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Sunday, June 30, 2019

The Truth About Cancer Featuring: Global Health News #39 | Healthy Food, Censorship, and TTAC Live!

Welcome to Episode #39 of Global Health News, Truth That Matters with Ty and Charlene Bollinger!

 This episode begins with Ty and Charlene discussing matcha green tea. Did you know that matcha can reduce stress and even help to prevent cancer? Check out Charlene’s article here: [].

 Some say that healthy food is unaffordable, forcing them to purchase “junk food” instead of healthy, whole foods. Some say that the price of healthy food is “imprisoning low-income families.” But what is the true cost of a diet filled with toxic chemicals and fake food?

 Texas is proposing legislation that would prevent those on SNAP (government assistance for purchasing food) from buying snacks and junk food. Among those on food stamps, the rate of obesity is nearly double. Should tax dollars subsidize a diet that is killing families?

 Next, we talk about censorship. Amazon’s Prime Video service is banning videos that they say are promoting “false cancer cures.” Are these videos promoting lies, or simply promoting treatments that don’t profit Big Pharma? And that’s hardly the tip of the censorship iceberg.

 Facebook and its subsidiary Instagram have been shutting down the accounts of conservatives and natural health advocates. Pinterest, YouTube, and MailChimp have followed suit, trying desperately to silence organizations like, GreenMedInfo, and even TTAC. We need to act.

 And our views on things like alternative cancer treatments and vaccines are not conspiracy theories – they’re conspiracy FACTS. Two nurses in New Zealand have pled guilty to manslaughter after forcing the MMR vaccine on infants against the parents’ will. Both children died within 3 minutes of receiving the vaccine.

 We end with a special announcement of TTAC Live 2019 – a health homecoming. Taking place October 11-13, this event will feature health experts from all over the world. Unlike many conferences, you’ll be able to mingle with the experts and keynote speakers all weekend! For more information on this life-changing conference, click here: [].

 If you enjoy this video, please share with your friends and family!

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