Good Morning Athletes and Warriors!
The following guest article holds truth backed by science. However there is a new discovery in the Superfood SOUL that has changed the game of pain, inflammation, disease and more. Nothing wrong with using Aspirin as described, but please read with the understanding that there is more available in nature backed by science. Click here to learn more about SOUL and read on! -Nate How the humble aspirin came to be so hallowed It can halt a heart attack and stop a stroke. It may prevent certain types of cancer. Down two tablets after a foolish game of tackle football, and you'll probably be able to get out of bed in the morning. Although the active chemical in aspirin, salicylic acid, has been in use since Homer wrote The Iliad, the familiar white stuff has been around for only a little more than 100 years, ever since the German chemist Felix Hoffmann synthesized the substance into acetylsalicylic acid, to help ease his father's arthritis pain. When he saw that the drug also relieved headaches and reduced fevers, Hoffmann passed the word along to his boss, Friedrich Bayer, who soon started selling "aspirin," first as a powder, then as a pill. "Aspirin is as close to a wonder drug as you'll find in medicine today, but you'd never know it," says Dr. Charles Hennekens, a visiting professor of epidemiology at the University of Miami in Florida and one of the country's foremost aspirin researchers. "For the longest time, no one took it seriously because it was so common. My colleagues and I used to say that if aspirin were a prescription drug, cost twice as much, and were half as effective, it probably would have gotten more respect." Now, however, aspirin is getting its due. New research has identified a wealth of health benefits you can reap for a bit more than a penny per pill. Some of the ailments aspirin affects: ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE Preliminary studies on the elderly suggest that those who took aspirin regularly (four times a week or more) "have lower rates of cognitive loss and dementia," says Hennekens.ARTHRITIS Aspirin's famed anti-inflammatory properties shrink joints and tissue swollen by osteoarthritis or the more painful rheumatoid arthritis.CANCER Research has shown aspirin to inhibit the production of prostaglandins, hormone-like fatty acids that scientists believe may play a role in tumor growth. A long-term study of 90,000 nurses in the United States between 1976 and 1995 showed that those who took four to six aspirins a week were less likely to develop colorectal cancer than those who took fewer. Other research suggests that taking a standard 325-milligram aspirin tablet daily may lower your risk of dying from colorectal cancer by up to 50 percent. Also, preliminary findings associate aspirin use with reducing the risk of esophageal cancer by as much as 90 percent. FLU Aspirin is a tried-and-true fever reducer. What's not well known is that the drug can slow the development of all flu symptoms, especially achiness. "We're finding now that aspirin may have some important immune-boosting properties," says Hennekens.GALLSTONES Research done at India's Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences has shown that taking 350 milligrams of aspirin daily can improve gallbladder function and impede stone formation in people with gallstone disease. HEADACHE/MUSCLE ACHE Tension and migraine headaches and muscle injuries trigger the release of prostaglandins, which cause inflammation. Aspirin eases pain by blocking the production of these substances. HEART ATTACK AND STROKE Since the 1970s, doctors have known that aspirin can shrink inflamed blood vessels and act as an anticoagulant to help prevent the blood clots that trigger most heart attacks and strokes. If you have a history of coronary disease, the American Heart Association suggests you take an aspirin a day to ward off a heart attack (talk to your doctor first). Although no medical organization recommends that healthy people take aspirin as insurance against cardiac problems, there's good reason to think that such advice may be coming soon: In the U.S. Physicians Health Study, an ongoing survey of 22,000 male doctors, Harvard University researchers found that respondents who took an aspirin tablet daily reduced their risk of ever having a heart attack by 44 percent. Aspirin can even help save your life if a heart attack is in progress: At the first signs -- dizziness, shortness of breath, pain or heaviness in the chest, or pain that radiates to your neck or arms -- chew and swallow a regular aspirin tablet. Chewing the pill first helps speed the medication's absorption into your bloodstream, where it may stop a clot from forming or even help break up an existing one, says Hennekens. If you are unable to swallow, putting an aspirin under your tongue will have the same effect. By: Stephen C. George |
Showing posts with label Chiropractor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chiropractor. Show all posts
Thursday, September 15, 2016
The Perfect Pill
Sunday, June 26, 2016
A NYC Chiropractor Explains Nutrition Response Testing

A NYC Chiropractor Explains Nutrition Response Testing
by Dr. Louis Granirer
Before finding out how a NYC chiropractor explains Nutrition Response Testing, you first need to understand the fundamentals of chiropractics. This is an alternative health care practice that concentrates on holistic healing methods with emphasis on the nervous and musculoskeletal systems.
Common ailments addressed by chiropractic doctors are neck pain, lower back pain, herniated discs, sports injuries, herniated discs, and pinched nerves. As part of holistic healing, chiropractors will also analyze the patient's nutrition imbalances and lifestyle. A lot of people neglect correct nutrition because of the stress and strains of day-to-day life.
