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Showing posts with label NCAA soccer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NCAA soccer. Show all posts

Monday, October 8, 2018

CoachTube Soccer Presents: Aidan Cooley College Soccer Recruiting Video Highlights - Class of 2019 on US Sports Net

For college recruiting inquiries, please contact Aidan:

Presented on US Sports Net by CoachTube Soccer!


Complete Youth Soccer Training

In Complete Youth Soccer Training, youth soccer coach Miguel Bunengo provides essential skills and drills that will help young players grasp the key aspects of playing soccer. This coaching course is ideal for youth coaches and parents who to further their athletes' abilities and understanding of the game.

This course includes:
  • Soccer Moves & Skills
  • Tips & Drills
  • Passing
  • Shooting
  • Defense
  • Dead-Ball Strategies
  • Practice Tips
    Miguel BrunengoAssistant Men's Soccer Coach at C.W. Post on Long Island, N.Y
    Miguel Brunengo is an assistant men's soccer coach at C.W. Post on Long Island, N.Y.

    A former youth national team player, Brunengo forged a reputation as a top youth coach. He led his B.W. Gottschee team to three consecutive Eastern New York Youth Soccer Association State Cup titles. That included the Under-11 crown in 2004, when the team went on to represent the United States at the Danone Cup in Paris, France. 

    In 2006, after his team won its third State Cup championship in a row, it went even further, becoming the only New York team to earn a Region I title by winning all of its five matches at the Regional Championships in Virginia Beach, Va. Their efforts saw the team gain nationwide coverage on the Fox Soccer Channel, and Miguel was named as's Boys' Youth Coach of the Year. Book this course........

Friday, June 22, 2018

CoachTube Presents Emi Groth 2019 Grad Women's Soccer Recruiting Video Holding Midfielder, Right Wing Defender on US Sports Net!

This video is about Women's Soccer Recruiting Video: Emi Groth, ECNL 2019 Grad. Holding Mid/Right Wing Defender [Video Below]

Presented on US Sports Net By CoachTube Soccer!

Explosive Soccer Quickness and Agility

A simple and effective program for developing EXPLOSIVE SOCCER athletic skills!
SPORTAMERICA teams up with SPEED QUEST, the #1 speed training system to bring you QUICKNESS and AGILITY!
Gain greater quickness through core development and multidirectional skill work. Improve motor mechanics, body movement, quicker reflexes, short burst explosion, and reaction time.
Make yourself a better all-around athlete!
Kwik Goal is the largest manufacturer of soccer goals and field equipment in North America. We are an Official Supplier to: U.S. Soccer, U.S. Soccer Foundation, Canadian Soccer Association, and NSCAA.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

CoachTube Presents: Kazaho Shibata Class of 2019 College Soccer Recruiting Video

This video is about HIGHLIGHT VIDEO PT@ [Video Below]

Presented on US Sports Net By CoachTube Soccer!


Coaching Youth Soccer: Ages 7 to 9

Once your team has a sound foundation of basic skills, you can get into some real fun by adding more advanced techniques into the practice program. In this teaching course specifically developed for 7 to 9-year-old players, experienced youth soccer instructor Nick Harrison shows you how to improve your young athletes' dribbling, passing, receiving, ball control, and shooting skills. Featuring  60 easy-to-learn/easy-to-teach videos, every player in your program will benefit from the coaching tools provided in this course.

Use these instructional videos to facilitate a camp, individually train the youth or take a team to the next level!
Nick HarrisonTeach beginning players to learn and love the game
Nick Harrison coaches in the West Windsor-Plainsboro (N.J.) Youth Soccer Association and on the travel team level. Formerly a coach with Scunthorpe United and Liverpool University in England, and Hawaii Pacific University, Harrison is a talented and experienced coach, with an MS in Sport & Exercise Science and a NSCAA Premier Coaching License. He is also an AYSO Certified Licensed Instructor and a New Jersey Olympic Developmental Program evaluator.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Kris Schulte College Soccer Recruiting Video ~ Class of 2019 and Explosive Soccer Quickness & Agility by KwikGoal


Explosive Soccer Quickness & Agility by KwikGoal

About this Course
A simple and effective program for developing EXPLOSIVE SOCCER athletic skills!
SPORTAMERICA teams up with SPEED QUEST, the #1 speed training system to bring you QUICKNESS & AGILITY!
Gain greater quickness through core development and multidirectional skill work. Improve motor mechanics, body movement, quicker reflexes, short burst explosion, and reaction time.
Make yourself a better all-around athlete!

