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Monday, June 26, 2017

Today's SWOD's (Serious Workouts Of The Day)

Good Day Athletes and Warriors!
Wherever you are in the Universe, its a honor and pleasure to serve you today.

Today's SWOD will take us from Fitness, Bodybuilding, and Sports Specific Strength and Conditioning. I pray that they inspire you to be your best in and out of the gym. Summer is here and the US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning Nation Rocks on!
Let's get after it!

We kick off the festivities with our friends Micah and Diana Lacerte from their #1 ranked online program Hitchfit  with what else? Abs baybee!' Just in time for Summer.

Our PALs at BPI Sports not only manufacture the best in sports nutrition. They know a thing or two about applying that knowledge into maximum gains 'under the rack' Check them out here:

And for you athletes out there looking for a fitness solution to get ready to bang on the field, let's bring in our boys' and gals' from Stack Fitness with some great sports related strength and conditioning tips.

Now all you have left to do is Get After It! If you have any questions about today's SWOD's or even more fitness tips, visit The US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System today! Peace and have a great Monday!

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