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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The 21 day fitness solution

Hey, Nate Lewis here, 

I've been getting a lot of emails asking if we have fast solution to help with the shrinking the waist, hips and buns area... 

... while there is no quick fix (I don't care what the infomercials claim) I did go to the drawing board and crafted a new 21 day rapid fat loss program that's right up your alley – if you want fast results. 

You probably know that our online boot camp is pretty much full, but we do have room for another small group so I thought I'd let you know that my NEW 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss program starts [09/01/2014] and the best part is that the 21 day program is FREE for the 21 days and INCLUDES a 21 day meal plan program. 

The only catch is that the camp is almost full and we can only take on 12 more participates. So if you're ready to fit into your skinny jeans again and want to firm and tone your body all while dropping inches and pounds then make sure to register for our 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Online Bootcamp

Here's how to register... 

Just click here and secure your spot on the 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Online Bootcamp and you will be all dialed and ready for Monday or just go to this special 21 Day registration page: Here

The class will take place [Monday September 1, 2014] 

Looking forward to seeing you there! 

 Like I said we only have room for 12 more participants for the 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss program and since this email is going out to over 2100 fitness warriors all over the world I'm sure it will fill out quickly.

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