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Saturday, June 30, 2018

Joel Osteen Recent Messages Featuring: Knowing You Are Loved and Blessed to Be a Blessing

A lot of people live with a—I think He loves me—mentality when it comes to God's love for them, thinking His love is based on their performance. [Video Below] But God is not like people. People may love you conditionally, but God's love for you is unconditional. You don't have to earn God's love; He loves you just the way you are. There is no mistake great enough to cancel out God’s amazing love and His plans for your life. Let this message teach you about God’s amazing love for you. When you know God loves you, you’ll live life with more confidence and security, and you’ll become everything God created you to be! This is message #725, "Knowing You Are Loved", by Joel Osteen. For more inspirational messages, visit

Blessed to Be a Blessing

 Joel Osteen 

We've all gone through times of difficulty and seen God's goodness. The medical report didn't look good, but God turned it around and now we're healthy. We didn't think we'd ever meet the right person, but God brought us somebody better than we imagined. We lost a loved one and didn't think we could go on, but God gave us strength and peace, and today we're stronger than ever. We were the patient—we needed healing, restoration, favor—and God made a way where we didn't see a way, for which we're so grateful. But it's not enough to just be a grateful former patient. Take it one step further and go from patient to physician.
The apostle Paul said it like this: "He comforts us in all our troubles so that…when others are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us" (2 Corinthians 1:4). You've been healed; now go help somebody else get healed. You broke that addiction; help somebody else break their addiction. God didn't heal you just so you could be well, but so you could become a healer. He favored you so you could show people favor. He gave you a new beginning so you could help others make it through their loss. You're no longer a patient; you've become a physician.
Every one of us has had experiences that make us a physician. If you've been through cancer treatment, a divorce, a loss or a rough childhood, you are uniquely qualified to help others in that situation. You've been in their shoes. You know the pain, the discouragement, the battles they fight in their mind. You can help them in a way that others who've not experienced it can. God has done it for you, so don't stay a grateful patient, become a physician. Reach out to them. Your encouragement carries weight. You're speaking from experience. Be a mentor, help them through it.
God told Abraham, "I will bless you…and you shall be a blessing" (Genesis 12:2). It infers that if you're not going to be a blessing, you're not going to be blessed. The two are tied together. The Scripture says, "Give and it will be given to you." If you're not giving away what God has given you, that blessing is not going to continue in the way it could. If you'll give away healing, then healing will keep coming back to you. If you want to stay free from the addiction, help somebody else get free. Keep giving away what God has given you.

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