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Showing posts with label lose weight plan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lose weight plan. Show all posts

Saturday, June 3, 2017

The Serious Workout Of The Day!

Hello again Athletes and Warriors!
Coach Nate here after a rather long hiatus coming back stronger than ever to help you lose the fat, build the muscle, look better, feel better with what is now the (cue the overly dramatic music)

Before we dive into what we can now give the acronym to SWOD, let me do the right thing and advise you to consult a physician before attempting any workout seen here or anywhere.

Annd' there is a lot more where this SWOD came from if you want to get into great shape, then you need a great plan. I can design and deliver your custom year-round program that you can take with you to your gym, fitness center, home gym, no gym at all or club. Start for FREE today! Click here and fill out the brief contact form to get your program today! A big thank you to our partners for allowing me to give you this free SWOD  today so without further ado, Let's Rock!
-Coach Nate (aka The BeastMaster)

Today's SWOD is from US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning's General Fitness menu:

 General Fitness Workouts

General Fitness Programs are designed for overall health and the achievement of a leaner, stronger body. Choose between the standard General Fitness Programs or the Dumbbell Oriented General Fitness Programs. The Balanced Dumbbell GF EXPRESS Programs offer a shorter workout for those busier times when you simply can't spend as much time in the gym. They are also great for those who physically respond better to a program with less overall volume. 

Throughout the length of the General Fitness programs, the manipulation of the sets and repetitions for each exercise will be based on periodization concepts that involve changing the intensity and the volume of the workout. 

As with all of the programs, the starting point of the workout is based on an initial fitness level. With feedback, the actual progression of the program will follow the body's unique adaptation process to exercise. 

Fine tune the program to include all the exercises that feel best! To maximize the reduction of body fat it is recommended that some cardiovascular exercise be worked into the weekly training schedule. Have fun and get healthy!

This SWOD is Day 1 Of The:
2 Day Dumbbell General Fitness EXPRESS!
The Weights, Sets, And Reps, are originally designed for a specific athlete, please adjust any portion of the workout to meet your present fitness levels. In other words, work hard and work smart!

Workout 1 
 View the Printer Friendly Version of this Page

Click on an Exercise Name to Adjust or View Videos for that Exercise
Perform the sets listed in your program from left to right
1Warmup and Stretch5 minutes
2Dumbbell Squat18@35 lbs, 15@40 lbs
3Dumbbell One Leg Squat15@35 lbs, 15@30 lbs
4Dumbbell Step Up15@45 lbs, 15@40 lbs
5Dumbbell Stretch Deadlifts15@40 lbs, 10@35 lbs
6Dumbbell Bench Press15@80 lbs, 15@70 lbs
7Dumbbell One Arm Row (elbow wide)15@90 lbs, 10@80 lbs
8Dumbbell Military Press15@70 lbs, 15@60 lbs
9Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise15@35 lbs, 10@31 lbs
10Dumbbell Biceps Curl15@45 lbs, 10@40 lbs
11Dumbbell Lying Triceps Extension15@35 lbs, 15@30 lbs
12Bodyweight One Leg Toe Press60 reps, 60 reps
13Dumbbell Seated Forearm Flexion15@20 lbs, 15@18 lbs
14Reverse Crunches28 reps, 28 reps
15Alternate Heel Touchers65 reps, 65 reps

Nate is the host of  Under The Helmet on The MIXX Radio Network. Join Nate every Thursday 9pm EST and learn what it takes to be a top-notch Pro athlete every week. Click here to tune in.
Get your very own customized strength and conditioning program by visiting US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning

Friday, December 2, 2016

Lifetime Fitness Plan

Hello Athletes and Warriors!
The solution to never having to have a fitness New Year's resolution is to have as the title suggest a "Lifetime Fitness Plan"
We all have our immediate fitness goals, but I would like for you to consider not only the next 6 months. Consider the possibility of fitness progress for the next 6 years. 16 years, 26 years! The one thing that I will never know or want to know as your strength and conditioning coach is where your limits are.
No one has that right. So relax, get to work and enjoy a lifetime of fitness and you will never have to fall victim to another fitness fad again!
Enjoy today's transformation.

Lifetime Fitness Plan

Online Personal Training Client 4 Years Later

Lifetime Fitness Plan - Online Personal Training Client 4 Years Later

Best Online Personal Training Plans

We talk so much about Hitch Fit being about a healthy lifestyle change, a Lifetime Fitness Plan that can be utilized at any time in the future. We encourage clients to develop and embrace new eating and exercise habits for life since that is the only key to long term success! Not every client completes transformation in 12 or 16 weeks, there are a lot of things in life that can come up. And guess what, that is o.k.! Since the goal is a lifestyle change, this isn’t a journey that just ends in 12 weeks time. And if it takes longer than 12 weeks to get to that healthy and balanced place in your life, that’s also o.k. (and guess what, very normal for a lot of people!!). We always encourage clients who fall off track or back into old habits, or who have curve balls of life thrown at them, to just get back on track as soon as they can, and just keep moving forward. There’s nothing that can be done about yesterdays choices, but there IS something that can be done about today’s!

