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Showing posts with label home based business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label home based business. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

WEIGHT LOSS COFFEE - Stay True to the Products!

Lean Trim Diana Here!

Just going to share another great results story about Fonda.

Fonda:  Up Date Time!! For those of you who have read my story before you know the basics, lost 19 pounds and 25 inches in the first 5 months on the 12 in 24 and quite smoking. I then changed the focus of my journey from weight loss to wellness. I started living a more active lifestyle, I stayed true to the products, adding the max spray and the Breakthrough every 90 days and I mostly maintained my weight loss for 2 years. I say mostly because I had been on a plateau for about a year and then some of the weight started creeping back on. I was getting frustrated that I could not loses more weight, and even more frustrated that I was more active but yet weight was coming back. So on January 1, 2018, my journey focus shifted once more to fitness. I continued to stay true to the products and started being very aware of the food I took in to fuel my body and started taking my "active lifestyle" seriously. I started running and going to the gym with my accountability partners. I had been told that these products work from the top down and from the inside out, and if you do not believe it, take a look at these pictures now. I have gained some muscle weight so my total pounds down is 13 pounds but the inches lost is now 32 inches. STAY TRUE TO THE PRODUCTS AND LET THEM DO WHAT THEY NEED TO DO!

Monday, March 12, 2018

WEIGHT LOSS COFFEE - My friend Nancy's Results

Lean Trim Diana Here!

It's the starting of another great week. One of my business builders, Nancy, posted her story so I wanted to share it with you. She has been with me for just a month and she is starting to share with people she knows so she can help them get healthy too. We do not make any medical claims, we share with you people's results.

See, it's all about helping you get healthy. You may not want to lose weight, but you are not feeling great and want something natural to help you.  Our weight loss coffee is our signature product, but we have 8 other products that help you too. Go to my website,
put in your info and then read about all our products. I will contact you and help you decide. Looking forward to helping you:)

NancyI am so happy I have lost a total of 8 lbs in the last few weeks with a great weight loss coffee it helps with my sugar cravings that are off the charts and the immune and energy drink has helped me over the last few months with the flu.I love these products! have a great day.

Monday, March 5, 2018

WEIGHT LOSS COFFEE - More Fantastic Results!

Lean Trim Diana Here!

Every day I see Radical Ridiculous Results with not only our Weight Loss Coffee, Cocoa, Trim and Keto creamer beverages, but with all of our other beverages like our Immune & Breakthrough beverages, and our Max and K-9 spray to help oxygenate our cells. We do not make any medical claims. So here is another results story.

More info needed, go to  put in your info and take the tour to take you to our products and read why they work. I will get an email you looked and I will contact you to help you decide which products to use that best fit you. Our Cocoa and Keto Creamer are new, so they are not on our website yet, but 

Matt's story is simple and to the point!

Matt - I've changed his life by drinking our weight loss products!!!!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

VALENTUS - Why Valentus? 6 Videos on Valentus - Take a Look!

Lean Trim Diana Here!

Today will be a short post as I am getting ready for a Business Expo event. Here are videos on why you should pick Valentus products and business.  Do you want to be in control of your life style, Motivated and willing to give 2-4 hours a day to get paid based on your efforts IS THAT YOU? go to 

This business is so simple to share with others and get paid for drinking our coffee and share with others helping them with their health? Consider joining me and Valentus and have the income and life freedom you've always wanted. Take a look at where you are at today and if you've reached your life goals, fantastic, congratulations! But if you have not reached your life goals and the income you've always wanted and are doing the same thing day after day getting the same results, consider Valentus. THIS is the right time to join us. Timing is everything! This is Valentus' 4th year in business so we are still new. And with our fantastic products and pay plan, Valentus is primed to skyrocket in 2018.  

Valentus Videos