In order for the human body to function at its peak, it needs to be fed the right foods. Many of us think we are eating correctly when, in fact, we are not. Even if we eat healthy foods, we may not be getting the balance right. This can cause symptoms of a nutritional imbalance.
These may include migraines or other headaches, fatigue, high blood pressure, heart problems, stress, weight gain, and others. Nutrition Response Testing (NRT) is the non-invasive way to determine if there is a dietary imbalance. When this has been established, a chiropractor is able to devise an eating plan that includes certain supplements.
Nutrition Response Testing is a relatively new program that is able to detect problems in the body's natural 'computer.' The information is obtained through muscle testing, neurological reflex testing, and acupuncture points. It is essentially a descendant of Applied Kinesiology - a method of diagnosis used by alternative health care practitioners like homeopaths, chiropractors, naturopaths, acupuncturists, as well as medical doctors.
The basic premise is that the body operates through a network of chemical and electric signals. They are sent from and to the brain by the nervous system and the spinal cord. All organs are controlled by the brain and the nervous system. Furthermore, every muscle is controlled by, and connected to, the nervous system.
If something interferes with these electrical messages, the muscles can become weak. NRT involves many of the testing principles of Applied Kinesiology, but the system of diagnosis is different. An underlying principle of Nutrition Response Testing is that many symptoms are caused by an imbalance. When the imbalance is addressed properly, the body's computer can work correctly and clear up the symptom.
Let's say the chiropractor detects active reflexes in the liver or kidneys. With his or her comprehensive knowledge about nutrition, the patient can be given an individualistic dietary plan to follow. This will include specific supplements. When the balance is corrected, the reflexes will become strong and the kidneys or liver are able to work properly, thereby improving health.
When NRT is administered, there are numerous medical problems that can benefit. Some typical ones are food allergies, fungal infections, parasite infestations, weak immune systems, fatigue (extreme, severe and chronic), abdominal pain, a range of digestive problems, and skin rashes. NRT can be defined as a way of restoring the proper flow of energy by implementing a nutritional plan after studying certain parts of the body. A NYC chiropractor explains Nutrition Response Testing in this way.
More Information:
Want to learn more about Nutrition Response Testing, then discover NYC Chiropractor, Dr. Louis Granirer's holistic chiropractic website and learn how to improve your health.
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Sunday, June 12, 2016
What Pro-Athletes Know That Can Help You Be Your Best!
![]() -Nate What Pro-Athletes Know That Can Help You Be Your Best! by Dr. Tim Ercikson What Pro-Athletes Know That Can Help You Be Your Best! Dr. Tim Ercikson We've all heard the saying "no pain-no gain," especially when it comes to personal training and exercise programs. What if you discovered that you could substantially improve your athletic abilities with one simple step that could eliminate pain, improve your performance, and make your training a breeze? Millions of today's recreational and professional athletes, who are performing at all levels, are adding chiropractic adjustment plans to their workout regimen to help them accomplish their goals! ![]() A recent study found that athletes who underwent regular chiropractic care enjoyed a 10% improvement in their overall performance time and results compared to athletes who were not under chiropractic care. World-class athletes like Evander Holyfield, Emmit Smith, Terrell Owens, Barry Bonds, Lance Armstrong, the U.S. Woman's Soccer Team and others know that chiropractic care can give you the extra edge you need in your athletic performance and in life. In fact, many amateur and professional athletes would not consider competing without being adjusted by their chiropractor. Dan O'Brien, a Word and Olympic Decathlon Champion stated "You obviously can't compete at your fullest if you're not in alignment. Chiropractic is essential for me and my training routine." Arnold Schwarzenegger agrees that bodybuilders and fitness people have been using chiropractors extensively in order to stay fit and health. He found that it was better to go to a chiropractor before you get hurt. He believes that the world of fitness and the world of chiropractors are a perfect team. Just think about it. A ten percent improvement in performance is a Huge Amount for an athlete or for anyone. It can mean the difference between running a 10 second hundred meter dash or an 11 second hundred meter dashand for a runner that's the difference between winning the race versus not even making the team. World class athletes are challenging their mental and physical boundaries everyday. They keep track of their abilities and performance in connection to their basic wellness quotient. These athlete don't wait until they feel the pain or lose a step. They carefully tune their bodies with chiropractic adjustments for wellness and peak performance. Could you imagine the influence on your life every area of your abilities improved by only 10%! Can you imagine if your immune system functioned 10% better and you got 10% more energy, sleep and nerve results? What if your body could function at a ten percent higher level? The difference over a period time would be startling! It's no wonder the best athletes get routine chiropractic checkups along with their families. Actually, anyone can heal more quickly and improve their athletic potential. Learn the benefits of the world athletes and participate in true health and wellness. Make the most of your training, and make chiropractic care a part of your basic training today! Plainfield residents need a ( Plainfield Chiropractor, and Doctor Tim Erickson of Symmetry Chiropractor is ready to deal with pain relief, well-being and wellness, and personal care for your whole family. ( Plainfield Chiropractor for better well-being. Source:
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