In light of this, I was so delighted to receive a message from a Hitch Fit Online Personal Training client who signed up for her program back in 2012. She did incredible for her first 10 weeks and made wonderful progress. But the pressures of school and exams and other life issues caught up with her and she found herself sliding backwards. BUT, the beauty of this was that she was now equipped with the knowledge and skills to know what to do to get herself back to a healthy place. Using her Hitch Fit plan, it may have taken a bit longer to get where she wanted to be, but ultimately, when she was really ready, she got there! Amazing job Ashley, you are what Hitch Fit is all about.

Message from Ashley:

“I wanted to update you! Back in 2012 I began my workout program from you. I was 19 and in first year of university. I struggled making the changes needed to really make progress and find balance to get to my maintenance phase!

I wanted to share my transformation with you and let you know how thankful I am for everything you taught me! This truly is an enjoyable lifestyle and I couldn’t be happier to have found you and Micah.. Such motivating people!


Before and After Weight Loss Photos - Fit for Life Plan
Before and After Weight Loss Story - Lifetime Fitness Plan

Before and After Weight Loss Story - Lifetime Fitness Plan

Ashley’s Story:

“In 2012, I moved across the country leaving all my familiar surroundings behind. I was starting my first year of University and moved into residents to get the full University experience. Along with this experience came many things, a breakdown in my long-term relationship and a steady weight gain. I traded in going to the gym and making healthy choices for unhealthy foods and alcohol. I was so unhappy. It was right before Christmas break that I realized that I had hit rock bottom. I needed something. I began looking online to try and find help and guidance for an online personal trainer to get me back on track. This is when I found Diana & Micah at Hitch Fit. I sent my email and soon after Diana sent me my new program! I felt so many emotions. I was overwhelmed with excitement and was eager to get started! She provided me with endless information about how to be successful. It was soon after that I realized this was going to be important to me for the rest of my life. I knew from the beginning it wasn’t going to be easy. I was making my meal plan work with cafeteria food and making some of my meals in our community kitchen. It was added stress of “I wonder if the cafeteria food will fit my meal plan tonight” but I made it work. Getting workouts in plus cooking on top of my first year course load wasn’t easy. A lot of sacrifices were made and I got a lot of comments like “how do you do it .. you’re crazy”. For 10 weeks I shared my results with Diana weekly and I had lost many inches and dropped my body fat %. At that point I had “quit”. It was exam season and I fell for the sugary treats and late night pizza. My unhealthy relationship with food was overpowering.

It was a long summer of trying and failing and eventually hitting my heaviest weight of 185 in October 2013. I was once again striving to try and find BALANCE in my life using the nutrition and mental strategies that Diana taught me back in 2012. At this point, when none of my clothes fit I knew I needed change. I worked endlessly finding just the balance that I had been looking for. It may have taken me longer than I had planned but I am so happy to say that I have finally achieved what I had always been striving for. I feel strong, healthy, fit and most importantly HAPPY! Hitch Fit gave me so much confidence and the mindset that when you really want something there is a way to get there. Nothing worth having comes easy and nothing happens overnight but here I am almost 4 years later still using Hitch Fit. This is a lifestyle and I am so happy to have made it mine! Thank you so much to Diana & Micah!!”

Online Weight Loss Plan

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Monday, May 23, 2016

50 and Fit for her Wedding Day!

Nate-and-Becky.jpgGood Morning Athletes and Warriors!
I just have to thank God for Micah and Diana! And personally, I am so glad to have partnered with them and their awesome online training company Hitchfit. They are changing lives all over the world. And here is another example. Read on and you will see why!

50 and Fit for the Wedding! 50 and Fit for her Wedding Day!

50 and Fit for the Wedding!

I’m so proud of today’s incredible transformation Rachel! In June 2015, at 50 years of age, Rachel realized that she wasn’t happy with where she was physically when she saw a picture of herself with friends. She knew she was ready for change, especially since she was preparing for her upcoming wedding (February 2016). Rachel started off with a 16 Lose Weight Feel Great plan, and since she resides in the Kansas City area, she supplemented her online training with one on one sessions atHitch Fit Gym Overland Park with Transformation Trainer Eric Reynolds! Rachel did an incredible job, shedding 20 pounds and 12% body fat. She looked GORGEOUS at her wedding and was kind enough to share some of those special moments with us!! Congratulations Rachel! You make 50 look AMAZING!

Rachel’s Stats:

Starting weight: 159

Ending weight: 139

Starting body fat: 30%

Ending body fat: 18%

50 and Fit - Rachel lost 20 pounds and 12% body fat with Hitch Fit! 50 and Fit – Rachel lost 20 pounds and 12% body fat with Hitch Fit!

