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Friday, July 21, 2023

Today's Devotional: His Pain Your Gain

In Touch Ministries


Seeing Adversity From God’s Viewpoint

God is perfect in knowledge, wisdom, and power. You can safely trust Him in whatever you face today.

From Intouch Ministries

July 22, 2023

Isaiah 55:8-9

We all will face hardship at some point. Yesterday, we looked at some possible sources of adversity. Now, let’s look at how our Father sees the trials He allows in a believer’s life. 

God’s purpose isn’t to destroy us; rather, it’s to stimulate our spiritual growth. In His great wisdom, He knows how to take an awful situation and use it to transform us into the image of Christ and equip us to carry out His will. 

Every adversity that comes into our life is sifted through the Father’s permissive will. That doesn’t mean the difficulty itself is His perfect will, but He’s allowed the trial to touch us so that He can use it to accomplish His wonderful purposes for our life. 

Since our human eyes can’t always see what the Lord is doing, we won’t always understand everything we face. God’s plans involve far more than each individual life; they include all of creation and reach from the beginning of time to eternity. Though we’ll never grasp the infinite mind of God, we can know His faithfulness and love. 

When you can’t understand God’s ways, choose to focus on His perfect knowledge, wisdom, and power. Remember, He sees the entire picture and loves you more than you can imagine. This is a time to walk by faith, as perfect understanding comes only in heaven.

Bible in One Year: Isaiah 1-3

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