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Saturday, June 29, 2019

The Truth About Cancer Featuring: Can Art, Music, and Dance Help Heal Cancer? Healing Frequencies for DNA Repair | Clip from Episode 1

In this clip from “Eastern Medicine: Journey Through ASIA!”, Ty interviews Frank Cousineau to talk about the health benefits of dance, music, and art. Watch the full episode here: [].

Live from CCS Japan, Mr. Cousineau shares how art, healing music, and dance are demonstrated for their powerful health benefits. Doctors and scientists come together to share natural cancer therapies, and many of these include healthy, everyday protocols for the body, mind, and spirit.

 “First, do no harm.” That is the oath of every doctor. And in continuing the mission behind natural health, we constantly seek to provide therapies that “do no harm”. Could healing music be one of the modalities we’re looking for? Watch the full video to see a live blood cell analysis before and after listening to Wholetones music. Not familiar with Wholetones or the power of healing frequencies for the body? Watch this video as our friend Michael Tyrrell explains how it works: [].

 And be sure to check out the full documentary series to watch the rest of the episode: [].

 In the summer of 2018, we traveled through Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and India. Asia is the birthplace of natural medicine with records as old as the 3rd century BCE showing the use of specific natural remedies. Remarkably, we still use some of them today! Over 60 experts, medical doctors, herbalists, and cancer survivors tell us what they did, how they did it, and what their results were in “Eastern Medicine: Journey Through ASIA.”

Meet Frank Cousineau
Frank Cousineau is president of the Cancer Control Society which disseminates information about alternative and complementary medicine. In 1980 Frank and his wife formed Life Support to supply alternative hospitals, clinics, and doctors with natural innovative products. In addition, he is a consultant to medical doctors and clinics specializing in alternative and complementary medicine.

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