Get In Fitness Model Competition Shape
Shawn Did Amazing getting the Fitness Model Competition Body he always wanted . He won his first show too!! Fantastic Work ShawnI have been a personal trainer since 2006 and for whatever reason was against the guy who posted shirtless pictures online. I thought those guys were just arrogant jerks just trying to show off for the ladies. Then just over a year ago I met another trainer that was competing in a WBFF fitness competition and he didn’t fit the stereotype. I became interested in the WBFF and all of the positives that being in a fitness competition could provide. Things like having and achieving a goal, being a role model and person of influence, having and learning from a new experience, and having fun along the way!
When I was kicking around the idea of competing I saw that there was a posing clinic at Hitch Fit Gym in Kansas City and decided to go just in case I decided to ever compete. Not long after the posing camp I decided to compete and if I was going to compete I was going to do it the right way. So, even though I am a personal trainer, decided to get a 12 week workout plan from Micah LaCerte online at HitchFit.com. I knew he had competed himself and had developed many plans for people doing just what I was planning to do so I invested in the Build Muscle for Hardgainers program. I really loved the program! It was full of programming that 1) I would have never thought of myself and 2) would have never programmed for myself. I plan on competing at the WBFF world’s competition in Toronto.
You can follow my journey on Instagram @TheRealCoachStrick
We will continue watching your journey.. Keep up the Great Work Shawn