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Sunday, February 18, 2018

The Often Overlooked Value of Organic


We understand there's one big hold up in going organic: the price. It's so expensive. 
However, there are ways today to get your healthy, organic ingredients for less. For starters, we offer 100% organic ingredients in all of our meals. As we covered before, the value of not only the quality of the food, but to have these meals chef-prepared and delivered to your door is how we price our service. We do everything for you... and save you money along the way
Now what if we told you that the extra price you pay for organic ingredients... is worth it simply just for your health.
It's important to understand the nutritional value of organic ingredients. For instance, according to the Environmental Working Group, celery, peaches, strawberries, apples, blueberries, nectarines, bell peppers, spinach, kale, cherries, potatoes, and imported grapes are doused heavily in pesticides. The USDA said that US farmers sprayed an alarming 57 million pounds of glyphosate (a chemical in weedkillers) on crops in 2009. Glyphosate winds up inside inside of our veggies and produce and has been linked to metabolic damage, infertility, obesity, learning disabilities and even birth defects. Ugh.

Research on organic foods show that they are lower in nitrates, a compound that can be carcinogenic once ingested.

Now that's just pesticides. We also don't serve any of "the bad stuff" — no preservatives, GMOs, hormones, antibiotics, and we're entirely soy and gluten-free as well.
Is it the taste you're worried about too? Organically grown foods tend to taste richer and more flavorful. Balanced soil produces healthy, strong plants. Heirloom varieties, (think tomatoes) especially benefit from this style of farming. Research shows that healthier soil grows stronger organic plants with increased levels of vitamin C, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus.
* * * *
The ingredients we use in our meals are viewed through a very specific lens: Will this food increase our performance and our quality of life or not? Very simple. Very effective.
Your meals only include ingredients that are proven by research to optimize your mind and body. Ingredients with Integrity. That's one of our mottos.
Lastly, your subscription with us at Factor 75 also goes towards supporting the local farmer. We source all of our ingredients from local organic farmers in the Chicagoland area with Testa Produce being one of our longtime partners.
We know this may be a lot to take in, but when you have an extra moment, download our full guide on Going Organic (PDF)



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