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Saturday, June 23, 2018

CoachTube Presents: Nick Hart Diving Class of 2019 Coach John Wingfield on US Sports Net!

Nick Hart Recruiting Video Below

Presented on US Sports Net By CoachTube Swim and Dive


Teach Yourself to Swim Series #1 of 14 - Teach Yourself (or Your Child) to Swim at Home Without a Pool

            This is the 1st in a series of 14 very affordable "Teach Yourself to Swim" courses you can share with your entire family and friends.  The value and benefits of each course are easily ten times what you'll invest in each course if you were to take swim lessons from any other program. I am your pro instructor with over 55 years of degreed teaching and coaching and competitive experience to demonstrate and teach you my proven correct methods and cues that get faster longer-lasting results.  All my content is based on never out-of-date physics principles I learned as a 5-time All-American at Indiana U. coached by the legendary 1964 and 1976 Men's Olympic Coach, Doc Councilman.  And I include psychology of learning principles I learned from my Ph.D. no other instructor knows about. I reveal six new teaching methods so you can teach yourself or your kids.  And if you are not comfortable with that then let me teach them with these courses and my videos you can easily download to your tablet or smartphone to take to the pool or lake where you can stand up! You'll get personal access to me via email or my personal cell phone so you can ask all your swimming questions and get good answers.   If you live in rural or suburban areas or have several kids lessons for each cost lots of money.  But now you can save money and let every family member learn at their own pace to overcome their fears.  This is very helpful where you have no pool or experienced instructors. Learning to swim is the only sport that has the potential to save your life.  And the life you save may be your own. In this course you'll start at home without a pool.  You'll need a kitchen sink, dressing mirror, mattress, and a bath tub.  I will teach you all the basic swimming skills so you can get familiar with breath holding, blowing bubbles, floating, kicking, stroking, and body position and rolling.  Then you can easily transfer these same familiar skills to the shallow end of a pool or lake where you can stand up! When you follow my system of easy-to-master one-minute steps you can be swimming in the shallow end in a only several hours.
DrPeteAndersenDr. Pete AndersenWorld's Best Swimming Instructor
5-time All-American Indiana University Masters Swimming World and National Record Holder 21-time Senior Olympic Summer Games Championships Gold Medalist Coach of All-Americans 55+ years Teaching 1000's to swim and 100's to be instructors Ph.D. in Psychology of Learning Principles Author of complete book/video package total curriculum for all strokes

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