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Thursday, April 26, 2018


Lean Trim Diana Here!

I want to reach out to all my readers and say thank you for reading my post each day. I hope I have given you valuable information.

Today will be my last post, but ONLY for a little while as my site is getting updated. This may take a few weeks and maybe till mid June, but I will be back!

Thank you for your presence! I look forward to posting soon.

I do have coffee, trim, energy, and immune on hand. Comment on this post how I can reach you and I will mail out to you.

Have a Great Thursday!

Monday, November 27, 2017

The Truth About Cancer LIVE - Opening with Charlene & Ty Bollinger Day 2 - FREE Replay NOW!

As our way of saying thanks, we’re airing the entire TTAC LIVE event again Nov. 24 - 26: The Truth About Cancer LIVE 2017 is replaying all three days of The Truth About Cancer live right now. Tune in here and watch the free replay now: We’re so grateful for everyone that is following, believing, and supporting TTAC, so we decided to replay the entire TTAC LIVE 2017 for everyone that wasn’t able to watch it in person and I promise… you’re not going to want to miss this… Dr. Buttar is our first top expert speaker of the day… His presentation is called: “The Cancer Conflict: Resolving the fifth toxicity”... Directly following Dr. Buttar’s powerful must-see presentation at 10:15am Eastern US Time, are our first set of breakout sessions with: Dr. Tony Jimenez KC and Monica Craichy and Barbara Loe Fisher Go here to see our entire schedule (and watch live): Also remember, you can join the discussion by using the chat section you'll see on the page linked above… One last thing… If you're loving this, please share the love by liking us on Facebook or Pinterest! You'll see the Facebook icon right on the page linked above :-) I'm really excited to share this life-changing information with you today. Please share this video & the replay link with anyone you think will benefit from this powerful information. Enjoy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I know it is impossible to see each and every one … especially with three speakers presenting at each of the four breakout sessions. I bet it was hard for you to choose just one. For instance, if you watch Dr. Toni Bark’s on the Ketogenic Diet and Disease Reversal and Presentation you can’t get to Dr. Robert Scott Bell’s Gut Health, the Microbiome and Cancer at the same time. But here’s how you can see every single speaker … anytime you want … anywhere you want. Simply order the DVD and digital recordings of every presentation. Plus, you’ll get transcripts, audio MP3 versions, special bonuses and more. You won’t miss a single breakthrough treatment, therapy or protocol for healing and preventing cancer. Follow this link: Now you don’t have to make the tough choices. WIth our professional recordings, you can see every speaker when you want. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Truth About Cancer LIVE was an exceptional getaway for all of us to come together in one place at one time for an experience like no other. It was a homecoming for health seekers, cancer fighters, survivors and family. People were inspired, encouraged, and reunited with each other once again. We had 40 world-renowned presenters, nine breakout experiences, mix and mingle opportunities to get questions answered, stirring keynote presentations and cancer survival stories of courage and determination to fill soul. This years and last year’s event were the most talked about of its kind, and tickets sold out months in advance. Consider joining the movement and supporting our mission by owning the event recordings on DVD or digital. Every speaker, Every presentation. Plus, complete transcript and cliff's notes for you to reference. A great resource for you and your family! - See more at: Watch Del Bigtree's (Vaxxed) presentation here: And here are some more highlights from last years event: Dr. Joseph Mercola - Dr. Veronique Desaulniers - Dr Patrick Quillin - Get all the details at Stay updated on Social: Join TTAC's 900K+ FB fans: Follow us on PINTEREST: Find us on INSTAGRAM: Please support our mission by commenting and sharing with your friends and family below. -------------------------------------------------- About The Truth About Cancer -------------------------------------------------- The Truth About Cancer’s mission is to inform, educate, and eradicate the pandemic of cancer in our modern world. Every single day, tens of thousands of people just like you are curing cancer (and/or preventing it) from destroying their bodies. It’s time to take matters into your own hands and educate yourself on real cancer prevention and treatments. It could save your life or the life of someone you love.

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