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Showing posts with label online personal training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label online personal training. Show all posts

Friday, April 4, 2014

Today's feature exercise: Close Grip Incline Bench Press (30 degree)

Here is another great move for the triceps. You will get some shoulders and chest in this move as well when done correctly.
Close Grip Incline Bench Press (30 degree) View Video
Exercise Description:

Use a 30 degree incline bench for this exercise. Sit on the incline bench and lie back. Place your feet flat on the floor and slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Extend your arms upward and grasp the barbell with both hands. Your hands should be 8-12 inches apart. Lift the barbell off of the stands, and hold the bar (with your arms extended) directly over the upper part of your chest. In a controlled fashion, lower the barbell down toward your chest by bending your arms and lowering your elbows down and out to the sides. Breath in during this phase of the exercise. Lower the barbell until it touches the upper part of your chest. Now, press the barbell up toward the ceiling, extending your arms until they have returned to the starting position. Breath out during this phase of the exercise. *Don't forcefully lock your elbows out during this exercise.

Personal Trainers: Train More Clients, Make More, Have More Freedom


Saturday, March 15, 2014

Today's feature exercise: The Snake Squat

Great Variation on the Basic Squat! Available in many of the US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning Programs

The Snake Squat exercise is a squatting technique that uses variations in the width of your stance to develop strength at various leg positions. This helps to maximize functional strength so that you can generate power whether your legs are close or wide! The Snake Squat is simple to understand. On the first set of your squat workout place your feet 6-8 inches closer than your normal squat position. On the second set place your feet in your normal squat position. On the third set place your feet 6-8 inches wider than your normal squat position. On the fourth set you would come back to the close squat position. If your workout only calls for 3 sets of squats you would complete one full Snake Squat sequence. If your workout has 6 sets of squats you would complete 2 sequences of the Snake Squat. Do not add sets to your workout. Just alternate your stance from close to normal to wide until the required number of sets are completed. Here are the fundamental squat techniques whether your feet are close or wide: Position the bar in a comfortable position across your trapezius muscle area. We recommend this "high bar" position because it promotes flexibility in the hips, it provides for a more balanced work output from the hips, glutes, quads and hamstrings, and it keep the torso in a more upright position lessening the stress to the lower back. However, if you are a competitive power lifter you will want to place the bar across your lower trapezius muscles and the posterior deltoid muscles. This "low bar" position moves the weight closer to your center of gravity and allows for a greater weight to be lifted but it also forces more of a forward lean of yor torso which can be stressful to your lower back! Your stance in the basic squat position should be slightly wider than your shoulders. The distance between your feet should be measured from your heels, not your toes. Your feet should be angled slightly outward. Begin the squat by inhaling deeply and moving your hips backward like you are going to sit in a chair. Your knees should then bend and travel in the direction that your toes are pointing. Don't let your knees wiggle from side to side or go into a knock-kneed position during the movement. This can place stress on your knee joint. Maintain a stable posture with your head and chest up as your slowly squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground. For maximal development you can squat lower than the parallel position but your must be prepared physically before attempting the lower, Olympic squat position. Exhale as your drive out of the bottom position. Never forcefully lock your knees at the completion of the lift. Keep them slightly bent to remove pressure to the lower back. The squat exercise is a tremendous developer of leg strength and size. But, it must be done correctly to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks of injury. Always use an experienced spotter while performing the squat exercise.

View a video of this exercise

If it's time to get serious about your fitness, you need a structured program. I'll tailor a program specific to your goals and abilities, that will contain:

Fully customized workouts, listing: exercises, sets, reps and weights.
Exercise videos and descriptions demonstrating proper technique for every exercise.
A built in feedback system and email contact with me anytime.
Using the world's most powerful online training tool I can design and deliver a 12-week fitness programfully customized to your personal fitness goals, abilities, and schedule.
For more information about my background, fee structure and how to get started, go to:

US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning

Contact Me:
Nathan Lewis CSCS
US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning

US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Letter to the Athlete and Fitness Warrior,,,

The enemy is not the opponent on the other sideline, its not the power forward posting you up, its not the midfielder looking to blow by you to the goal, its not the sand trapped, dog legged, infested golf course, its not the trash talking defensive end.
No warrior, the enemy is that voice that is trying to convince you to skip your workout today or to go into your strength and conditioning program with no plan just go to the gym and 'wing it' like you did last year, to pluck another fruit off the excuse tree and eat unhealthy again today, that voice that is trying to convince you that you cannot afford a good trainer or strength coach, that your uncle 'spike' used to lift weights 30 years ago and he can take you through another workout where every day you do only bench press and curls.
The reason why you didn't dominate on the field last year, was because you listened to the enemy in the off season, because you and your family were convinced that a good strength coach or personal trainer was only for "Rich" people, and all of the guys or girls bigger stronger, faster, and better that you were on steroids.

