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Thursday, November 6, 2014

How Did He Make That Catch?

Kelvin Benjamin (WR Carolina Panthers), is one of the most promising young players in all of Football
Much of the world saw this in one play as he literally TOOK a pass away from defending Super Bowl Champion DB's Richard Sherman (All Pro and one of the Highest Paid DB's in the game),  and Safety Earl Thomas albeit in a losing effort against the Seattle Seahawks.

Now, when I see a physically impressive athlete I immediately go and find out  where and who he was coached by to get that strong. That's not just talent, size, and speed folks! This young man has done his strength and conditioning work! Most likely year round.
Sure enough this Florida State Alum had a pretty good strength and conditioning program to benefit from as evidenced in this video

Now this small glimpse into a top notch strength and conditioning program gives you a picture of what will be expected of you, your sons and daughters should If you have the opportunity to play any sport at the highest level.
So learning to train the right way as early as possible will lead to success on and off the field.
If a good strength and conditioning coach or personal trainer is not feasible or affordable, train with me (Nate Lewis CSCS) Online; training properly to excel, avoid injury and getting bigger, stronger, and faster. Without the expense and scheduling that goes into training with me in person. I can train you anywhere, anytime using the worlds best online training tools.
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Train year round the right way, play hard, have fun, and you will always Win!
AthletesThe Fat Burning Workout> Police, Fire, Military > Warriors > The SKLZ Workout Of The Week

"I started the NFL Combine program about 7 weeks ago. Since then I have noticed a tremendous increase in my strength and muscle stamina. All my lifts have gone up in weight and repetitions. I have gained about 4 lbs. of muscle while dropping my body fat by 2%. As a running back I need to be in top physical condition. I’ve found that out of all the programs I have done in the past, this one is the most beneficial for preparing me for football." Justin Football player George Mason University. 
NFL Combine Workout at 25% off Today! ====================================

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