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Friday, February 14, 2014

Today's Feature Exercise: Alternate Leg Bounding-Speed Skater Exercise

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With the Winter Olympics in full swing, we are seeing features on how many of these Winter Sports athletes train. Many skaters and other athletes use the following exercise to build power and balance in their lower bodies. Great for firming and toning the legs as well.

Ply - Alternate Leg Bounding (SR) View Video
Exercise Description:

The Speed Skater exercise will develop the muscles in the hip, groin, ankles and quadriceps. It will help to improve lateral quickness and agility. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, bend your knees to lower your body 8-10 inches and lean forward until your shoulders are positioned above your knees. Remember, even though you are leaning over you should do so by bending at the waist while maintaining good posture in your upper back. Begin by lightly hopping sideways about 2 feet and landing on your right foot, then hop sideways back onto your left foot and repeat for the required repetitions. Each leg must perform all the repetitions of the set. So, if your workout calls for 8 repetitions each leg must jump 8 times for a total of 16 jumps! Land with your feet in a strong, full-foot position. Don't just land on your toes! You can increase the lateral distance of your hopping from 2 feet to 6 feet as you become more powerful. You can also perform this exercise in a stationary fashion or in a linear fashion by moving forward slightly with each lateral jump. Your legs will look like a speed skater powerfully pushing from side to side.

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