As you are well aware, online faxing is a much easier and efficient way of faxing these days. What you might not be so privy to is that online faxing can be a much safer way to share important business documents than other forms of communication. Here are the top five reasons to use eFax® for business communications:
- Virus Threats: Faxes are delivered as a Portable Document Formats (PDF), which unlike emails are less likely to harbor viruses.
- Spam Filters: Faxes do not get blocked like emails by spam filters.
- Data Privacy and Encryption: Faxes are natively encrypted and can't be hacked or decoded. Emails on the other hand can be intercepted and read if not encrypted.
- Legal Acceptance: Email and file attachments can be great for every day communication but are not generally accepted for legal documentation because attached files do not provide a time-stamped image of a document.
- Flexibility with File Size: It is easier to send large files through online fax than email because online fax dos not fall under any file size caps put in place by email hosts.