Your enemy lives inside of your head. Doubt, fear, hesitation, skepticism, giving up, hopelessness, defeat.
Warrior, none of the above are true! You were beautifully designed for victory. You were crafted to be physically mentally, spiritually, intellectually excellent. We have a basic task on this planet. To see the source of excellence and accept his invitation to grow, develop, love, laugh, conquer and evict the enemy trying to take up residence inside of us. We use our physical development as a small piece to this spiritual victory.
I am going to let you in on something very personal. I have been invited by almighty God to reach out to and help athletes and fitness warriors who would otherwise not afford my or any of my colleagues services.
By using his wonderful gift of the internet this opportunity to get proper strength and conditioning guidance is possible for you now. But you must cast aside "..imaginations and every high thing.." that is fighting to stop you. The enemy wants you to go another year frustrated and broken.
Your friend and more importantly heavenly father wants you to see his love in action by taking a chance on a different way to approach things. What I offer you warrior is an opportunity to excel physically without the cost of a traditional trainer or strength coach. No what I offer is not a replacement for an good trainer or strength coach in person; what I offer you is a way to overcome the obstacle of cost and eliminate it as an excuse.
The choice is yours. Are you willing to risk 33 cents a day to be in your best physical condition and see the power of God working in you in this small but important area of life? Or will you succumb once again befriending the enemy?

Try the US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System FREE for the first 7 days now!
 Click here 

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Today's feature exercise: Wide Grip Chin Ups (Rep Only)

Ole' Skool' exercises never die, they just end up in fancier marketing! As an athlete or fitness warrior, nothing helps build upper body strength all over, and especially in the lats, biceps, and forearms. You can see it is essential to performaning in many sports.
Wide Grip Chin Ups (Rep Only) View Video
Exercise Description:

Position your hands 6 - 8 inches wider than your shoulders on either side. Your palms should be facing away from your body. Exhale and lift your body until your chin is above the bar. Lower your body down until your arms are in a fully extended position.

If it's time to get serious about your fitness, you need a structured program. I'll tailor a program specific to your goals and abilities, that will contain:

Fully customized workouts, listing: exercises, sets, reps and weights.
Exercise videos and descriptions demonstrating proper technique for every exercise.
A built in feedback system and email contact with me anytime.
Using the world's most powerful online training tool I can design and deliver a 12-week fitness program fully customized to your personal fitness goals, abilities, and schedule.
For more information about my background, fee structure and how to get started, go to:

US Sports Strength and Conditioning 

 Just fill out the brief contact form if you would like to get started.

Contact Me:
Nathan Lewis CSCS
US Sports Strength and Conditioning 
US Sports Strength and Conditioning 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Today's feature exercise: Hang Snatch High Pull

This week we focus on pull movements that can be applied to almost any sport (football, swimming, skiing). Incorporate the following exercise on the days that you are doing primarily pull movements.  

OLY - Hang Snatch High Pull
 View Video
Exercise Description:

Begin this lift by placing your hands in an overhand grip with palms facing your body. The width of your hands should be 16-18 inches wider than the total width of your shoulders. Lift the bar off the ground, or from blocks, to a standing position. Slowly lower the bar down until it is positioned slightly above your knee caps. This is the "Hang" position. Remember to keep your shoulders over the bar at the start of the lift. Keep your back flat and chest up as you elevate the bar until it reaches the upper part of your thighs. This first pull phase is controlled and is only for getting the bar into the proper position for the second pull phase. The second pull phase is very explosive and is initiated by extending your hips through the bar completely, shrugging your shoulders up, and pulling the bar as high as possible. Lead this pull phase with your elbows so the bar stays close to your body. Return to the hang position and repeat for the required number of repetitions. Once the first repetition is done you do not have to lower the bar back down to the ground. Start the remaining reps from the hang position.

If it's time to get serious about your fitness, you need a structured program. I'll tailor a program specific to your goals and abilities, that will contain:

Fully customized workouts, listing: exercises, sets, reps and weights.
Exercise videos and descriptions demonstrating proper technique for every exercise.
A built in feedback system and email contact with me anytime.
Using the world's most powerful online training tool I can design and deliver a 12-week fitness programfully customized to your personal fitness goals, abilities, and schedule.
For more information about my background, fee structure and how to get started, go to:

US Sports Strength and Conditioning

Just fill out the brief contact form if you would like to get started.

