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Monday, October 22, 2018

iHealthTube Featuring: Why Cancer is so Hard to Treat and Why Do We Need to Visit the Doctor Regularly for Checkups

For as long as modern medicine has been battling cancer, why is it still so hard to treat? Dr. José Henriquez tackles this topic and explains why there are many levels to treatment and why it's still a challenge for doctors. [Video below]

Why Do We Need to Visit the Doctor Regularly for Checkups
By: Chelsey Bullock

It's time to visit the doctor and take charge of your health once and for all. Regular check-ups are vital in establishing and living a healthy life for adults and most importantly children. Here’s why:

What to expect during the visit:
Depending on your age, sex, and family medical history, the check-up with your doctor may include:
-Urine test
-Vision test
-Blood work
-Immunizations and booster shots (especially for children)
-Diet and exercise including use of tobacco, drug, and alcohol use.
-Evaluation of stress and mental health
-Tests for certain diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc.

Why check-ups are important:
Regular check-ups are important for the fact that doctors can usually find the problem before it starts. Finding the problem before it starts is important for the treatment and cure. By having your health checked regularly, you will have a higher chance of living longer and healthier.

What are the concerns for women:
In addition to the items discussed above, women need other health services for ample health like:
-pap smear for cervical cancer
-clinical breast exam for lumps or bumps to watch for breast cancer
-for women older than 40, they will need to have a mammogram every one to two years

What are the concerns for men:
Just like women, men also need to have additional health services like:
-rectal exam for prostate cancer
-testicular cancer exam for lumps or bumps

Why do children need check-ups:
Parents learn first-hand the importance of regular check-ups for their little ones. From the day they are born to the time they leave home, your children will see the doctor a number of times at set ages, not including their sick appointments. Children start seeing the doctor as soon as two weeks after they are born for their immunizations. Immunizations will continue until they are at least 18 years old. The check-ups are important for their growth and health.

How to prepare for the check-up:
For children and adults there are a couple of things that the doctor will need information on like:
-an updated family health history
-know the last time you had certain screenings done
-history of vaccinations
-last time you had major surgeries
-if you were ever hospitalized
-details on your past medical history

Once, you have this information down to the best you know; it's time to set up an appointment. After this first appointment, your doctor will have all your past and updated medical history to make each visit after, easier and more enjoyable.
If you are looking for a new primary care physician in Lehi check out Zenith Family Health Centers. Their Direct Primary Care system is an affordable health insurance alternative in Utah.

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