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Showing posts with label bodybuilding diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bodybuilding diet. Show all posts

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Shawn Got In Fitness Model Competition Shape

Nate-@-Gilman-2.jpgAthletes and Warriors! I can't tell you enough what a blessing Micah and Diana Lacerte and their team at Hitchfit have been to US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning! We are now helping thousands around the world enjoy max fitness integrating their unique system in our training menus. And once again here is another success story. Read on!

Get In Fitness Model Competition Shape

Shawn Did Amazing getting the Fitness Model Competition Body he always wanted . He won his first show too!! Fantastic Work Shawn

Fitness Model Competition


I have been a personal trainer since 2006 and for whatever reason was against the guy who posted shirtless pictures online. I thought those guys were just arrogant jerks just trying to show off for the ladies. Then just over a year ago I met another trainer that was competing in a WBFF fitness competition and he didn’t fit the stereotype. I became interested in the WBFF and all of the positives that being in a fitness competition could provide. Things like having and achieving a goal, being a role model and person of influence, having and learning from a new experience, and having fun along the way!

Fitness Model ripped

When I was kicking around the idea of competing I saw that there was a posing clinic at Hitch Fit Gym in Kansas City and decided to go just in case I decided to ever compete. Not long after the posing camp I decided to compete and if I was going to compete I was going to do it the right way. So, even though I am a personal trainer, decided to get a 12 week workout plan from Micah LaCerte online at I knew he had competed himself and had developed many plans for people doing just what I was planning to do so I invested in the Build Muscle for Hardgainers program. I really loved the program! It was full of programming that 1) I would have never thought of myself and 2) would have never programmed for myself. I plan on competing at the WBFF world’s competition in Toronto.

You can follow my journey on Instagram @TheRealCoachStrick


We will continue watching your journey.. Keep up the Great Work Shawn

Fit Model Shape

Shawns Program Choice

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Ready To Get Big and Ripped?

Diego-and-Nate-Senior-Night-2015.jpgLadies and Gentlemen, No doubt about it. Michah and Diana at Hitchfit are transforming lives all over the world. Not just for those who dare to step on stage, but helping any who are willing to seek physical excellence. If you dare, I encourage you to step into your excellence with them today!

Number One Online Custom Personal Training Hitch Fit

Get Ripped

Get Big Get Ripped

Build Muscle and Get Ripped

20 and 28 Week Programs Available

Get Big Get Ripped

Limited Time Sale Save up to 25%

-The Get Big Get Ripped Plan is for the individual that is needing to go through both stages of adding more muscle and getting more ripped.

-This is equal to a Lose Weight Feel Great and Build Muscle Programs all-in-one.

-The program will include a bulking stage with Get Big workouts and Get Big diet geared towards those goals, and then go into a cutting phase with a Get Ripped Diet and Get Ripped workouts geared to get you looking amazing.

-Regardless if you’re a beginner to fitness and nutrition, or a have been trying to transform your body for years, this plan will help you get in amazing shape!

Custom workout

Our Get Big Get Ripped Program Includes:

  1. Custom Get Big Diet and Custom Get Ripped Diet
  2. Custom Get Big Workout and Custom Get Ripped Workout (Can be at home or at the gym – beginner, intermediate or advanced depending on current fitness level)
  3. Supplementation Guidance
  4. Hitch Fit Book Download
  5. Maintenance Guide – What to do AFTER you have achieved your transformation
  6. Mental Preparation Guide
  7. Tips For Eating Out
  8. Email support from Micah and Diana
  9. And Much More
Direct communitation with Micah & Diana


Front Final

Markus Did Amazing-Muscle Building and Ripped Abs

“I have never felt this good about myself. Not just being Happy with what I see in the mirror , but the experience of working so hard , pushing my body way further than I thought I could and developing a relationship with an inspiring, amazing person in Micah. It is also worth noting that during this whole 8 month process, I was sick zero times (I didn’t have time to be sick) I am healthier and happier than I have ever been”.
Click here to Get Big and Get Ripped Now!

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