Coach Credentials
Kwik Goal is the largest manufacturer of soccer goals and field equipment in North America. We are an Official Supplier to: U.S. Soccer, U.S. Soccer Foundation, Canadian Soccer Association, and NSCAA.

Saturday, March 31, 2018

RACHEL SUTTER | College Soccer Recruiting Highlight Video | Class of 2019 and Sports Food: Diet For Athletics

Presented on US Sports Net By NBAStore!

Rachel Sutter, Class of 2019 San Juan Spirits ECNL '00 - forward/outside defender Lodi High School Varsity Soccer 2016 - leading scorer Edited by Hannah Sutter | Interested in having your own sports highlight video made? Email for more information.

Sports Food: Diet For Athletics
By: John Perkins


1. Sports drinks
Soda, water without gas, tonics and isotonics (Gatorade, Powerade), plus really useful waters containing aloe juice, etc. etc. This is the most necessary of all that you can buy at the bar. To train and not to drink is like smoking between sets; load on the cardiovascular system is not the most useful. The best choice of a sports drink for training in a hall - usual still water. All the rest - either for fitness gourmets, or for those who did not have time to eat properly before training (in this case, the bottle of "Gatorade" will not allow dangerous fall of blood glucose level during the load).

2. Proteins
That is, a protein that is easier to digest than the same protein, taken from eggs, milk, cottage cheese, meat or fish. However, the need for his admission from the very beginning of the classes is greatly exaggerated financially interested in this people. The increased need for protein can arise only in response to no less elevated loads, which, as a rule, occur after a year or two of very intense and regular training. For muscle growth, a novice serving of a protein shake before and after training will be useful only if he last ate 6-8 hours ago.

3. Gainers
Protein-carbohydrate drinks, stimulating the secretion of insulin - the main anabolic hormone, responsible for the assimilation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In practice, the gainers are used to quickly gain weight. Taking 2-3 servings of a geyner a day with food (and not instead of it), any sloth will accumulate a five kilogram of muscle mass in just a month. Those who have been training for a long time, it is useful to drink the geyners right before classes - their increased caloric content will help to conduct more intensive training and recover faster. In this regard, the gainers are much more useful than proteins, but, like all high-speed, have a side effect - the inevitable increase in fat under the skin.

4. Vitamins, amino acids and other fat burners
All this can easily be combined into one group of expensive, probably useful, but not the most necessary drugs. Alas, the sports nutrition market is also a market, it needs diversification of the product, and therefore you will always be offered a new chondroprotector, then a new creatine. Yes, the producers will not take offense at me, but these products duplicate what you can buy in a pharmacy, and much cheaper. The best chondro- and cardioprotective agent is regular fish oil. Sports vitamins carry a thermonuclear dosage, which is difficult to absorb even a very heavy athlete; Pharmaceutical dosages are much better for normal active people. Amino acids - in general the lot of competing bodybuilders. So if you do not have extra money, excess health and unnecessary curiosity, refrain from applying the above.
Helpful advice: if you constantly use the products of a fitness bar, do not be lazy to ask the bartender to look at the jar of what you are constantly drinking - a gainer or protein. In many bars there is a restaurant "tradition" not to report in cocktails recommended by the manufacturer a dose, providing volume of ice and other by-products. If you notice the difference (the bartender is obliged to tell you how many grams of this or that product he pours into a cocktail) - order a double portion or buy your own jar.
Special diet provides you with muscle grow but you also need a lot of energy and strength to build muscles. That is why you may need a pre-workout supplements.

Pre-workout supplements are one of the types of sports nutrition that increase the working capacity of an athlete before training, increase strength, help build muscle mass and burn subcutaneous fat. There are a number of different ingredients in them. Some of the ingredients are effective, and some are not, but in the aggregate, they are a very active mixture that really improves the quality of the athletes' training process.

