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Monday, June 24, 2019

BodyRockTV Lisa Marie Featuring: Squat & Cross Over Knee & Kettlebell Squat Press & Sit Back

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BodyRock #FitFam Motivation Monday: Meet Meghan and Sandra Z!

Strong bodies come to those you sweat for them: there’s no getting around this. While we’re all born with different body types, the fact remains that everybody has to work for sculpted, lean gains. In this week’s #FitFam Motivation Monday spotlight, we’d like to celebrate two amazing BodyRockers who’ve definitely sweated for their incredible, fit physiques.
Give it up for Meghan and Sandra Z!
But first!Are you a member of our Insider’s Group? If not, join the BodyRock Insider’s Group on Facebook! This is where our trainers and BodyRockers convene to talk shop, asking questions and receiving advice on fitness, nutrition and life in general.

Meet Meghan

1.5 years ago, I found BodyRock while scrolling YouTube looking for an at home workout that was different then the Beach Body workouts I had been doing. I started doing the 12 min HIITs and within a week I signed up for the 30 days free. Fast forward a year in a half later and I have never been stronger. My body is still a work in progress but I was able to lose the 15lbs I had been carrying around since I had my second son 3.5 years ago. Your live workouts are unlike any other! I love how you “shoot the shit” while setting up, it’s like working out with my friend at my home gym! The Lives are what sets BodyRock and Lisa as a trainer apart from any at home workout! I was a Beach Body Coach for two years and none of their workouts ever came close to you! I love growing with you each month and honestly can’t wait to workout! You motivate me like no other! Never change!!! I am a better person since finding you 1.5 years ago.

Meet Sandra Z

I never liked fitness. I could not stick to it. In 2017, I came across your posts for the bootcamp series. So again I started. Not your bootcamp series, because that was way out of my league. The beginner bootcamp was my goal. But those exercises were so short that I made every excuse in the book not to do it. Demotivation followed.
At the beginning of February 2019, my mother passed away. She was not able to stand or walk. That was not what I wanted for myself. I gained 20 kilo. Feeling like crap. Your bootcamp series came to mind. Still being a member I started the app.
So, in March 2019 I started with the Daily HIIT Beginner Series followed with the Beginner Weight Series. Both Lisa and Sean kept me going. When I sit on the sofa being tired you kick my ass off the sofa with your social media posts.
In the beginner series Sean says, “Do not look at the scale  — just trust the process.”
He is right. The scale tells me I lost just .4 kilo. However, the before and after picture tells me a different story.
Are you a BodyRocker who wants to share her or his story with us? We’d love to hear it! Submit your stories to

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