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Showing posts with label fat burning plan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fat burning plan. Show all posts

Friday, December 2, 2016

Lifetime Fitness Plan

Hello Athletes and Warriors!
The solution to never having to have a fitness New Year's resolution is to have as the title suggest a "Lifetime Fitness Plan"
We all have our immediate fitness goals, but I would like for you to consider not only the next 6 months. Consider the possibility of fitness progress for the next 6 years. 16 years, 26 years! The one thing that I will never know or want to know as your strength and conditioning coach is where your limits are.
No one has that right. So relax, get to work and enjoy a lifetime of fitness and you will never have to fall victim to another fitness fad again!
Enjoy today's transformation.

Lifetime Fitness Plan

Online Personal Training Client 4 Years Later

Lifetime Fitness Plan - Online Personal Training Client 4 Years Later

Best Online Personal Training Plans

We talk so much about Hitch Fit being about a healthy lifestyle change, a Lifetime Fitness Plan that can be utilized at any time in the future. We encourage clients to develop and embrace new eating and exercise habits for life since that is the only key to long term success! Not every client completes transformation in 12 or 16 weeks, there are a lot of things in life that can come up. And guess what, that is o.k.! Since the goal is a lifestyle change, this isn’t a journey that just ends in 12 weeks time. And if it takes longer than 12 weeks to get to that healthy and balanced place in your life, that’s also o.k. (and guess what, very normal for a lot of people!!). We always encourage clients who fall off track or back into old habits, or who have curve balls of life thrown at them, to just get back on track as soon as they can, and just keep moving forward. There’s nothing that can be done about yesterdays choices, but there IS something that can be done about today’s!

In light of this, I was so delighted to receive a message from a Hitch Fit Online Personal Training client who signed up for her program back in 2012. She did incredible for her first 10 weeks and made wonderful progress. But the pressures of school and exams and other life issues caught up with her and she found herself sliding backwards. BUT, the beauty of this was that she was now equipped with the knowledge and skills to know what to do to get herself back to a healthy place. Using her Hitch Fit plan, it may have taken a bit longer to get where she wanted to be, but ultimately, when she was really ready, she got there! Amazing job Ashley, you are what Hitch Fit is all about.

Message from Ashley:

“I wanted to update you! Back in 2012 I began my workout program from you. I was 19 and in first year of university. I struggled making the changes needed to really make progress and find balance to get to my maintenance phase!

I wanted to share my transformation with you and let you know how thankful I am for everything you taught me! This truly is an enjoyable lifestyle and I couldn’t be happier to have found you and Micah.. Such motivating people!


Before and After Weight Loss Photos - Fit for Life Plan
Before and After Weight Loss Story - Lifetime Fitness Plan

Before and After Weight Loss Story - Lifetime Fitness Plan

Ashley’s Story:

“In 2012, I moved across the country leaving all my familiar surroundings behind. I was starting my first year of University and moved into residents to get the full University experience. Along with this experience came many things, a breakdown in my long-term relationship and a steady weight gain. I traded in going to the gym and making healthy choices for unhealthy foods and alcohol. I was so unhappy. It was right before Christmas break that I realized that I had hit rock bottom. I needed something. I began looking online to try and find help and guidance for an online personal trainer to get me back on track. This is when I found Diana & Micah at Hitch Fit. I sent my email and soon after Diana sent me my new program! I felt so many emotions. I was overwhelmed with excitement and was eager to get started! She provided me with endless information about how to be successful. It was soon after that I realized this was going to be important to me for the rest of my life. I knew from the beginning it wasn’t going to be easy. I was making my meal plan work with cafeteria food and making some of my meals in our community kitchen. It was added stress of “I wonder if the cafeteria food will fit my meal plan tonight” but I made it work. Getting workouts in plus cooking on top of my first year course load wasn’t easy. A lot of sacrifices were made and I got a lot of comments like “how do you do it .. you’re crazy”. For 10 weeks I shared my results with Diana weekly and I had lost many inches and dropped my body fat %. At that point I had “quit”. It was exam season and I fell for the sugary treats and late night pizza. My unhealthy relationship with food was overpowering.

It was a long summer of trying and failing and eventually hitting my heaviest weight of 185 in October 2013. I was once again striving to try and find BALANCE in my life using the nutrition and mental strategies that Diana taught me back in 2012. At this point, when none of my clothes fit I knew I needed change. I worked endlessly finding just the balance that I had been looking for. It may have taken me longer than I had planned but I am so happy to say that I have finally achieved what I had always been striving for. I feel strong, healthy, fit and most importantly HAPPY! Hitch Fit gave me so much confidence and the mindset that when you really want something there is a way to get there. Nothing worth having comes easy and nothing happens overnight but here I am almost 4 years later still using Hitch Fit. This is a lifestyle and I am so happy to have made it mine! Thank you so much to Diana & Micah!!”

Online Weight Loss Plan

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