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Sunday, September 11, 2022

Today's Devotional: Rely Soley On The Greater Love

 From InTouch Ministries

The Swiss Army knife is a remarkable invention. Small and compact, it contains blades and screwdrivers as well as a corkscrew, can opener, saw, and scissors—every tool a person might need to get through the day. But no such claim can be made about human beings. None of us are designed to meet all the needs of another individual, and it isn’t fair to expect one person to fulfill that kind of role. In order to thrive, we must have multiple relationships.

What’s important for us to recognize is that even the strongest bonds will prove insufficient unless we nurture a still greater one—the relationship we have with our Creator, who loves us beyond anything our mortal minds can grasp. (See Deuteronomy 7:9Ephesians 2:4-51 John 4:16.) All of the people we share life with teach us something about God’s love, but they can never be an adequate substitute for Him and His perfect affection.

Think About It

  • Is there a person you expect too much of? Or does someone demand too much of you? Ask the Lord to help you see your relationships through His eyes—and to give you the strength to make necessary changes.

Bible in One Year: Ezekiel 46-48

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