God Is Our Sustainer
Our loving heavenly Father invites us to bring our burdens to Him and accept the strength He offers.
From Intouch Ministries
July 19, 2023
If you’ve ever carried something very heavy, you probably remember the feeling of relief when you could finally put it down. Perhaps you were even able to hand it off to a stronger, more capable person. Of course, not all burdens are physical. In fact, emotional or spiritual burdens often feel heavier and more impossible than tangible ones. In today’s psalm, David was weighed down with many woes and worries, and we all can undoubtedly identify with his desire to “fly away and be at rest” (v. 6).
No matter what form our challenges take, we must not forget that every circumstance in life is lovingly sifted through our Father’s fingers before reaching His children. From the Lord’s perspective, those things that seem to be too much for us are opportunities to learn dependence on Him. God never intends for any of us to carry a burden alone. Rather, He tells us to give it to Him (v. 22) and promises to see us through challenging times—no matter what. Casting your cares upon God means releasing them fully into His control and allowing Him to be your “place of refuge from the stormy wind and heavy gale” (v. 8).
Bible in One Year: Ecclesiastes 9-12
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