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Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts

Thursday, April 26, 2018


Lean Trim Diana Here!

I want to reach out to all my readers and say thank you for reading my post each day. I hope I have given you valuable information.

Today will be my last post, but ONLY for a little while as my site is getting updated. This may take a few weeks and maybe till mid June, but I will be back!

Thank you for your presence! I look forward to posting soon.

I do have coffee, trim, energy, and immune on hand. Comment on this post how I can reach you and I will mail out to you.

Have a Great Thursday!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

eFax®: Top 5 Reasons to use eFax® for Business Communications

As you are well aware, online faxing is a much easier and efficient way of faxing these days. What you might not be so privy to is that online faxing can be a much safer way to share important business documents than other forms of communication. Here are the top five reasons to use eFax® for business communications: 
  1. Virus Threats: Faxes are delivered as a Portable Document Formats (PDF), which unlike emails are less likely to harbor viruses.
  2. Spam Filters: Faxes do not get blocked like emails by spam filters.
  3. Data Privacy and Encryption: Faxes are natively encrypted and can't be hacked or decoded. Emails on the other hand can be intercepted and read if not encrypted.
  4. Legal Acceptance: Email and file attachments can be great for every day communication but are not generally accepted for legal documentation because attached files do not provide a time-stamped image of a document.
  5. Flexibility with File Size: It is easier to send large files through online fax than email because online fax dos not fall under any file size caps put in place by email hosts.
Start faxing with eFax - the #1 Electronic Fax!