Contact Me:
Nathan Lewis CSCS
US Sports Strength and Conditioning
US Sports Strength and Conditioning
Train With Pro Athletes
The Fat Burning Workout Everyone Is Talking About


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Today's Feature Exercise. Push Jerk Front

OLY - Push Jerk Front View Video
Exercise Description:

To begin this exercise you will need to position a bar across the front of your shoulders, on your finger tips, hands opened, and elbows up pointing forward, in the same manner as a Front Squat or the finish of a Clean. To do so either lift a bar from a squat rack, or perform a power clean (See Power Clean). Now you are ready to Push Jerk. Begin the movement by slightly flexing your knees and hips, your hips should move back slightly as you do so. Quickly and explosively extend your knees and hips thrusting the bar upward off of your shoulders. Once the bar comes off of your shoulders immediately bend your knees and flex your hips as you push up on the bar. At the same time you will be straightening your wrists and fully grasping the bar. The bar is moving up as your torso is moving down, allowing your arms to come to full extension. At this point you will be holding the bar overhead arms extended but knees and hips flexed. Extend your knees and hips to stand erect. This entire sequence is one fast continuous motion. To lower the bar either drop it to the floor or flex the elbows, knees, and hips. Lower the bar somewhat quickly but under control to your upper chest. Return to the beginning position and absorbing the impact with your flexed knees and hips. This is another great Olympic movement for power development.

Develop Strength, Power, Muscularity, Speed, Agility, Quickness and looking good as well! Get your Customized Strength and Conditioning Program Here

Monday, September 16, 2013

Top Exercise Mistakes

Some minor changes can help you avoid common exercise mistakes

By , Guide
Plenty of people who exercise in health clubs don't know how to use the equipment effectively or even safely. While there are many training errors, this list provides the most common mistakes people make during exercise at the gym according to a survey conducted by the American Council on Exercise. Are you making these exercise mistakes?
  1. The all-or-nothing approach. Even if you don't have all the time you'd like for your workout, research shows that just ten minutes of exercise can provide important health benefits. A little bit can add up over time, so just do what you can. See: How Much Exercise Do You Need?
  2. Unbalanced strength training programs. Most people focus only on certain muscles (like the abdominals or biceps), but it's important to work your whole body and core to achieve balance and health.
  3. Poor Technique or form. Using incorrect form can lead to injury. Examples include: letting the knee extend beyond the toes during a lunge or squat; using momentum to lift heavy weights; not exercising through a full range of motion will produce less-than-optimal results. To learn proper form, it's helpful to invest in a few sessions with a certifiedPersonal Trainer
  4. Inconsistent Progression. Exercising too hard and too often, or increasing intensity too quickly is a common mistake. Consistency and gradual progression are important for avoiding injury as well as for making improvements.
  5. Lack of Cross trainingMany people stick with a routine and then never change it. The same workout week after week will lose its effectiveness and may lead to boredom, injury or burnout.
  6. Incorrect Machine Set-up. Exercise equipment is adjustable and it's important that you set it up to fit you before you use it. If you don't know how, ask a staff person. Using poorly adjusted equipment is a set-up for injury.
  7. Skipping the Warm Up. Taking about 5-10 minutes to gradually increase your body temperature and heart rate has been shown to decrease your risk of injury. Try thisgreat core strengthening warm up.
  8. Poor gym etiquette. This can range from simple rudeness (lingering on machines) to extreme poor taste(bad body oder or not wiping your sweat from machines). Always be considerate of other exercisers.
  9. Poor Goal SettingUnrealistic or vague goals can contribute to exercise dropout. The key is to establish a training goal that is specific and appropriate for your fitness and skill levels. Try to define challenging but not impossible goals.
Source: The American Council on Exercise.

Need help with your program? Let US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning design and deliver your customized program to you!
US Sports Strength and Conditioning Testimonials:

"I am greatly appreciative to have relied on the expertise and experience of Nate Lewis and his online training US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System services for our football program here at Annapolis Area Christian School. Since we started to utilize his services, we have seen immediate results; including a recent Championship Season and a 10-0 record! We have been fortunate to win two championships back to back and currently have the longest win-streak in Anne Arundel County* (MD USA HS Football). The workout that our guys endure are very challenging and productive. We have become a more explosive and confident team since utilizing this new training regimen. The beauty of our workout is that we can cater it to all of our athletes, whether they are freshmen or seniors. We appreciate and are thankful for the US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System!" Kenny Lucas Head Football Coach Annapolis Area Christian School.

Click Here To Start Working Out Today

Monday, June 3, 2013

I've Had Enough! Life Life 728x90
Today I'm going to dole out a little tough love, so brace yourself and know that this is for your own good.

It's time that we had an uncomfortable little talk about a very important issue...

That junk food in your house.

