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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Fitness Model Plan Transforms Dad Body- Ripped in Only 12 Weeks

Athletes and Warriors!
The sound science of fitness that worked in 2016 will work in 2017 and beyond!

Savvy athletes and warriors understand that as long as they are alive, they can take another step forward. Much like the young man in today's feature transformation. Take note of the fact that it took him 2 years to commit once he was convinced that it was not another online scam. Can you identify with that line of thought?

When you run out of excuses and reasons to not take action. All you have left is to act. I pray that today's transformation will inspire at least one person to act and stay in action mode in their fitness progress for life!

Lose Weight Dad

Fitness Model Plan Transforms Dad Body- Ripped in Only 12 Weeks

Dan did So Amazing in Only 12 Weeks. Week by week I would see him getting in better shape, losing weight and feeling great.. He dropped 19+ lbs, 6″ off His Stomach and 6+ % Bodyfat!!

Dans Stats

Week 1-

Weight- 190.7 lbs

Waist- 37″

Bodyfat%- 16.33%

Week 12

Weight- 171.3 lbs

Waist- 31″

Bodyfat%- 9.91%

Dan’s Story

I came across the Hitch Fit website a few years ago and always thought the results were too good to be true and that is was another online scam. Despite my initial impressions, I was still curious, then one day I recognized an old work colleague on the website and this then gave me the reassurance Hitch FIt was the real deal. It still took me a couple more years to finally commit, I was always concerned how I would manage the requirements of the program around my shift work and family life, but I am glad I finally did, my only regret was putting off the decision for so long.

Micah is very clear at the beginning of the program, you need to be 100% committed to changing your life. I can only reinforce this point, the program is tough, it does impact your lifestyle, your family, and your kids. However, 12 weeks is such a short period of time in your life to ensure you are the fittest and best version of yourself you can be. The effort required to complete the program is worth every bead of sweat and every ounce of pain, as you will NEVER look back once you complete the program.

Fit Dad

The first week was brutal, I struggled with the volume of exercise and my body struggled to recover, but as time went by all the unnecessary wasteful things I was doing at home, like watching TV, especially watching nothing in particular became not so important and this freed up time for exercise or food prep. The results as very quick, even at the end of the first week, (despite giving up coffee) I noticed increased energy levels, consistent energy levels, and improved sleep length and quality.

Well the day finally came to see my progress from week one, I was apprehensive, I had worked so hard during the week I did not see any difference in the mirror and did not want to be disappointed. I stepped on the scales, well was I surprised, I had lost 3.3 lbs in the first week, whilst some of this is probably water weight, I continued to lose weight and inches every week, in numbers I would never have expected to be maintained.

Week five came along and I hit a hurdle, I injured my back and couldn’t move for two days, I was flat on my back in bed. I thought the week was going to be a write off, the world was working against me to stop me completing the program. I sought treatment and rested for the two days and managed to continue the program for the remainder of the week.

“I found the program interesting and the changing weight program every four weeks, helped keep the motivation levels high.”

12 weeks to awesome

Another challenge I found was the nutrition plan, whilst I generally enjoy most foods, I have never enjoyed or even liked oatmeal. It was a real struggle for me and the beginning of the program, well it’s amazing what 12 weeks does, as it is now my preferred breakfast, even after finishing the program.

The program is both physically and mentally exhausting, my main advice to anyone contemplating the program, trust yourself, commit to the journey, commit to becoming the best version of yourself, and trust the program. You will have highs and low through the program, enjoy the highs, work hard through the lows. You will have obstacles, these are to test you, not to stop you. The results and benefits are worth every bit of energy you expend on the program.




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