green tea + beetroot + fiber + MCTs
There are some ingredients that have been used for their health benefits for thousands of years. The four in one of our latest BPI Health products, Green Tea + Beetroot + Fiber + MCTs, fall into that category. We’ve simply made it easier for you to reap the benefits of all these health boosters by combining them into one, easy-to-take powder.
Keep reading to learn the unique benefits of each ingredient:


Green tea contains powerful antioxidants that help reduce the formation of free radicals in the body. Free radicals damage cells, which may be the cause of certain signs of aging. Green tea also contains caffeine, a stimulant shown to improve brain function, boost mood, and increase vigilance, reaction time and memory. The dose is less than a cup of coffee, so the risk of jitters or a crash is low. Finally, green tea has been shown to increase fat burning and boost metabolic rate.*


In general, eating more fruits and vegetables is always a good idea to boost health. However, beetroot, a plant-based food, takes that a step further. Studies indicate that beetroot may support heart health, promote healthy skin and hair, increase energy, help support weight loss and promote overall health. Plus, beets are a great, natural source of nitrates. Nitrates help your body produce nitric oxide (NO), one of the most important molecules in the body. When it comes to fitness, nitric oxide is valued most for its role as a vasodilator. In common terms, it makes blood vessels bigger, which means more blood flow to your muscles.*


Fiber is best known for its effect on the digestive tract. Eating a diet rich in fiber helps prevent constipation and promote regularity. However, foods containing fiber – like fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes – can provide other benefits as well. These include appetite control and colon health.*


Medium-chain triglycerides, or MCTs, are a form of saturated fatty acid that the body absorbs and metabolizes faster than the long-chain triglycerides found in vegetable oils and animal fats. They are sent directly to the liver, where they have a thermogenic effect that may result in an increase in energy and a boost in metabolism. These “healthy” fats can also help support heart health and cognitive function.*
green tea + beetroot + fiber + MCTs