces in human history. Today I will explain in detail why I'm right. Also, Lebron James's 18 year old son goes into cardiac arrest. As you can imagine, there are all kinds of questions we aren't allowed to ask about that. But we will anyway. CNN goes to San Francisco to investigate the claims of a shoplifting epidemic, and personally witnesses three people stealing in the span of 30 minutes. Also, what does it mean to be a "trans ally"? And why is this so-called alliance always one sided? And a self-described "sassy" TikTok influencer gets herself arrested in Dubai. Apparently sassy is illegal over there. Who knew?


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