Pre-workout supplements
Composition of pre-workouts
The composition of Pre-workout supplements includes many components, usually 15-25, but most often you can find the following substances:

Creatine - increases the strengths, stimulates the growth of muscle mass. Pre-Workouts in the composition contain a variety of transport systems, which improve the assimilation of creatine.
BCAA - 3 essential amino acids that nourish muscle tissue and prevent catabolic processes.
Arginine - is needed to make up the muscles and the effect of pumping.
Vitamins and minerals are vital components for the human body, the reserves of which are depleted during intensive training, so they need to be restored.
Caffeine - a stimulant of the central nervous system, promotes the acceleration of metabolism.
Geranamine is another stimulant of the central nervous system, several times stronger than caffeine.
Taurine - a stimulant and a reductant, according to unconfirmed data stimulates the production of growth hormone.
Beta-alanine - restores muscles after training.
As practice shows, the remaining components, which are part of the predecessors, are not effective.

Cons of Pre-workout supplements
Pre-workout supplements contain a lot of stimulant and other various components that can be dangerous for the cardiovascular system, therefore, it is not worth taking sports complexes to athletes with heart problems, and it is also not recommended to use preworkouts if you are 40 years old or more. Cases and problems with digestion associated with taking stimulant supplements are not uncommon before buying a product, check the composition, make sure you do not have an individual intolerance to one of the components.

The Best Pre-workout supplements
The best Pre-workout supplements This list contains only pre-training, time-tested, they collected a lot of positive feedback and recommendations from professional athletes:
Jack3D from USPLabs;
No Xplode from BSN;
Mesomorph from APS;
Assault from MusclePharm;
Friction from VPX;
SuperPump Max from Gaspari Nutrition.

You can familiarize yourself with each of these products by simply clicking on the name in the list. All of them showed incredible effectiveness, of course, each of these preworkouts deserves attention.

How to take a pre-workout complex
Each manufacturer, together with a pre-workout instructor, provides consumers with an instruction on how to use the additive, while holding it, you can achieve maximum results. Deviate from the recommended dosage is not necessary, it can lead to a mass of health problems. Some companies also offer athletes to take Pre-workout supplements and during rest days, it is worth saying that in such cases they are more worried about the state of their wallet, rather than your physical form. In days off from training, it is better to take some restorative and nutritious supplements such as protein or amino acid complexes, daily use of potent stimulants of the central nervous system will deplete your strength and only slow the progression.

Reviews on Pre-workout supplements
In discussions at various forums and the most popular bodybuilding portals, one can find both positive and negative feedback about Pre-workout supplements. Athletes share their feelings and results, discuss the taste, effectiveness, safety and quality of products. Having analyzed a lot of Internet resources, we came to the conclusion that there are many times more positive reviews of pre-teens, moreover, one often finds statements by reputable sportsmen who recommend one or another stimulating complex.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Michael Mezzina - College Soccer Recruiting Highlight Video - Class of 2019 and Youth Soccer Coaching Tips - Are You Coaching Soccer Tactics Too Early? Presented on US Sports Net By Baseball Rampage

[Video below]-Please "LIKE" my videos and "SUBSCRIBE" to my channelMichael Mezzina - Class of 2019 For college recruiting inquiries, please contact Michael at -

Youth Soccer Coaching Tips - Are You Coaching Soccer Tactics Too Early?

By: Bert Ingley


Both experienced and inexperienced youth soccer coaches are running players out of the game. The kids aren't having fun, aren't improving, and are getting burned out at an early age.

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One big mistake coaches make is not knowing what their players are able to handle.

Here's a couple of other noticeable characteristics for these ages. I am sure that you have experienced the same things at home, so why expect it to be different on the soccer field?

U-10/11 Children typically...

; have an improved attention span compared to U8 ; are learning to become team oriented  like lots of motion, but can hold still for short explanations  have reasonably well developed small motor skills  like balls and equipment they can identify with teams and players are beginning to understand game speeds (can go all out, or at 1/2 speed)

U-12/13 Children typically...

==> have an improved attention span compared to U10/11 are much more team oriented ==> are able to handle longer explanations as long as they are interesting ==> begin to look to do creative and clever things with the ball ==> are able to strike the ball with speed, distance and some accuracy ==> have a pretty good understanding game speeds (can go all out, or at 1/2 speed)

With that being said, the pressure is really off of you!!

