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Sunday, October 28, 2018

Creflo Dollar Ministries Featuring: Saturday Service and Daily Confession: CONCERNING TOTAL LIFE PROSPERITY

Saturday service video and more below


by General Author 

Creflo Dollar Ministries - Daily Confessions


  1. Jesus is the Apostle and High Priest over my profession, and what I profess is the Word of God concerning favor over my life (Hebrews 3:1).
  2. The Lord helps me to guard the door of my mouth and trains me not to speak against His favor at work in my life (Psalm 141:3,AMP).
  3. I will not allow any corrupt communication to proceed out of my mouth. Instead, I will speak only that which is good, full of grace and edifying to others (Ephesians 4:29).
  4. As the righteousness of God, I declare that I am favorable in God's sight (Job 33:26, AMP; Psalm 5:12; Proverbs 14:9).
  5. Like Joseph, I prosper wherever I go and in every situation I am in because the Lord is always with me. I, too, experience preferential treatment (Genesis 39:1-6, 21).
  6. I am blessed and highly favored (Luke 1:28).
  7. I associate with those who are blessed and highly favored so that I may increase in every area of my life (Genesis 30:27).
  8. I operate in integrity; as a result, I obtain favor from God (Proverbs 11:27; 12:2).
  9. I actively seek and live by God's wisdom; therefore, I am highly favored and esteemed in the sight of God and men (Proverbs 3:1-4; 8:33-35).
  10. I declare that God's favor promotes and causes me to increase daily (Esther 2:17; Psalm 75:6-7).
  11. The Lord takes pleasure in my total life prosperity (Psalm 35:27).
  12. Because I am God's "favorite," I prosper in every area of my life-spiritually, physically, financially, socially and mentally (3 John 2).
  13. Because the favor of God shields me, no sickness or disease has a right to live in my body (Deuteronomy 7:15; Psalm 5:12).
  14. Wealth and riches are in my house because I am empowered with His anointing and favor to draw wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18; Psalm 112:3).

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