Olympic lifting is another topic that gets lots of forum discussion. As has been our recent trend, I wanted to pull together some of the best articles and videos on the site related to Olympic lifting in one easy to find file. [Full articles and teaching/coaching material available to StrengthCoach.com members]
This first one is very old but is my absolute favorite:
Teaching the Power Clean and the Hang Power Clean- Jeff Johnson
Video of the Week- Hang Clean Progression- Michael Boyle
Teaching Olympic Lifts- Josh Bonhotal ( former Purdue S+C coach)
Teaching Olympic Lifts
Posted on August 30 2010
The biggest mistake I have seen in teaching Olympic lifts is rushing to get to the full movement, whether from the hang or the floor. I understand there are certain situations where there is pressure from sport coaches or elsewhere to have the athlete snatch/clean right away or at least very early on. Still, these movements require a high degree of technical proficiency and as such a great deal of patience in going through the appropriate progressions. If you don't possess the time or expertise to teach Olympic lifts so they are skillfully performed, don't Olympic lift. In that case, the athletes will get much more out of jump variations and medicine ball throws. To rush into the movement would be like trying to teach someone calculus before they have learned algebra. The athlete simply will not be prepared and is unlikely to ever display a high level of technical mastery.
When teaching, I prefer a top-down approach. To me this makes the most sense because you are gradually increasing the complexity of the movement by starting with smaller amplitude and progressing to a larger amplitude movement. The first things the athlete needs to understand are positioning, rhythm, and bar path. For this I like the Javorek snatch complex (6 reps each - high pull/muscle snatch/goodmorning/squat-to-press/bent-over row). This particular complex breaks down into parts the prerequisite movement patterns required to snatch. I will immediately precede the snatch complex with an OH ball squat to start to get the athlete comfortable receiving the bar overhead. On the next training day I will put in clean combos (4 reps each - muscle clean/front squat). Again, the muscle clean allows them to learn the starting position, technical rhythm, and bar path which includes them understanding how to get their elbows through into the racked position. The front squat is a necessity to prepare them to receive the bar in later phases. I like muscle cleans/snatches initially because it teaches athletes positions, rhythm, and bar path without having to worry about receiving the bar. Less to think about, less to screw up.
Once the athlete has demonstrated a high level of proficiency with the snatch complex, I will progress them to snatch combos (3 reps each - prop snatch/snatch balance/OH squat). The prop snatch is really just an impulse from the high hang. It teaches them to propulse the bar and feel the impulse as it brushes high in the thigh, while also teaching them bar interaction. The snatch balance again teaches them bar interaction, to press themselves under the bar catching with hands and feet together. Lastly, the OH squat of course prepares them to receive the bar overhead. Once they have mastered snatch combos, you can get into snatching. I prefer going off the blocks so they have a consistent start position each time. I will start them from the high hang, moving to mid-thigh in the next phase -> above the knee -> below the knee -> mid-shin -> floor. Of course, progressing below the knee requires a high degree of skill, so many athletes won't get there due to a lack of training experience and/or time you are able to work with them before their competitive season begins. Keep reading......
Olympic Lifts- Too Hard to Teach? - Michael Boyle ( just a quick video)
Video of the Week- Teaching Olympic Lifts- Patrick Ward ( Director of Sports Science, Seattle Seahawks)
Olympic Lifting for Athletic Development- Robb Rogers

strength and Conditioning coach, personal fitness trainer, Athlete Body composition Body weight Build muscle Caloric intake Calories High-protein diet Lean muscle Lose fat Lose weight Macros Protein Resistance training Strength training,
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