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Thursday, June 28, 2018

Minding Your Business Winning the World Cup?

Presented on US Sports Net by Yahoo Small Business!
By: Franziska Hall
The world cup is in full swing and everyone is cheering on their favourite teams (including me who stayed up until 4am to cheer on the Aussies, of course I am all for the Swiss too).
Why would I talk about the World Cup in an article for small business owners? Well, firstly to get your attention and secondly because there are a couple of great learnings we can take on board from this awesome event.

Dedication, hard work and focus: All of the soccer players are and have been so dedicated to their purpose, winning the world cup! The players are fully committed to their teams and have been working so hard to get where they are. It wasn’t just a quick achievement, but years, even decades of dedication, hard work and focus.

In your business you usually can’t expect a quick get rich scheme (even though some people might promise you exactly that). It takes dedication, hard work and focus to get ‘the plane off the ground’. But once it’s off the ground, the views can be spectacular.

Fan base: The soccer teams at the World Cup have a massive fan base and are being supported by so many people. This really does help their desire to win, they don’t want to disappoint their supporters, team mates or themselves.

Who is your fan base? Who are your supporters? Build a fan base that is cheering you on and supporting you in your ventures. Your fan base can be your friends, family or colleagues. You want to hang out with people that believe in you and are helping you reach your vision. It is so motivating to have people around you to share your successes with.

Team play: No soccer team will ever win the World Cup without amazing team play. Each player has a defined role and knows exactly what role he plays in the team.

Do you have defined roles in your business? Who is your marketing, sales, finance or admin person? Even if you are the one doing most of these tasks, it is essential to define them and spend time in each of them.
And if you do have a team, make sure each team player knows what is expected of him or her.

To your World Cup success,


Maybe Aussies could focus a bit more on soccer and less on rugby. I think I might be in trouble for saying this. Go Socceroos!

Franziska Iseli-Hall

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Franziska Iseli-Hall

In the Past: She has a corporate background in advertising, relationship management and marketing. Founder of different businesses such as Swiss Travel Australia, Leader Chicks, German/French and Spanish Home Study.

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