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Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Bikini Competition Prep Plan Client Competes for First Time!

Diego-and-Nate-Senior-Night-2015.jpgIf you have been reading our emails for a while now a few months ago I mentioned that we were going to get even more serious about your fitness success. That is why I brought into our organization Diana and Micha Lacerte and their groundbreaking Hitchfit program. We will stop at nothing to help you live a better physical life. The choice is still yours. When you are finally ready to make a permanent change I would suggest you go reach out to them today.

Bikini Competition Prep Plan Client Competes for First Time!

Hitch Fit Online Competition Prep Plan and looked amazing as she took the stage for her first time this July. Awesome job Brittany!!

Brittany’s Stats: 
Starting weight: 144.2
Ending weight: 126
Starting body fat: 23%
Ending body fat: 15%

Brittany W. before and after front

Brittany W. before and after side

Brittany W. before and after back

Brittany’s Story: 

“I have always led an active lifestyle ever since I was young, being a competitive dancer, cheerleading and joining a gym when I was in high school. I continued to be an avid gym goer into college and got big into running after I graduated, where I completed 5Ks and a half marathon. Shortly after that I faced some challenges struggling with finding a consistent job and going through a horrific break up, ending a 6 and a half-year relationship. At that time I went through a period where I lost a significant amount of weight (and not the healthy way) followed by gaining it all back and then some!

Although I never stopped going to the gym, I lost sight of my eating habits and what exactly I was putting in my mouth. That is what truly had an impact on my body. Coming from a big Italian family it is nearly impossible to avoid food, let only unhealthy ones. So for about a year I contemplated competing in a fitness show, and at 26 years old and the heaviest I had ever been in my life I knew that it was time. A friend of my mine who is a professional fitness competitor had recommended Hitch Fit to me and seeing her results was all the convincing I needed.
So I contacted Diana and she set me up on a 12-week program designed to get me stage ready! The program was tailored specifically to meet my needs and eased me into each competition prep phase week by week. I spoke with Diana on a weekly basis, sending progress pictures and body stats as she coached me through what type of nutrition and workouts I needed to work on. She was always honest with me telling me when I was making good way or when I needed to push a little harder. My plan was strict, however I knew it had to be in order for me to be able to compete. My diet was manageable since I do love healthy foods, it just taught me how to read labels properly, portion control and how to space out my eating times to keep my metabolism up. My workouts varied, which kept my body guessing and allowed me to try new things that I found to enjoy, instead of the same old boring routine. I woke up everyday seeing my same self in the mirror so the progress pictures are what really allowed me to notice the progress I was making. As it got closer to the show Diana guided me in getting together my posing and stage presence down.

July 2015, I stepped on stage in my first fitness competition feeling and looking the best I have ever been in my life! Without Hitch Fit, and the support and guidance from Diana I would not be where I am today, healthier and happier! Since show day Diana had given me a plan to incorporate in order to help maintain my results. I hope to compete in another show in the future however Hitch Fit has given me valuable skills and knowledge about nutrition and fitness that I know I will carry with me for the rest of my life.”

Brittany’s Program Choice – Hitch Fit Online Competition Prep Plan

Not looking to compete in a competition but want to look like a Bikini Model? Check out the Hitch Fit Online Bikini Model Plan.

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