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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Today's feature exercise: Hang Snatch High Pull

This week we focus on pull movements that can be applied to almost any sport (football, swimming, skiing). Incorporate the following exercise on the days that you are doing primarily pull movements.  

OLY - Hang Snatch High Pull
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Exercise Description:

Begin this lift by placing your hands in an overhand grip with palms facing your body. The width of your hands should be 16-18 inches wider than the total width of your shoulders. Lift the bar off the ground, or from blocks, to a standing position. Slowly lower the bar down until it is positioned slightly above your knee caps. This is the "Hang" position. Remember to keep your shoulders over the bar at the start of the lift. Keep your back flat and chest up as you elevate the bar until it reaches the upper part of your thighs. This first pull phase is controlled and is only for getting the bar into the proper position for the second pull phase. The second pull phase is very explosive and is initiated by extending your hips through the bar completely, shrugging your shoulders up, and pulling the bar as high as possible. Lead this pull phase with your elbows so the bar stays close to your body. Return to the hang position and repeat for the required number of repetitions. Once the first repetition is done you do not have to lower the bar back down to the ground. Start the remaining reps from the hang position.

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