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Monday, February 3, 2014

Seven Reasons You Can Still Have Fun Exercising in the Rain

Wet-Weather Exercise Secrets
(Prevention, Aug 1999) � Don't let showers stop your program -- it's only water!
  1. Wear garments that breathe. A plastic slicker may keep the rain out, but you'll get steamy on the inside.
  2. Stick to asphalt and concrete, but avoid the painted lines on roads; they can sometimes be slicker than the road surface. Keep off slippery wet grass too.
  3. Choose leather walking shoes. They resist water better than cloth or nylon mesh. (Also, rippled soles give you better traction.)
  4. Wear bright clothing. You'll be more visible to drivers on rainy days.
  5. Use a hat or visor with a large brim to keep rain off your face. If you're still getting pelted, carry an umbrella: You can still get a brisk walk even if you aren't swinging your arms fully. And walking with an umbrella, no matter how it may slow you, is better than watching TV!
  6. Step around puddles. It may seem obvious, but for walkers who keep to a straight course, standing water may be deeper than it looks.
  7. Stuff your wet walking shoes with newspaper or paper towels to speed drying.

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