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Wednesday, September 28, 2022

US Sports Affiliate Partner Spotlight: Oxygen Plus.


How About a Healthy Energy Boost?

How About a Healthy Energy Boost?

Energy drinks are known to give you an instant boost of energy. However, research reveals that many leading energy drinks are not healthy, and some many even be harmful. One single energy drink can increase heart disease risk in young adults while significantly boosting blood pressure and stress hormone response (Mayo Clinic). They can also lead to nervousness, irritability, insomnia, rapid heartbeat and increased blood pressure. Further, some energy drinks are jam-packed with stuff that's bad for you. For example, most are laden with caffeine and sugar.


Recreational oxygen, such as Oxygen Plus canisters, provides an easy, side-effect free energy boost and recovery aid. In fact, breathing supplemental oxygen has been shown to enhance cognitive performance in healthy, young adults (Moss). Additionally, O+ pure recreational oxygen does not contain any sugars, fats, carbohydrates or other potentially harmful ingredients. Recreational oxygen, when used as directed by health individuals, is completely safe and can be breathed multiple times throughout the day - without any side effects or fears of overdose.


Source: Mayo Clinic. "Mayo Clinic study: One energy drink may increase heart disease risk in young adults." EurekAlert! N.p., 9 Nov. 2015. Web. 15 Feb. 2017. Moss, MC, Scholey, AB, Wesnes, K, "Oxygen administration selectively enhances cognitive performance in healthy young adults: A placebo-controlled double-blind crossover study," Journal of Psychopharmacology, 1998 Dec;138:27-33 NOTE: Oxygen Plus products are intended for recreational, intermittent use only, and are not to be used as a medical or life-saving device. WARNING: Persons with any type of health or medical condition should consult their physician prior to use of O+ products. Elevate your IQ:

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