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Friday, June 21, 2019

Video Leak Police Featuring: Dash- Body Cam Car & Foot Chase, Man Throws Cocaine From Car and Casual Marijuana Use may Come With Some Not-So-Casual Side Effects

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Macomb County, Michigan. Dash camera and body camera released by the by the Macomb County Sheriff's Office of a chase and Arrest In Macomb County on June 16.

 Police say Aniano Arreola-Mora, 28, of Ray Township, threw four packages of cocaine out of his window after police turned on their lights and began following him on Dalcoma Drive in Clinton Township. The chase then went through Sterling Heights and Ray Township, where Arreola-Mora allegedly drove on a house's lawn and got stuck in mud. He then exited his car and Clinton Township Police and Macomb County Sheriff deputies were able to arrest him.

 He was given a $5,000 bond with 10 percent for charges of: fleeing police in the third degree, possession of a controlled substance, carrying open alcohol in vehicle and operating a motor vehicle with no valid license. Arreola-Mora is now in Macomb County jail.

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Casual Marijuana Use may Come With Some Not-So-Casual Side Effects

By: Michael Coulter

A recent article on the FoxNews website raises alarms for even casual marijuana smokers. If that’s you, you may have felt immune from any harmful side effects from the drug—and yes, marijuana is definitely a drug, no matter the legal standing it has gained in some quarters recently. You may have felt that, as someone who tokes only on occasion, not regularly or heavily, you should be immune to any harmful effects it might inflict on heavy tokers.

Think again.
We are reprinting the FoxNews article here for your enlightenment.

Casual marijuana use may come with some not-so-casual side effects.

For the first time, researchers at Northwestern University have analyzed the relationship between casual use of marijuana and brain changes – and found that young adults who used cannabis just once or twice a week showed significant abnormalities in two important brain structures.

The study’s findings, published in the Journal of Neuroscience, are similar to those of past research linking chronic, long-term marijuana use with mental illness and changes in brain development.

 Dr. Hans Breiter, co-senior study author, said he was inspired to look at the effects of casual marijuana use after previous work in his lab found that heavy cannabis use caused similar brain abnormalities to those seen in patients with schizophrenia.

"There were abnormalities in their working memory, which is fundamental to everything you do," Breiter, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, told  "When you make judgments or decisions, plan things, do mathematics – anything you do always involves working memory.  It’s one of the core fundamental aspects of our brains that we use every day.  So given those findings, we decided we need to look at casual, recreational use."

For their most recent study, Breiter and his team analyzed a very small sample of patients between the ages of 18 and 25: 20 marijuana users and 20 well-matched control subjects.  The marijuana users had a wide range of usage routines, with some using the drug just once or twice a week and others using it every single day.

Utilizing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the researchers analyzed the participants’ brains, focusing on the nucleus accumbens (NAC) and the amygdala – two key brain regions responsible for processing emotions, making decisions and motivation.  They looked at these brain structures in three different ways, measuring their density, volume and shape.

According to Breiter, all three were abnormal in the casual marijuana users.

"For the NAC, all three measures were abnormal, and they were abnormal in a dose-dependent way, meaning the changes were greater with the amount of marijuana used," Breiter said.  "The amygdala had abnormalities for shape and density, and only volume correlated with use.  But if you looked at all three types of measures, it showed the relationships between them were quite abnormal in the marijuana users, compared to the normal controls."

Because these brain regions are central for motivation, the findings from Northwestern help support the well-known theory that marijuana use leads to a condition called amotivation. Also called amotivational syndrome, this psychological condition causes people to become less oriented toward their goals and purposes in life, as well as [to] seem less focused in general.

Given these eye-opening results,  Breiter said that more research is needed to look into marijuana’s effects on the brain – even in those who use the drug only once or twice a month.
"We need to see what happens longitudinally," Breiter said. "What happens as you follow people over time?  What happens if they stop using – do these bad effects continue? What happens if you can intervene early?...My worry is we haven’t studied this compound and here we are looking to change legislation on it."

Although Breiter’s team members did not examine the patients’ cognitive symptoms, they do believe that the brain abnormalities seen in their study could lead to substantial effects on brain development and behavior, especially given the young ages of the participants.  Breiter also acknowledged the problems of analyzing a very small study sample – but said that their findings should still serve as a wake-up call to others.

"This study is just a beginning pilot study, but at the same time, the results that came out are the same as a canary in a coal mine," Breiter said.  "...The interaction of marijuana with brain development could be a significant problem."

If you see yourself in that article, if you are fond of rolling joints and enjoying the effects you get from a few hits of weed, just how much risk are you putting yourself at? Do you really want to take that chance…or are you ready to quit and live a healthier, happier, more productive life?

 Wolf Krammel is a content marketer for Hopes Gate, you can find out more information on Drug Addiction Treatment in Jupiter Florida Blog

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