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Saturday, June 22, 2019

Chris Beat Cancer Featuring: My trip to Cambodia with Neverthirst 2019 and Your Body is Screaming For Water! Part - 1


CHRIS BEAT CANCER (the book) is a USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and Publishers Weekly Bestseller! Get it on Amazon here: Available in hardcover, e-book and audio book, read by yours truly. :)

Your Body is Screaming For Water! Part - 1

By: Rob Barrie

Hi everyone! Finally got enough juices to start writing again! It has been a while since my last article about water hydration, but I have been busy reading new books. I want to share some Yes! water hydration news! This is the first of 12 article chapters on water hydration. I have been a water drinker all my life. I have been drinking alkaline water for the past 3yrs. I found out through reading books and talking to doctors across the country that the human body possesses a variety of sophisticated indicators when it runs short of water-emergency indicators of dehydration and thirst. The body has many more than one "dry mouth" indicator of water shortage.

Equally obvious, the greatest tragedy in medical history is the fact that medical professionals have not understood the human body's variety of calls for water! They have traditionally restore to using chemicals and "procedures" to deal with chronic dehydration of the body! This is a monumental mistake, but a blatant fact!! We are now at the dawn of a new era in the medical science. It is chronic water shortage in the body that causes most of the diseases of the human body! The original design of the human body is more complete than you can imagine.

If we have not known how to maintain it until now, it is our own fault. We have to stop and think, if the body is mainly water, where will it get its top-up if we don't drink water on regular basis? The health care crisis of America that bankrupt the nation if permitted to continue in its present trend, is not caused by the way it is operated Nor is it entirely the result of greed based pricing. It caused by most primitive mistake in the basic premise in science of physiology that is foundation to all medical and scientific knowledge of the human body. It is caused because the public and the professionals don't yet know when the human body is thirsty for water! Be sure and read part-2 of Your Body Is Screaming For Water! I will discuss Why"Medicine Doesn't cure Disease.

Rob Barrie has a service based company with core competencies in the fields of Alkaline water purification systems. His services are designed to benefit people's health and improve their quality of life.

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