You know the stuff that I'm talking about. The ice cream jammed into the back of your freezer. The packaged cookies that you say are for the kid's lunches. The candy stash that's leftover from the last few holidays. Those bags of crunchy, salty snacks in your pantry. The bottles of soda that you know you shouldn't drink. And the list goes on... Read More

Thursday, May 30, 2013

10 Tips for Low-Fat Restaurant Dining

Ten Ways to Stay Slim Despite Eating Out
(Prevention, September 1999)  You've probably heard dining-out tips such as "choose broiled over fried" and "order sauces on the side" a dozen times. Here are some new ones that can help too.
1. Maintain balance. Choose one splurge per restaurant trip and then round out the meal with healthy favorites. If you have to have the fettuccine Alfredo, have a big tossed salad as an appetizer and fruit for dessert.
2. Go halvsies. Ask restaurants to use only half of the normal portion for high-fat ingredients such as cheese, oil, bearnaise sauce, or gravy. That way you get the flavor without being tempted to pile on more.
3. Order extras -- of veggies. Whether they're dressing a sandwich or part of a stir-fry, ask for an extra helping of these low-cal, high-fiber gems.
4. Get real. This isn't your last (restaurant) supper. You'll go out to eat again -- probably to the very same place -- so you don't have to eat everything that sounds good this time.
5. Make it a two-course meal. Appetizers and desserts can really rack up the calories and fat. Choose one or the other to go with your entree.
6. Mix 'n match. If you're dining with someone else who's watching what he eats, order one vegetarian and one meat entree, then share. You automatically cut your meat portion without feeling deprived.
7. Share often. Offer a taste of your dish to everyone at your table. The more they eat, the less there is for you. (Just don't partake when they start sharing.)
8. Go "big" on grease. If you really want something fried, choose large-size items -- a breast of chicken instead of five or six chicken fingers, or seven or eight steak fries instead of 20 or more thin french fries. The smaller items have more surface area, so they absorb more oil, making them higher in fat and calories.
9. Collect menus. Decide what you're going to order before you get to the restaurant, where the sights and smells can blow even the best of intentions.
10. Be first. Order before anyone else to avoid letting others' choices influence you.

Did you know that Our Trainer: Dane Kent's programs have formulas worked in for healthy dining even when eating out? Try his program FREE for 30 days and get into the shape of your life! Click Here

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Try This Trend? Online Personal Training

10 Rules of Fat Loss

Try This Trend? Online Personal Training

For the time- and money-crunched, a virtual trainer can be the perfect solution.

Photography by: Shutterstock
Online Personal Training
It's not hard to find a personal trainer; walk into any local gym and you'll likely have plenty of candidates. So why are so many people turning to the Internet for exercise guidance? And more importantly, is it as safe and effective as in-person training sessions?
"I believe the biggest advantage lies in both the affordability and flexibility," says Tina Reale, who runs the online personal training site Best Body Fitness. "Since the sessions aren't done in-person, the client can choose the best time to complete the workouts. Plus, clients can choose to do the workouts at home using the equipment they have available. The cost is typically significantly less too. For example, my online trainingprograms cost less per month than most hour-long in-person sessions."
Yet there's one important thing that online trainers lack: physical contact. Can you really train someone—check form, provide motivation, and prevent injury—if you're not there with them? Franklin Antonin, personal trainer, author of The Fit Executive and founder of, says he has to make an extra effort to ensure his clients are getting the workout they want.
"At iBodyFit, each user gets several custom video workouts that they can do on their own time, including HD video and slow motion exercise samples." He adds that clients can reach their trainer day or night via "phone, text, IM, Facebook, Twitter, and more."
"I compensate through constant communication via email and phone calls," says Amanda Loudin, a running coach and blogger at "I write up a weekly schedule for each client and ask that they provide me feedback at the end of the week detailing how it went. The more feedback I get from them, the more effectively I can make up the following week's schedule for them," she says.
The million-dollar question: Are the results as good as what you would get from a real-life trainer? In terms of running, "I do think online training is as safe and effective as in person training," Loudin says. "Running doesn't require a lot of form instruction but rather pace and distance instruction."
Reale takes it one step further, saying online training can be even better in some circumstances. "The effectiveness relies a lot on how motivated the client is to achieve his or her goals—and that would still be a factor when working in-person. Online training can have some extra positive affect on motivation because I'm always just an email away for support and will regularly check in with clients or drop them a line with a motivating thought or quote for their day," she says.
As someone who has tried both in-person and online personal training, I think there are definite advantages to both. If you're a beginner or someone who enjoys face-to-face interaction and/or a set structure, in-person training is probably best for you. But if you just need a little nudge or some extra expertise, an online trainer is a great way to make your investment last a lot longer.
Have you tried online training? Leave a comment and tell us about your experience!

Personal Trainers: Train More Clients, Make More, Have More Freedom