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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Michael Mezzina - College Soccer Recruiting Highlight Video - Class of 2019 and Youth Soccer Coaching Tips - Are You Coaching Soccer Tactics Too Early? Presented on US Sports Net By Baseball Rampage

[Video below]-Please "LIKE" my videos and "SUBSCRIBE" to my channelMichael Mezzina - Class of 2019 For college recruiting inquiries, please contact Michael at -

Youth Soccer Coaching Tips - Are You Coaching Soccer Tactics Too Early?

By: Bert Ingley


Both experienced and inexperienced youth soccer coaches are running players out of the game. The kids aren't having fun, aren't improving, and are getting burned out at an early age.

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One big mistake coaches make is not knowing what their players are able to handle.

Here's a couple of other noticeable characteristics for these ages. I am sure that you have experienced the same things at home, so why expect it to be different on the soccer field?

U-10/11 Children typically...

; have an improved attention span compared to U8 ; are learning to become team oriented  like lots of motion, but can hold still for short explanations  have reasonably well developed small motor skills  like balls and equipment they can identify with teams and players are beginning to understand game speeds (can go all out, or at 1/2 speed)

U-12/13 Children typically...

==> have an improved attention span compared to U10/11 are much more team oriented ==> are able to handle longer explanations as long as they are interesting ==> begin to look to do creative and clever things with the ball ==> are able to strike the ball with speed, distance and some accuracy ==> have a pretty good understanding game speeds (can go all out, or at 1/2 speed)

With that being said, the pressure is really off of you!!

That's right, no pressure here. You don't have to teach the offside trap, the 4-4-2 formation, the double scissors and set plays. Your job is to help them continue to develop their technical skills and introduce basic tactics.

You see, kids come to practice and game to PLAY soccer. They aren't there to discuss soccer philosophy, stand in line, get lectured to, etc. They want to kick the ball. Preferably as often as possible.

HINT: Kids want to have fun playing soccer. They enjoy the game more when they get to touch the ball A LOT!

If you can develop in your children the love of soccer, they will develop as players. We'll talk more about this later, but suffice it to say that if your kids are passionate about soccer, they will become good players.

I see the question asked over and over (and asked it to myself as well)..."How do you teach soccer tactics to the U10s "

I (and many other coaches) have researched, studied and labored over this question. And the bottom line answer is...YOU DON'T

A 9 year old doesn't want to stay back on defense, he wants to chase, trap and dribble that darn ball. After working hard to get a hold of that thing, he doesn't want to pass it, he wants to kick it around a bit.

I've come to this conclusion about the development of the youngest players. I want them to love the game of soccer. I want them to love to have the ball at their feet. If they have a passion for soccer, then tactics will come in their own time and can be introduced a piece at a time.

U12s Are A Different Matter

U12s, however, are a different ball game. By this time, players are able to perform the fundamentals with increased coordination. If you give them a good demonstration, they are able to duplicate it with some effort. The players have more confidence and are better able to look up from time to time while playing.