50 and Fit Women - Rachel lost 20 pounds at age 50 with Hitch Fit! Before and After photos50 and Fit Women – Rachel lost 20 pounds at age 50 with Hitch Fit! Before and After photos

50 and Fit Women - Before and After Weight Loss of Rachel - lost 20 pounds and 12% Body fat! 50 and Fit Women – Before and After Weight Loss of Rachel – lost 20 pounds and 12% body fat!

Fit over 50 - Rachel lost 20 pounds and 12% body fat! Fit over 50 – Rachel lost 20 pounds and 12% body fat!

Rachel’s Story:

“We all have that “Ah Ha” moment. Mine came last June, when I was photographed with some friends in town for a music event. My typical “trick” of sandwiching myself in the middle of the crowd and turning sideways to cover half my body didn’t work this time. What I had known to be true was staring me right in the face. All the recent wardrobe “updates” were really a disguise to compensate for the fact my clothes weren’t fitting anymore and I had to buy new ones.

A few weeks later, a co-worker and I were talking about upcoming trips—both about six months out. Hers was a romantic getaway, mine was destination wedding/honeymoon. She said, “Hey, have you heard about Hitch Fit? Let’s do it together.” No, I hadn’t heard about Hitch Fit, but I wasn’t going on my honeymoon looking like I did in the June picture, so I said yes.

Understand, I have never been a disciplined person in my life. I am not an athlete, and the only time I’ve been on a sports team was in grade school when my parents signed my sisters and me up to play summer softball. My sisters and I have a joke, when friends ask what position we played. (Mostly because they’re shocked we were even allowed to participate.) My sister, Rebekah always replies, “ They stuck us in the outfield, and we mostly hung out and made dandelion necklaces and bracelets.”

So there was nothing in my background that would even suggest I would be successful on this program, any program for that matter. BUT, what I do respond well to is encouragement, positive energy, and accountability. I found all that at Hitch Fit.

Initially my co-worker and I were going to sign-up for the online program. Both Micah and Diana were ON IT when it came to answering our million and one questions we had, before we even officially signed up. I decided to also have a personal trainer at the Overland Park, KS Hitch Fit Gym location, for two reasons:

  1. I didn’t even know how to use gym equipment, so needed instruction.
  2. I needed the weekly weigh-in / measurements to stay on track.
I signed up, completed a questionnaire, and a few days later received my customized meal plan. The instructions with the email suggested printing out the information and keeping it in a binder. Okay, maybe this was a serious thing. I mean, a binder? I thought I was going to just get a quick summary, and away I would go!

When asking about a Hitch Fit personal trainer, Diana asked me if I had a preference, male or female. I told her I was 50 and didn’t want someone yelling at me. Honestly, after spending time around many of the trainers, she could have matched me with any one of them, and I would have been comfortable. Every week when I would arrive for my session, each one of them would look up, smile, say hi or bye at some point during my hour. Talk about a company culture that breathes the same air/ has the same philosophy!

There is no quick fix in a transformation. Hitch Fit is about day by day, doing the activities to get you there. It’s a journey. And there is nothing like looking at my pictures from my first in-person consultation with my trainer, Eric Reynolds (shout –out!), to jump start that journey. If I thought the June pictures were bad, looking at my body at that first session confirmed it was time.

Here are my take-ways for anyone thinking about making a change:

  1. You will not likely see quick changes. I could ‘starve’ myself over a weekend, and lose more weight than I did in my first two weeks on the program. BUT, each day of doing to right activities, builds over time, and the changes (both weight and body fat) become evident. Additionally, these activities eventually become your lifestyle, not just a diet.
  1. The meal prep and eating according to the timeline is like a part-time job. You have to take it seriously. You have to prepare.
  1. It is likely you will struggle the first few weeks, getting everything down.( meal prep, exercise, drinking enough water, etc) Do not get discouraged! You’re making a major change to your life/ your routine. If it were easy, everyone would naturally know how to do it, and there would be no need for Hitch Fit.
  1. Don’t just look at the number on the scale. The body fat changes are so important!
  1. Be prepared for negative comments as people notice the changes you’re making in your food choices / your lifestyle changes. I can say 100% of my family members and close friends were positive and encouraging, but the same wasn’t true with a few co-workers. I had one tell me not to loose too much weight because it would make me look older. I had another criticize me for not having a piece of cake at an office celebration. All the comments both positive and negative were a reminder that even when I couldn’t see the changes, others could.
When you’re ready, make an investment in you, it will make you a happier, healthier person.”

Rachel and her husband on their wedding day!Rachel and her husband on their wedding day!

Sexy Back at 50! Rachel looking gorgeous in her wedding dress. Sexy Back at 50! Rachel looking gorgeous in her wedding dress.

Rachel with weights

Rachel’s Program Choice: Hitch Fit Online Personal Training – 16 Week Weight Loss Plan – Lose Weight Feel Great