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Saturday, March 8, 2014

Letter to the Athlete and Fitness Warrior,,,

The enemy is not the opponent on the other sideline, its not the power forward posting you up, its not the midfielder looking to blow by you to the goal, its not the sand trapped, dog legged, infested golf course, its not the trash talking defensive end.
No warrior, the enemy is that voice that is trying to convince you to skip your workout today or to go into your strength and conditioning program with no plan just go to the gym and 'wing it' like you did last year, to pluck another fruit off the excuse tree and eat unhealthy again today, that voice that is trying to convince you that you cannot afford a good trainer or strength coach, that your uncle 'spike' used to lift weights 30 years ago and he can take you through another workout where every day you do only bench press and curls.
The reason why you didn't dominate on the field last year, was because you listened to the enemy in the off season, because you and your family were convinced that a good strength coach or personal trainer was only for "Rich" people, and all of the guys or girls bigger stronger, faster, and better that you were on steroids.

Your enemy lives inside of your head. Doubt, fear, hesitation, skepticism, giving up, hopelessness, defeat.
Warrior, none of the above are true! You were beautifully designed for victory. You were crafted to be physically mentally, spiritually, intellectually excellent. We have a basic task on this planet. To see the source of excellence and accept his invitation to grow, develop, love, laugh, conquer and evict the enemy trying to take up residence inside of us. We use our physical development as a small piece to this spiritual victory.
I am going to let you in on something very personal. I have been invited by almighty God to reach out to and help athletes and fitness warriors who would otherwise not afford my or any of my colleagues services.
By using his wonderful gift of the internet this opportunity to get proper strength and conditioning guidance is possible for you now. But you must cast aside "..imaginations and every high thing.." that is fighting to stop you. The enemy wants you to go another year frustrated and broken.
Your friend and more importantly heavenly father wants you to see his love in action by taking a chance on a different way to approach things. What I offer you warrior is an opportunity to excel physically without the cost of a traditional trainer or strength coach. No what I offer is not a replacement for an good trainer or strength coach in person; what I offer you is a way to overcome the obstacle of cost and eliminate it as an excuse.
The choice is yours. Are you willing to risk 33 cents a day to be in your best physical condition and see the power of God working in you in this small but important area of life? Or will you succumb once again befriending the enemy?

Try the US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System FREE for the first 7 days now!
 Click here 

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