That's right, no pressure here. You don't have to teach the offside trap, the 4-4-2 formation, the double scissors and set plays. Your job is to help them continue to develop their technical skills and introduce basic tactics.

You see, kids come to practice and game to PLAY soccer. They aren't there to discuss soccer philosophy, stand in line, get lectured to, etc. They want to kick the ball. Preferably as often as possible.

HINT: Kids want to have fun playing soccer. They enjoy the game more when they get to touch the ball A LOT!

If you can develop in your children the love of soccer, they will develop as players. We'll talk more about this later, but suffice it to say that if your kids are passionate about soccer, they will become good players.

I see the question asked over and over (and asked it to myself as well)..."How do you teach soccer tactics to the U10s "

I (and many other coaches) have researched, studied and labored over this question. And the bottom line answer is...YOU DON'T

A 9 year old doesn't want to stay back on defense, he wants to chase, trap and dribble that darn ball. After working hard to get a hold of that thing, he doesn't want to pass it, he wants to kick it around a bit.

I've come to this conclusion about the development of the youngest players. I want them to love the game of soccer. I want them to love to have the ball at their feet. If they have a passion for soccer, then tactics will come in their own time and can be introduced a piece at a time.

U12s Are A Different Matter

U12s, however, are a different ball game. By this time, players are able to perform the fundamentals with increased coordination. If you give them a good demonstration, they are able to duplicate it with some effort. The players have more confidence and are better able to look up from time to time while playing.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

David Dias College Soccer Recruiting Video - Class of 2019 and Best and Safest Strength Training for Young Athletes Presented on US Sports Net By BestBuy!

College Recruiting video for David Dias Class of 2019 Age: 15 Height: 5'9" Weight: 137 lbs Club Team: Crossfire 00' Positions: Right/Center Midfielder, Forward Number: #12 High School Soccer: Redmond High School, Redmond WA GPA: 4.0 Email:

Best and Safest Strength Training for Young Athletes
By: Ron Stratten, M.S.


Growing young talent is a delicate and risky challenge. Strength training for young athletes must be approached with caution. Parents often push their children who play on sports-specific travel squads toward weight training or, for some, personal trainers. But, what works best and what method is safest? Because the legs are the foundation for almost every outstanding performance, the focus should be on building leg strength, speed, agility and coordination in a youngster whose muscles and body are still developing.

Unfortunately, there has been no one approach that has proven effective and safe. For many years young athletes have looked for a simple way to build leg strength and speed by using ankle weights, resistance bands or weighted vests and time spent in the weight room with barbells and dumbbells. These solutions are cumbersome and often harmful.

A popular misconception has been that more is better. Adding more weight means more strength, more repetitions mean more speed. But more can mean problems for young bodies. Young athletes are developing at different rates and must be dealt with individually. Light to moderate weighted insoles can be an excellent answer for building young athletes' lower body strength, speed and coordination. The weight can increase as the athlete's body matures. Moreover, placing the weight below the body's weight prevents the harmful injuries caused by carrying it above young joints and allows the athlete to maintain a normal stride. Whether the athlete is playing football, volleyball, basketball, or soccer, or participating in track and field, speed, agility and the same overall athleticism are the qualities young athletes and their parents are seeking.

Weighted insoles allow the young athlete to play a specific sport while using them, unlike ankle weights resistance bands or weighted vests, which must be removed during practice or competition. In other words, you can take the weight room to the field or court!

Weighted insoles can be safer than other weight training approaches for young legs. Look for insoles that are light enough to accommodate younger athletes eleven or twelve years and up. Six ounces seem to work well with undeveloped beginners. As the young athlete practices and develops more skills and as the body matures, he or she can move up to the eight-ounce insole. Many companies recommend heavier weight to build strength faster. Unfortunately, maintaining a normal stride length (important for safe training) with more weight can be difficult. A well planned workout with age-appropriate weights is a good basis for strength training, just don’t go overboard!

Look also, for a tool that can stabilize the heel and ankle area. Early shoe choices are very important to parents wishing to insure the healthy participation of their child in the sport of their choice. The shoe companies oftentimes put their emphasis on the upper part of the shoe and neglect the part of shoe that has the most direct contact with the athlete: the shoe's liner or insole. Choose a weighted insole that is comfortable and focuses on foot and ankle safety by stabilizing the heel with a deep heel cup. The deep heel cup prevents the foot from sliding inside the shoe, which creates an unstable foundation for the athlete.

There is no quick and easy way to develop strength. Weighted insoles can make the journey safer, more convenient and more comfortable. Carrying a small amount of weight with every step can make a positive difference with each workout. They can be used in your favorite cross trainers, walking shoes or running shoes. Weighted insoles provide a training edge for any athlete who is striving to reach the next level safely!

Ronald Stratten is the Manager /Owner of StrataSoles Enterprises, LLC, and has served as NCAA Vice President for Education Services and former Portland State University Head Football Coach.  StrataSoles Enterprises, LLC, is featuring the introduction of its weighted-insole system, The StrataSoles™ Training System.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Jakob Cedergren - College Soccer Recruiting Video - Class of 2019 and Focus Beyond Success


 Focus Beyond Success

By: Jim Owens Pmp

Image result for Jakob Cedergren - College Soccer Recruiting Video - Class of 2019

Many people get really anxious when studying for the exams such as the PMP (Project Management Professional) or CAPM (Certified Associate in Project Management) and so their anxiety works against them. The reason that they are anxious is largely because of their fear of failure. We could say that their belief in the likelihood of their failure is stronger that their belief in their success. In order to find a way out of this mess, it helps to know a little of how the mind works.

Everybody wants to be successful. Of course it could be argued that some people obviously want to fail in life – but that means that they want to be successful in failing. And so when they eventually DO fail, they succeeded in achieving their life’s main goal. And that’s a level of success that few of us achieve.

When aiming for a goal, it is very important to concentrate on the successful outcomes of your task, rather than on the goal itself. For example, if you are studying for the PMP exam, you should focus on what you intend to do once you have your certification, rather than just on having letters after your name. You should concentrate on the benefits after the goal is achieved, because your energy ends where you have your focus (I’ll come back to this later).

For example, suppose you are playing soccer and you have to take a penalty kick. If you concentrate really hard on taking the kick, you will become anxious and may kick the ball badly.

The trick is to imagine that you have just scored the winning goal. Imagine the crowd cheering -- actually hear them in your mind -- and hear them calling your name. Imagine how good the success feels, and how proud of yourself you feel. Imagine the other soccer players running up to you and hugging you and congratulating you.

If you do this, then you will relax and actually score the goal.

Because if you can truly make your mind believe that you can truly make something happen, then your mind will do all that it can to make it happen (this is explained by “expectancy theory”).

So if you say to someone “study hard, and try hard to pass the exam,” that is a waste of time because they are already doing that, and concentrating more on the problems will make them anxious and doubt their abilities.

It is much better to get them to focus beyond the end result. Tell them to think about how good they will feel when they pass the PMP exam. And how good it will feel, pinning on the little gold badge.

Tell them to imagine how wonderful and proud they will feel the first day they step back into their place of work as a PMP, to give the good news to their boss.

Tell them to imagine that they’re being interviewed in the future by a reporter from a big magazine, because the magazine wants to print a feature article on their successes. Tell them to imagine how good it feels to be so successful in life. Once they believe that, it will start to happen.

Your energy ends where you have your focus

Jim Owens PMP is a career Project Manager, Presenter and PMP Instructor. Director of Certification with PMI W Australia, Columnist with and Information Age Magazine. Visit Jim at The Home of Project Management. Jim's Domains & Web Hosting:

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Major League Soccer Featuring: Colorado Rapids defender earns MBA in unique way | A Day With pres. by SNHU


Practice. Study. Walk the dog. Repeat. It’s all in a day’s work for Colorado Rapids defender Eric Miller, who let join him for a day to get a glimpse of how he balances soccer and school on a daily basis. Subscribe to our channel for more soccer content: - Follow us on Twitter: - Like us on Facebook: - Follow us on Instagram: For more information about MLS, go to the league's official website:

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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Michael Mezzina - College Soccer Recruiting Highlight Video - Class of 2019


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Effective Marketing Starting as Low as $5!
Scores, Stats, Highlights, and Cool Online Shopping!
The Scoreboard Mall @ US Sports Radio
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